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where abouts of Vincent Brown in Canada

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LadyKira Report 15 May 2010 13:16

Can I suggest you put together as much info as you can about his life in Canada.
Addresses etc
Using that we might be able to get further clues by looking at original documents. I have worldwide Ancestry even if I am still learning how to use it.
Also paste the info you had about his sister and where it came from.


Mason Report 16 May 2010 13:45

Hi LadyKira
All I know of Vincent Brown is he went to Canada 1912, with his older brother Albert Brown, Albert came back to Glemsford Suffolk in 1914. Vincent stayed and enlisted in the Canadian Army,reg no 311755,I had info; from Dee that he stayed with his sister Mrs Annie Black, at Milton, West, Ontario. this is on the Canada soldiers of war, 1914--1918 war,this record shows his correct birth place as Glemsford ,Suffolk,march 1895. Also a border crossing to the USA from Canada 1895--1956 arrival port Island pond, Vermont USA, so I dont know of a return, only of a failed siteing in the states, Ialways thought he retuRed to Canada, as my mother had an inheritance in the mid 1970 and that is allEVE


rootgatherer Report 16 May 2010 13:57


You can look at his enlistment papers here

As Ginny has already pointed out, his next of kin on the papers is Mrs Annie Black, 56 Rosebury Gardens, Harringay, London.

Annie is his next of kin, it does not say that he LIVED with Annie. Vincent's address on the papers is in Ontario.

If your mother had an inheritance from Vincent's estate it would appear that he never married or certainly it is unlikely that he had children. It doesn't look like he returned to England but remained in either Canada or the USA. It may be that there is no heirs or descendants of Vincent left in Canada or USA for you to find.


Mason Report 17 May 2010 14:57

Hi LadyKia
Thanks for replying so soon, I dont have any more info; but will you still keep looking for me? Do you have records for 1930s in for Ontario? Please can you keep in touch if you find any more information,its strange as he disappeared
thanks again



JaneyCanuck Report 17 May 2010 15:37

I'll just butt in here to say, in case no one has:

Records for Canadian provinces are not available for most of the 1900s. We have privacy legislation that protects the personal info of living (or presumed living) people.

No births access for 100 years -- so there is no way of searching for any children he had.

No marriage access for 75 years in Ontario -- Ancestry has them transcribed to 1926.

No deaths for 65 years - Ancestry has them transcribed to 1934.

All unless you are proved immediately family or the death of the person is proved.

I don't have paid access at now, and I imagine somebody with worldwide access has looked, but this is the marriages database:

Nothing there looks promising, I'm afraid.

The Canadian Legion's Last Post deaths database goes back only to 1987:

It is possible, though, that if he was an active Legion member, his local branch would have some record of him. The problem would be knowing where that was. There's no guarantee he returned to Milton after the war. However, if he was an actual farmer (and not farm worker), he may have done.

It is also possible to order his complete WWI military records, for photocopying charges of so-much per page. I would have to look up the details of how to do that, if you're interested. It tends to come to around $30-$40 from what I've heard (halve that for pounds).


Mason Report 18 May 2010 11:18

Hi JaneyCanuck
Thanks your your help in my search for Vincent Brown
he wasnt a farmer the family were farm workers. It looks as it
may come expensivefor this search, Thanks again


LadyKira Report 18 May 2010 12:11

Ok so this was sister Annie to get date and place of birth.

BROWN, Annie Daughter Single F 5 1876 Scholar
Suffolk VIEW


LadyKira Report 18 May 2010 12:16

these are the only Qnnie's coming up 1901

Household BECKETT, Annette E 1876 25 F Cosford Suffolk VIEW VIEW
Household CRICKMORE, Annie 1874 27 F Cosford Suffolk VIEW VIEW
Household PANNIFER, Annie 1879 22 F Cosford Suffolk VIEW VIEW
Household PARTRIDGE, Annie 1877 24 F Cosford Suffolk VIEW VIEW
Household SADLER, Annie 1873 28 F Tendring Essex VIEW VIEW
Household STEVENSON, Annie 1877 24 F Ipswich Suffolk


Mason Report 18 May 2010 15:21

Hi LadyKira

This is the right Annie 1876 Bildeston Suffolk Thanks


Mason Report 18 May 2010 15:59

Hi LadyKira
Not sure which AnnieI have viewed 3 possabilites,
Annie Pannifer1879 born Bildeston, Annie Partridge 1877
born Bildeston, Annie Sadler 1873 born Bildeston,
Allthese ladies were married. Thanks again


LadyKira Report 18 May 2010 16:13


1911 census - household transcription
Person: BECKETT, Annette
Address: 57 Myddelton Square
BECKETT, Eyra Sterdore Head Married M 39 1872 Free Church Minister Cumberland Whitehaven VIEW
BECKETT, Annette Wife Married F 36 1875 Suffolk Bildeston VIEW
STAPLETON, George Visitor Single M 28 1883 Stationers Assistant London


LadyKira Report 18 May 2010 18:54

public tree on ancestry with Abram brown and Elizabeth Taylor.


LadyKira Report 18 May 2010 18:58

These trees are not necessarily complete or accurate but if you are able to make contact they may have another piece of the puzzle.


LadyKira Report 18 May 2010 19:00


JaneyCanuck Report 18 May 2010 19:11


SCHWARZ ROSE ANNIE 1876 35 Edmonton Middlesex





(All found by combinations of searches w/o paying -- I haven't viewed the record.)

That all seems a bit of a coincidence!

>>>> Schwarz is German for Black.

Marriages Mar 1902
Bodman William Henry Pancras 1b 235
> Brown Rose Annie Pancras 1b 235
Mitchener Bertha Blanche K Pancras
> Schwarz Joseph Ernest Pancras 1b 235

Ta da!

When England went to war with Germany, they changed their name.

Births Jun 1875
Browne Rose Annie Cosford 4a 523


LadyKira Report 18 May 2010 19:20

My next step would be to try to track down other siblings

Here is one

1911 census - household transcription
Person: BROWN, Ethel
Address: Longford St Mansions Regents Park

PETTITT, Hannah Head Widow F 56 1855 Caretaker Lidgate Suffolk VIEW
PETTITT, John William Son Single M 27 1884 Motor Washer Middlesborough Yorkshire VIEW
PETTITT, Frederick Charles Son Single M 20 1891 Private Service Groom London St Pancras VIEW
BROWN, Ethel Visitor Single F 25 1886 Domestic Servant Housemaid Glemsford Suffolk


JaneyCanuck Report 18 May 2010 19:23

LK, were we cross-posting and you missed that scathingly brilliant bit of detective work of mine?!?


LadyKira Report 18 May 2010 19:25

oooh Jc I will check it out. I was looking for No 5


LadyKira Report 18 May 2010 19:30

1911 census - household transcription
Person: SCHWARZ, Rose Annie
Address: 56 Roseberry Gdr Harringay
SCHWARZ, Ernest Joseph Head Married M 33 1878 Compositor Printer Lucerne Switzerland Resident
SCHWARZ, Rose Annie Wife Married
9 years F 35 1876 Bildeston Suffolk


JaneyCanuck Report 18 May 2010 19:34

There are Black-Brown births in Chelmsford in 1911, 1914 and 1917. The first is an Ernest, so it might seem possible -- but:

- there would have been no reason for them to change their name before WWI
- in 1917 Annie was 42, and starting to have kids in 1911 when married in 1902 seems maybe unusual

No Schwarz-Brown births -- and the 1911 shows no children born, I guess.