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Birthday Girls - 2011

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syljo Report 2 Dec 2012 14:49

Glad you liked it Jean. I have posted all the birthday girls a card, now for my friends and family overseas, and then last but not least those friends etc. here in the Netherlands. Yes, I have a lot of cards to make and none the same!!!
I bought myself a wollen hat with flaps going over the ears yesterday as it is so cold on my scootmobile.
Now girls keep warm, don't work too hard. Sylvia xxx


AnninGlos Report 2 Dec 2012 14:53

And you take care on that scooter Sylvia :-)

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 2 Dec 2012 22:09

Sylvia, thank you for the beautiful card, my first this year and it is so lovely, would love to know where the stitching pattern for the holly leaves came from, so useful.


AnninGlos Report 5 Dec 2012 15:26

Sylvia thank you for my card as well it is so cute.

Beginning to feel guilty now because I have already received two cards from B girls that I haven't sent to. But I did say, I have sent about 100 uk cards plus 6 overseas, to send another 20 odd cards would boost the cost a lot so sadly I have to stick to what I said originally.


syljo Report 6 Dec 2012 19:49

Hi all,
Yesterday I went out to the market as it was nice and sunny, and what happened. Well, the sun turned to snow and I came home like a snowman, or should that be snow-woman?
Today stayed in to finish off some more cards. All the overseas cards are away but a few left for the netherlands to finish and then to buy the Xmas tree and decorate the room.
I'm staying in tomorrow and Johan is having his eye operation for cataracts. I should have this op too but have put it aside for a while,
The weather should be very bad tomorrow with lots of snow. Saturdag the weather is going to improve so will go out again then.
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. Love Sylvia xxx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 7 Dec 2012 20:06

Ann, lots of the girls said they were sending to everyone and lots said just their group of 6, so don't feel guilty. Thank you for your lovely card Ann.
Sylvia I would imagine you looked great as a snowman!! We had snow this morning but it didn't settle as there had been too much rain during the night.
Still not finished my Christmas cards, but getting there - hope to get in the post Monday.

Love Joxx


syljo Report 11 Dec 2012 20:15

Hi all,
Our snow looked very pretty but only lasted one day.
I went out on my scootmobile on the Saturday slipping and sliding everywhere, no problem, but when I went into a book shop my steering column did funny and the scooter went out of control. I shot through the bookshop knocking down books and video tapes. What a chaos! Blood was pouring from my left leg and a kind man sat on his knees and kept his finger on the wound for me until the emergency service came to me. I went to hospital in an ambulance once again. They also brought me home in an ambulance.
My scooter is now waiting for new parts so I am housebound! I asked today to borrow a scooter but they are all out at the moment.
I am so behind with my Xmas present shopping this year. However, all my cards have gone.
Thank you girls for the beautiful cards you have sent me.
My computer has been out of order for a few days so couldn't write before.
Bye for now. Syl xxx


AnninGlos Report 11 Dec 2012 20:24

Oh dear Sylvia what a nightmare. A good job you didn't hit anyone else but sorry to hear about your leg. Hope you get the scooter back soon.

Jo, many thanks for the lovely card it is so pretty.


AnninGlos Report 14 Dec 2012 21:52

Thank you Jill and Lynn for the Christmas cards.


syljo Report 19 Dec 2012 22:38

Hi all,
Well the mechanic repaired my scooter today, after me having to stay in all week. I did go with the taxi to the hospital but that's not freedom is it?
I've now bought some odds and ends to make a Xmas wreath for our front door so when my daughter comes on Friday with some more bits from her garden I can make a start. I know that she will have made a decoration for our table. This was her work when she was younger.
My granddaughter has been helping me with the last presents. She has come up with ideas for the men.
..... how many days to Xmas???
Love to you all, Sylvia xxx


syljo Report 23 Dec 2012 20:07

Hi all,
How quiet you all are. I am too because I have finished all my jobs now. I have a nice wreath hanging on the front door and a large table decoration and I have marzipaned and iced my Xmas cake. i did fall asleep whilst cooking dinner and burnt our meat and was cross with myself for this, but Xmas is just around the corner now.
The weather has turned so mild now.
Everybody have a wonderful Xmas and New Year. Sylvia xxx


AnninGlos Report 23 Dec 2012 21:13

Have a lovely Christmas Sylvia and a happy new year.

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 23 Dec 2012 22:09

Sorry ladies have been so busy with shopping and babysitting, not a spare minute to myself but am now almost up to date. All presents bought and wrapped cakes finished and some mince pies made, although some more to do tomorrow, cooking my ham in the morning - hopefully have not forgotten anything!!

Weather is awful as it is everywhere in the UK, rain, rain and more rain. Had difficulty getting back to the village because of all the flooding. Hope it is not too bad where you are.

Thanks to everyone for the lovely Christmas cards.


Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 24 Dec 2012 22:37

Evening ladies, just popping in to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a healthy and happy 2013
Love Joxx


syljo Report 30 Dec 2012 14:43

We have beautiful sunny weather, just like Spring here. My daughter bought me a little swing for the birds to play on and promptly I received a visit from a beautiful little robin. He was just perfect and I had not seen one here before.
We have had so many visitors here this last week, no sooner had the door closed on one lot when the other arrived, very busy, but nice to think we've not been forgotten.
I had Johan's youngest sister and her daughter yesterday they came around midday and went around 9.00 pm so was busy.
New Year will be quiet and then our visitors will come around on New Year's Day. A little peace then my birthday with all the visitors again.
Have a nice evening tomorrow and will see you in the New Year - next year.
Sylvia xxx


AnninGlos Report 30 Dec 2012 14:59

Sylvia, It is quite a nice day here today and mercifully for once it is dry, well the ground is soggy but it hasn't rained today. I am pleased that you have had so many people calling to see you, sounds as if you have enjoyed your festivities. A Happy New Year to all birthday girls. :-)


syljo Report 1 Jan 2013 14:39

Hi all,
beautiful New Year's Day here so thought I'd come and wish you all a Happy New Year whilst I have a lull in visitors.
Everybody keeps telling me how well I look, so I suppose I am. Even my granddaughter remarked on how well I looked when I visited her at work on Saturday last. Sylvia xxx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 1 Jan 2013 15:33

Happy New Year everyone hope you all have health and happiness in the year ahead.

Well its not rained here yet today, makes a lovely change, hopefully it will stay like this for a few days at least to allow the ground to dry out a little and for the flooding to go down, so many of the roads are still closed around here.

Sylvia do you want to do a new thread for this year of just change the header on this one might do just as well as it is not very long.



AnninGlos Report 1 Jan 2013 15:35

Lovely day here today, we actually got out for a walk this morning, just over 2 miles I'd guess but it was good to be out and not wet, at least only underfoot. :-)


syljo Report 7 Jan 2013 20:18

Hi all,
Wel it has been a grey day today so I started taking down some Xmas decorations. When my help comes tomorrow she can do the tree. I've bought a number of new plants to cheer up the place as I always think it looks so dull when the tree has been taken away. I have bought a miniature rose - orange colour, some primulas - for indoors and some hyacinths.
I have received a number of birthday cards and have hung these up. I will tell you who they are from next time I post. Anyway they are all beautiful girls and thank you.
What a lovely little girl you were Ann on your photo.
Love Sylvia xxx