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Birthday Girls - 2011

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syljo Report 4 Feb 2013 14:13

Here we are again, as happy as can be, all good pals and jolly good company. Isn't it amazing how we can remember such songs from our young days.The male nurse who comes to help me sometimes was 21 in the week and I sang to him "I'm 21 today, I've got the key of the door.....". He had to laugh.
I came back on here because I want to tell you that I have now received birthday cards from Sue and Rosalyn. Thank you girls, they are very nice.
Another thing is, please write to me with my new address (now 18 months old) because my cards may get lost in the future. All that work and then the card going astray, none of that please!
Sylvia xxx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 7 Feb 2013 23:45

Sylvia, did a lot of cards go to your old address???? I will either send an email to the ladies who sent to the wrong address or if it is a few, I will send out an email to everyone. So only 3 missing now which is very good.

Weather here cold and sunny, so that is nice - but snow forecast for the weekend. I am off to house sit for the week so I really hope there is not any as my daughters house is up a very narrow lane and even a 4x4 cannot get up when it really snows have to rely on the farmer with his tractor clearing some of it. Last time it snowed it was 3 days before they could get out the lane, then there is no shops in their village and it is a 3 mile trip to the next village with a little store that had ran out of everything!

I will send out the list of cards received by Sue over the weekend.

Hugs Joxx


syljo Report 9 Feb 2013 10:46

Good morning all,
Ah, poor Jo, I hope you don't have the weather we have this morning. Yes, snow, snow and more snow. I was going out but am not sure if I really want to now.
The poor birds don't know whether it is summer or winter, one day bright sunshine and the next thick snow..
See you soon, love Sylvia xxx


syljo Report 13 Feb 2013 19:44

Hi, where are you all?
Perhaps you are in the sun, not like me in the cold.
Sue glad you liked the card, especially your husband. Tell him the photo is me and not you.
I've been busy making cards this last week and now have a nice collection to send out.
I didn't know whether or not to go out today, but I did go out and ended up with buying myself a new pair of pants and a top. That's the way the money goes,. pop goes the weasel!
I looked quickly at the market but it was too cold to hang around.
We are still having trouble with internet and our telephone. During the day we don't have these services, but they come on around 7 pm and go off again before we go to bed.
I hope we get some joy soon as I am sick of no internet during the day.
Now everybody see you soon, keep warm.
Apparentley Almere. where we live, had the most snow in the whole of the Netherlands. I have never seen so much snow fall.
Love, Sylvia xxx


AnninGlos Report 13 Feb 2013 22:02

Hi Sylvia, I hope your snow soon disappears, we have been lucky here really, only had one lot and not much even then. We have had some cold wet sleety days though. Still all the staying in gives us time to make cards.

Strange how we can always find clothes we really really need when we go out isn't it?


syljo Report 14 Feb 2013 20:18

Hi Ann and all the rest of you birthday girls,
Well I didn't know whether to go out or not yesterday but when I saw the snow falling yet again today I am pleased that I did my shopping yesterday.
My hairdresser came and gave me a permanent today and my household help came and did lots of things including ironing, cleaning fridge etc. It's amazing what you can do in 4 and a half hours.
Yes, Ann, I have been making a lot of cards too. It's nice to have so many in hand.
Yesterday I bought myself a nice pair of trousers - green stretch and a top in blue. Now that I have lost so much weight I find it difficult in finding my size again.
Well have a nice eveing see you tomorrow
Syl xxx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 19 Feb 2013 00:30

Here I am back from my house sitting. We had lots and lots of snow. Animal sitting did not go well, one of the chickens died. Tried everything to keep it alive as the vet thought it had respiratory failure, kept it in a box by the aga with food and water for 3 days, but it still died. Dreaded telling the children as was not sure whose chicken it was, I'm afraid to say I cannot tell them apart, but they knew straight away which one it was!! Did not get much card making done I am afraid to say although I had taken plenty with me, just could not get in the right frame of mind.
Weather here today has been lovely, very cold but so sunny, love winter days like this hope you have all had a great day.



syljo Report 23 Feb 2013 21:11

Hallo Jo and all the other girls,
Condolences Jo on losing one of the chickens you were looking after.
How quiet it is on this thread at the moment. Is it too cold for you lot?
I cannot get internet for long it keeps falling away. On Monday we have yet another mechanic coming to see where the problem lies. I am sick of it not being able to talk to you girls and look things up.
I went to the shops today and it was bitterly cold, but I cannot stay in every day.
I have made a lot of cards and sorted my hobby room out a lot.
The weather forecast is good as they say it is getting warmer.
W've had no birthdays for a long time.
Keep well, keep warm, see you soon.
Sylvia xxx


syljo Report 24 Feb 2013 19:58

Well what do you think? Yes, that cold, wet, white stuff is here again. Yes, when Johan drew the curtains today I couldn't believe it when I saw everything was white again.
I am so pleased that I didn't have to go out again, yesterday was cold enough for me.
Come on girls who is going to keep the thread going again?
Sylvia xxxa

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 24 Feb 2013 21:51

Sorry Sylvia, have had one of my granddaughters staying for 3 days so no computer during her stay!! Weather here is bitter cold as well, snowed yesterday, but did not last long settled over night but cleared this morning. BUT it is so so cold, just cannot get warm today. Sylvia, you could come over here and sort out my crafting goodies, they are all over the place, I really need to spend a couple of days sorting them all out. Also need to make some more cards made have all the materials but just cannot seem to get started. Get my crafting goodies out then have to pack them all back away for one reason or another, really need to convert one of the spare bedrooms into a crafting room. Only trouble is they are used so often for the grandchildren to stay that I would be forever packing it away in there as well. I will get all my crafting sorted out, think I need to do what Jean did and get rid of anything I will not use, would at least cut down on the storage space. Have lots of things that I have never used, they seemed like a good idea when I bought them!! :-(
Have a good week everyone and try to keep warm



syljo Report 26 Feb 2013 20:09

Hi all,
Last Saturday when I was out I was interviewed by a reporter from a newspaper on scootmobiles. "Do I go too fast on my scooter". Ask a silly question and you get a silly answer I say. There is a lot of trouble here at the moment with oldies and young ones tearing round the town and making the public scared. I find that the public do daft things, such as diving out in front of me and hope that I don't hit them. I told the reporter this and he laughed.
Anyway, my daughter who lives in Eindhoven - some 2 hours drive from here, phoned me yesterday and said my photo was on the front page of their newspaper. Her partner sent me the photo via the internet, but it wasn't me, although the story well.
At last I'm in the paper but the wrong photo!
Now the snow has almost gone and the weather forecast is good - hoorah, nearly time for those sumer clothes to leave the mothballs.
Have a nice evening,
Sylvia xxx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 27 Feb 2013 12:48

Cold but lovely and sunny here today. Have spent the morning looking for a knitting pattern I have misplaced!! It should have been in the bag with the wool I bought at the same time, but the wool is there but not the pattern, so off now to hunt some more.
We have a problem in our village with mobility scooters going too fast on narrow pavements in fact several people have been warned and told they will be prosecuted if caught again. One was clocked at doing over 25mph! no idea how the scooters manage to go that fast. :-S

Have a good day


syljo Report 28 Feb 2013 16:07

Hallo all,
First of all Sue how did you come to send my daughter an e-mail. Was it Facebook?
I have been in all day although the weather is improving. Actually saw the sun poking through the clouds. So this month we will be inviting Spring into our homes.
I now have an appointment with the specialist at the hospital who is going to implant some magnets into my mouth to keep the dentures in. I do feel that things are now moving.
How quiet you all are!!!!!!!!!!
I had the sad news from England that a younger cousin of mine has died. Yes, the family is getting smaller and smaller. I do wish I could get to England again but I don't see that happening at the moment. I am now getting itchy feet to go further afield.
Now girls have a nice evening. See you son.
Love, Sylvia xxx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 28 Feb 2013 23:31

Sylvia, your daughter sent her message to me by replying to a birthday reminder on your computer. She included her email address on the message. It is therefore on the Yahoo group messages page which anyone on the group can read. I assume she got it from here. But you would need to ask her and I am not sure if either Sue comes on here.

Good to hear that they are finally sorting out your teeth, will make eating so much better for you.


AnninGlos Report 3 Mar 2013 15:27

Hello Sylvia and Jo (and anyone else who pops in here.) We are just back from a week in South Devon. Had a lovely apartment overlooking the River Dart to Dartmouth and the R Naval college, a beautiful view. We had a good week but it was bitterly cold. We managed to get out and about but didn't stay out of the car long unless we were in the shops.
I took my card making stuff with me but didn't seem to get time to make any. I did make a back to a baby's sweater so got something done other than reading and watching TV.
It was lovely here yesterday but today it is really cold again and very dull and grey. I do hope that we are going to see spring soon. All the spring flowers are out in the garden which is a start.
Sorry to hear about the chook Jo, sad for whoever's it was to come home to, bet you felt guilty too.
Anyway hope all are well and not too cold. :-) :-)


syljo Report 11 Mar 2013 15:44

Hallo girls,
Well I had to go to hospital again today as I had lost some blood where I shouldn't have lost it. The district nurse saw it and set the ball rolling. I am to go into hospital again next Monday for an examination. I may have to stay in for a few days or more, depending on what they find. Anyway I have made plenty of cards now so should be able to keep going ith sending birthday cards.
What cold weather we are having. The poor birds thought it was Spring when we had those few warm days and the Dpting bulbs are all showing through. Maybe it will be nice for Easter. Next Sunday Johan and I will be 57 years married. Oh where have the years gone to?
Johan is begnning to feel his age now. I hope he can keep going for another 3 years then we can have a party - 90 years birthday and 60 years marriage. We would then get the mayoress for coffee.
Hope you are all fit and well.
Love Sylvia xxx


JustJean Report 11 Mar 2013 16:09

Congratulations Sylvia, J and I have just celebrated our 57th anniversary and said the same words as you ,hope we make it three more years.....

sorry to hear that you have to go into hospital, hope it all gets sorted with the minimum of fuss and you get back home quickly, I have just been notified I have to go to see someone at the Oral Surgery dept this month , my dentist saw a white patch on my gum, so we shall have to see what happens... luckily I had all my B/G cards done and now am in the middle of doing some Easter cards, take care, I will remember you and your OH in my prayers.

Love Jean xx <3


AnninGlos Report 11 Mar 2013 16:18

Sylvia and Jean, Jeff and Johan, positive thinking please, of course you will make it to 60 years. :-) :-)

Sylvia, sorry you have to go for more tests, I hope the solution to the problem is an easy one, as you say, good job you are ahead with your cards. I am having a day off card making today and am on the second scrap book page of grandson's wedding last year.

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 15 Mar 2013 21:38

I agree with Ann, positive thinking will get you both to your 60th Wedding anniversary, 3 yrs will fly by ;-) ;-) Cannot believe that Johan will be 90 as well in 3 yrs!!
Sylvia hope the tests all go well for you and you do not have to stay in hospital too long. Will be thinking of you.

Jean hope it all turns out well for you as well at the Oral clinic

I am afraid I have not been card making but have been spending my spare time knitting dolls clothes for one of the granddaughters she has so many dolls that all need clothes she tells me. Looking on ebay for some more different patterns.

Have a lovely weekend all of you


syljo Report 23 Mar 2013 19:10

Hallo all,
Yes, it's lil ól me again. I only had to spend one night in hospital thank goodness. I had to share my room with a man and that for me is offputting to say the least.
Anyway they couldn't find anything wrong with my intestines. I had to drink 6 litres of that horrible stuff to clear your bowels for an investigation. I thought when I had drunk one litre I was finished but no I had another 5 litres to drink.
Johan had his birthday yesterday and I had it all wrong again. He was 88 and not 87. What a stupid old fool I am.
I just couldn't think what to buy him. Books, books, books/. Yes, but he bringslots of books home from the library every week and at 88 has read most of the ones he wants to read. I had this wonderful idea of buying secondhand books on the internet. We have Marktplaats, which I believe is something like Ebay. I managed to find 5 books so asked the dealer for a good price and he took 1 Euro off each book. I couldn't resist an English book called DEAD CAT. This gives 100 uses for a dead cat. Very funny.
Today a sister and brother in law of Johan's came so I had to be busy cooking. I prefer to have everybody on one day but that is not always possible.
I have now lost 30 kilos in weight and all my trousers just fall off me, so must buy some new ones. I was going to the dressmaker to have the others altered but my daughter said it is not worth it.
It is bitterly cold here at the moment. Last year we had the hottest day of the year and this year we have the coldest I think.
Now have a nice eveing.
Sylvia xxx