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6 Jan 2020 20:16 |
Dear All
Just in time for "Twelfth Night".
May you have peace, good health and joy in your lives.
Take gentle care of yourselves and each other. Love Elizabeth, EOS xx
6 Jan 2020 21:17 |
Gill no no man glitter just yet another string of lights.
Strange man tying bins to the gates. A notorious road you live in now.
Mandy enjoy your shop tomorrow. I am not sure I thanked you for your card I think I was in the middle of packing when I got it. Thank you anyway.
Elizabeth peace joy good health and much love to you for 2020. Thank you for your good wishes.
Mel Fairy Godmother
6 Jan 2020 22:05 |
Your ten years out Anning.
Burnt my fingers tonight with hot fat. The two middle ones on my right hand. I licked them as soon as I could. I dropped the spatula in the hot fat. I did'nt realise I had it on ready for the eggs and it had gotten a bit hot. No real blisters but they are sore.
Mel Fairy Godmother
7 Jan 2020 09:41 |
Morning all,
Dull and dreary as usual here and I think it has rained inthe night as the car looks wet but I hav'nt been out yet. I know the ground is or was still very soggy yesterday. I don't think it can take much more water. When you walk on it it makes a noise.
Donkey day today and I am just going to Morrisons and maybe up the High St. for a brouse about and see if I can get another one of the things I lost for oh. I maybe able to get one of the things in The Factory Shop if they have any left but the best one I bought in Lidl and they only seem to have their things at certain times of the year.
Hope you all slept well and that Vera's migraine has now passed and she is feeling better. Thinking of Jane always...... <3
Mel Fairy Godmother
7 Jan 2020 09:44 |
O I meant to say only one big blister on the top knuckle of my longest finger this morning and it looks like wax. Bet its going to be sore when it breaks. :-(
7 Jan 2020 10:07 |
Thanks Mel I have edited the post.
Very grey here but occasional sun to brighten it. Hoping to catch the bus in to town if we ever get going!! :-D
7 Jan 2020 10:38 |
Good morning Mel, Ann, and all,
Dreary old morning here also. We had rain yesterday evening so might have passed it down to you Mel. lol lol
Had a fair nights sleep, Woke for the loo at 3.30. (normal) Soon went back to sleep, and woke at 6.45. laid in with my eyes shut until 8.00 am.
I bet that burn will be sore Mel, If I burn my fingers I put them in COLD WATER. It takes the burning away.
Bin day today, they were very late this morning 9.30. They are normally here before 7.00, Only paper and plastics today, as no garden waste. plus the food caddy.
I have had a bowl of cereal again this morning. Lamb Steaks for tonight, with Roasts and veg. I might even make an Apple Crumble, as I have found a bag of Bramley's in the fridge draw.
Enjoy your DONKEY DAY Mel, Don't spent too much. ;-) ;-) ;-)
See you'll later. xxxxx
Mel Fairy Godmother
7 Jan 2020 12:02 |
You sound much brighter for your good nights sleep Frank. Don't go overdoing it today.
I liked my burns as soon as I did it and then put them under cold water.
Frank did you see that the Father Brown series is on again each day. The one with Mark Williams and I think you used to watch those some time ago. they are light hearted little programs with no swearing and good characters and a bit funny too.
7 Jan 2020 15:12 |
Afternoon all
Mum's been around to give us our Anniversary card and present, it's not until Friday but she has an appointment and couldn't make it here then. She's given us a plant but I don't know what it's called. It's got a lovely red flower with a long bit in the middle in yellow. Does anyone know what it is as I'm not sure weather to put it with some other plants I've got in a south facing window or if it needs a bit of shade. It's a lovely plant, so I don't want to kill it by not looking after it properly.
Lewis is going to love the Magic Pad Mandy, Sandra had another go of her's yesterday. A word of warning though, once you get the little screw out of the battery pack, don't put the screw back in as it's difficult to get out again and may break the pack. I've stuck Sandra's down with some paper tape which is working nicely and doesn't come off like sellotape can.
Sorry to hear you've burnt your finger Mel, hope it heals soon. Good luck finding the things you need for your OH. You'll probably find the originals once you've bought them again, isn't that always the case? ;-) ;-)
Nice to see you had a decent nights sleep Frank, that should make you feel much better now. How is Ros?
So you have more lights in your conservatory now AnnG, it'll be like Christmas is still with you. Sandra will be envious, she loves lights and misses her Christmas tree already. Hope you find some bargains around town with all the sale that are on.
Mum informed me earlier that my sister wants to be in total control of selling mum's bungalow when she dies and not let me be involved. Mum wanted to know what I thought of it. I said I'd rather sell it with her, so I'll just have to wait and see what they both agree on. I did tell mum that I felt like my sister was pushing me out, but mum didn't see it that way. She did say she'll tell my sister that we'll both sell it together, but whether that will happen or not, who knows.
7 Jan 2020 15:13 |
Just back from town, had a coffee and then a look round Debenham, couldn't find anything I liked in the jumble sale there. some of the clothes must have come out of the archives. Principles and Craghoppers occupy half od the ladies wear floor now, no wonder they are going down.
Did buy a pair of shoes maroon/red suede flat with a chunky heel reduced from £19.99 to £10 in M&S. Very smart so good for going out. I actually rarely wear any shoes but boots or trainers.
Had lunch in Wetherspoons, steak day, we both had an 8oz Sirloin cooked rare (although we know their rare is usually towards medium so very pink but not overdone). The steaks were really tender, best we have had in a long time, I had jacket, peas, tomato and mushroom with mine, OH had the same but chips instead of jacket, we both had a 175 glass of Shiraz and the total was £16.40. Extremely good value.
7 Jan 2020 16:50 |
That was a really good price for your meals AnnG and with a glass of Shiraz each.....bargain. I bet you'll be going back there again. :-)
Your shoes sound lovely I like the sound of the colour, just my type, that and black. You can't go wrong with a pair of black shoes, I think they go with pretty much anything, but it's also nice to have some coloured shoes too as they set an outfit off just right if they match in colour.
I've had quite a lazy day today with mum calling round, I'd done the polishing before she turned up and finally sorted out the coffee table, everything seems to be put on there so it needed a good sort out. I'm just going to have a bath before dinner, there was quite a bit of dust on the table and it went on my hair, so that needs washing now,
Sandra going to have a bath to as it helps her knee, she hasn't got many pain killers left to take now so I'm hoping she's not going to be in to much pain when she's finished them, if she is we'll need to take her back to the doctors as it's been quite a while now, so the pain should of eased off a bit. Mum brought all her Christmas cards around for Sandra, she likes to cut them up for her card making, but she was up and down and also decided to sit on the floor, so it's no wonder her knee is playing her up. She'll need to rest it again tonight and tomorrow now.
Better go and check my bath, I don't want it overrunning and going over the top onto the floor.
Mel Fairy Godmother
7 Jan 2020 18:25 |
Back and all unpacked and had a cuppa and a cake. I'm really hungry tonight. Oh has his usual curry and I have mince and mash with cabbage saved from the other day when I made the sheep sh*t pie. Thought that was a good idea as I don't much like the ready meals.
I did buy oh aother of the little things I lost. It was a copper coloured usb cable and I bought it before he had his new pc so I think he was quite pleased with it.
The winds up here and its started to feel chilly so I have turned the heating on. Its not been on all day as oh never has it on during the day if I am out. He dos'nt feel the cold like I do.
Mel Fairy Godmother
7 Jan 2020 18:26 |
O Gill it sounds like your plant is a Hybiscus.
7 Jan 2020 18:46 |
Evening all,
Dry today ,no frost but chilly with the wind again .
Thank you Elizabethofseasons peace, good health to you too for 2020.
I've got lots of jobs done today ,AnnG it's friday when i go shopping with DIL ,i gave the shower a good clean ,got the duster behind some of the rads , stripped the bed off and got that all washed , got the loo floor mopped and made a stew for tonight .
Ouch Mel i hope the fingers not to sore and the blister doesn't pop ,some times they just dry and don't pop if they are not to big a blister . Hope you managed to find what you were looking for for OH ,i bet the other one will turn up now ,oh just read that you got one .
Thanks Gill i'll check on the screws for the Magic Pad . Sandra will be happy with the christmas cards to cut up for her card making Gill ,her knee must be feeling a bit better if she can get down on the floor .
AnnG your shoes sound nice and were a bargain ,we like Wetherspoons too ,son likes to go when it's curry day .
That's good you had a better night Frank ,yes give Father Brown a go they are nice little tales i'm sure you would like it .
Now i need to pick all your brains , son gave us a little hamper with two mugs , cookies and tea in a couple of years ago so we gave it back last year with teas,coffee's and hot chocolate in ,this year it came back to us again with all sorts of chews, biscuits and a toy for Max ,i need some ideas as to what to put in this year ,i did think i might do all baking things as they love making cakes but any ideas would be great . Another thing i thought of was spices or packet mixes ,i think it's lovely passing it back each year and thought i could start buying some thing each week so long as the date is ok on it .
7 Jan 2020 19:18 |
The plant does sound like a Hibiscus Gill. Look it up on google to compare.
Mandy, if they cook some spices would be a good idea, I am sure you can find some with a long date to buy early then nearer the time you could buy maybe naan bread coconut cream,chutneys etc
7 Jan 2020 19:45 |
Thank you for your New Year wishes Elizabeth. I hope you and yours have a peaceful, healthy and very happy 2020.
My head is much better but I am still being a bit careful so won’t stay online for long.
I love the sound of your shoes AnninG. Lovely colour and a very good price. I have terrible problems with “going out” shoes as I have a wide foot with a high instep and shoes from M & S and other chains just don’t fit. Shoes that fit are usually what I call granny shoes but a few years ago I found a specialist shop and they have a lovely range of styles for all sorts of feet, but of course they are very pricey.
I hope your poor blistered fingers aren’t too sore Mel.
Gill, is your plant an outdoor or indoor plant? Like Mel, I thought of hibiscus but, if it’s an indoor plant, could it be anthurium?
Mandy, this is just an idea. Last Christmas I needed to find a present for a family I didn’t know very well: Mum, Dad and two children aged 9 and 13. I did a sort of hamper for a family afternoon in. I put in a packet of scone mix, a pot of strawberry jam and some long life cream, a packet of chocolate biscuits, some tea bags and a couple of soft drinks. That was for their afternoon tea and I also included some pretty paper napkins and a card game that the whole family could play. They seemed to like it.
Going to rest my eyes again now. Hope you all sleep well tonight.
Mel Fairy Godmother
7 Jan 2020 21:20 |
Mandy do they have a nice garden with a veg patch? You could put some seeds in it and gardening gloves and a trowel or if they feed the birds lots of different bird foods and little feeders that the children could look after and record the birds they see. There's lots of ideas. How about a rainy day box with cards, marbles tiddleywinks and dice and ludo or snakes and ladders and jax or 5 stones etc.
Popping corn and cake mixes and cup cake papers and a wooden spoon and greaseproof paper and a baking tin.
Or what about lots of photographs of when daddy was young?? DIL would like that too as well as the children. You cold make it a history hamper and put a small photo album in it so they can put the pics in it.
7 Jan 2020 21:21 |
I Googled the plant Mel and it's an Anthurium Red Christmas Houseplant, I just need to Google how to look after it now. Thanks for mentioning the Hibiscus Mel and AnnG, I Googled that first and they do look very similar. At first I thought it was the right one until I looked closer and realised it wasn't, that's when I Googled red flowering winter houseplants and found the right one. Both plants are very pretty. I do need to know more about the Anthurium though, as I haven't got a clue how to look after them and I would be very upset if it died through me doing something wrong. It's only in a small pot at the moment and I don't know what type of soil it would need, or when it's needs putting into a larger pot, or even when to pot it up, so lots to research before I do anything. At the moment I have it standing in a bowl of water, but that maybe wrong as it might not like being constantly wet and prefer to be dry. Like I said lots to research to keep it alive.
I've just done a quick Google on how to look after it and apparently they like sunlight but not direct sunlight which is good as I have blinds that are always shut so it's in the right position and they like to be watered thoroughly but aloud to dry out slightly before it's watered again. So it looks like I've done everything right so far. All I need to Google now is how big they grow and when to re-pot them, then I think I've covered all the points I need.
Just going to watch a programme I've had on pause for 15 minutes. I'll catch up with the posts tomorrow.
Thanks again everyone for your help on what the name of the plants was.
7 Jan 2020 21:29 |
Evening All,
Best wishes and good health to you in 2020 too Elizabeth.
Much warmer today but we had rain overnight and when we went out so I must remember to drain my plant trays tomorrow
Mel that must have been a nasty burn to come up like that. It will be sore when it bursts as you say.
Like with most places I think appearances can be deceptive AnnG. Our visitors say how lovely it is and with no children or teenagers and they wish they lived here! lol. I thought things had settled once the new places were built but there seems to be an ongoing feud now but I don't think it is worth ending up with police having your dispute on record with warnings sent! OH told the neighbour who told us about it he is taking our bin out holding a WHITE FLAG now!! Your lunch sounded very good value and it's nice when you find some shoes you like. Trainers are comfy and great for walking and you do quite a lot. I still have a couple of pairs.
Yes Gill, it is so difficult to find just the right place and it has to be better than where you are in some way or you might as well stay put. I think having a clearout and doing a bit of updating here that will help with a sale if we find somewhere is the way forward at the moment! :-S
Mandy has he asked for a Bin Lorry cake again? :-D The magic pad like Sandra had sounds like a good present for him. I hope you find some clothes and some shoes for yourself on Friday. We found it much quieter everywhere today now the children are back at school and most people back at work.
Glad you got more sleep last night Frank. You sound more chipper which is good, so I hope you enjoy your meal tonight and have another good night.
My new Pressure Cooker came today and it is much better than the old one but the instructions are awful and refer to bits it hasn't got (probably another model!) . There is no trivet or basket with it and no recipe book like with my old one. I have made double portions of a chicken casserole in it tonight and it was so quiet compared to my old one and the lid is much easier to remove. Half is in the freezer now it's cooled and we will have the rest tomorrow if OH can eat. We have an early start for us tomorrow as he has an early hospital appointment about a couple of his teeth that need taking out.He's not sure whether it is to discuss what they will do another time or actually do it, but he wants me to just drop him off and wait at Morrisons till he calls me to pick him up. I feel bad about not going with him, but now they have the new A&E department you can't walk in that way and it means a long walk the length of a big hospital, after a long trek from the car park which I can't do.
Better get to bed now.
Mel Fairy Godmother
7 Jan 2020 22:34 |
Pleased you like your new pressure cooker Ann. Could you go online and see if there are any recipes on there for the modle you have. You may also be able to buy the trivits and basket.
Good luck for G tomorrow.
I have taken a pic of my blister!! Will send it tomorrow as I want to get ready for bed now and watch a bit of telly.
See you all in the morning night night.