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Thomas Webb

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jansmith Report 12 Apr 2008 06:21

Elaine did you know Dublin1911 census is online and FREE to search?
Once you find a name you can open household return form /enumerators pages.
You can even find out how many rooms in a house.
If you didn't find your family ,just to choose a name to look at and open the pages gives some insight as to living conditions etc.
Hope our 1911 is as useful when we get it!!


jansmith Report 12 Apr 2008 06:28

Well Kathleen don't know what family surname you had in Warminster but my children had a "Mr Bell" teaching them in primary school.
We don't come from this area,we moved here with my husbands job in 1987 so settled to Wiltshire life now.


jansmith Report 12 Apr 2008 06:44

Elaine well by the time you get back from your w/e away i will have driven through Earlstoke on my way to Devizes.
Its about 10mls from Warminster in the other direction from Kathleens "Stockton" .


Elaine Report 12 Apr 2008 08:57

Not quite gone yet as I couldn't resist another peek or is if fix before I went.
We have a copy of some church records from Earl Stoke church, dated 1822.
It mentions the baptism of Jonathan Lancaster on
17 nov 1822.
He was the son of John and Peninah--thats an unusual name.
John was born 1798
His father was called John, born 1755 and
his wife was Mary
That is as far back as we have gone so far as we have been busy searching for my favourite man.
If we ever make it to your part of the world, to vist Earl Stoke, you must let us take you out for a coffee or something.
Speak to you soon, Elaine


jansmith Report 12 Apr 2008 09:56

1851 census
they didn't stay in Earlstoke then
Name: Penina Lancaster
Age: 53
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1798
Relation: Wife
Spouse's Name: John
Gender: Female
Where born: Erle Stoke, Wiltshire, England

Civil Parish: Kings Norton
County/Island: Worcestershire
Country: England

Name: John Lancaster
Age: 50
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1801
Relation: Head
Spouse's Name: Penina
Gender: Male
Where born: Erle Stoke, Wiltshire, England

Civil Parish: Kings Norton
County/Island: Worcestershire

Name: William Lancaster
Age: 18
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1833
Relation: Son
Father's Name: John
Mother's Name: Penina
Gender: Male
Where born: Erle Stoke, Wiltshire, England

Name: Richard Lancaster
Age: 13
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1838
Relation: Son
Father's Name: John
Mother's Name: Penina
Gender: Male
Where born: Birmm, Warwickshire, England

Civil Parish: Kings Norton
County/Island: Worcestershire


jansmith Report 12 Apr 2008 22:14

might like to keep this to one side until you get the cert.
1881 censusName: Thos. Webb
Age: 8
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1873
Relation: Son
Father's Name: Wm.
Mother's Name: Mary
Gender: Male
Where born: Walford, Hereford, England

Civil Parish: Walford
County/Island: Herefordshire
Country: England

Street address: Sunny Bank

Household Members: Name Age
Annie Webb 15
Emma Webb 12
George Webb 18
Joseph Webb 8
Mary Webb 49
Thos. Webb 8
Wm. Webb 48


jansmith Report 13 Apr 2008 07:28

Elaine i see you have added George A as a brother be careful as Kathleen said a possible but looking at the page they are in surname order and George was born in Porton on water(? Bourton on the Water)


jansmith Report 13 Apr 2008 22:31

Name: Penina Lancaster
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1788
Year of Registration: 1866
Quarter of Registration: Oct-Nov-Dec
Age at Death: 78
District: Birmingham (1837-1924)
County: Warwickshire
Volume: 6d
Page: 36


jansmith Report 15 Apr 2008 22:30

Hi Elaine hope you had a good w/e and above details help with that branch of your tree!


Elaine Report 21 Apr 2008 17:18

Hello ladies,
back after a busy and exciting week.
We have now well and truly pegged Eliza, we have found her parents, her brother and sisters.
Her second marriage and all of her other children, at the last count she had William and Thomas then 7 more.
I have been sent the details from her wedding cert, it seems as if I had Thomas birth date wrong it is 1870, I said that I thought he was to old at 33.
I was looking at their photos again last night at mothers, and again talking to Eliza asking for her help and the strangest thing happened.
My mother looks after an old church, a man had come to look at it to see what needed doing to it to restore it. He later sent mum a postcard to thank her, on the front was a picture of a church, it was the one from Elizas village, he wasn't to know and if I had not just been putting her families place of birth on the tree then I would not have known where it was, so spooky.
Today I visited her local church, not the one on the postcard, I will go there next time if it ever stops raining, I got soaked looking round Welsh Newton church today.
I did find the grave of her son Thomas, and he was born on 10 march 1900, as we had thought after his father had died.
I also saw some of the graves of the children from her second marriage, but I couldn't find hers, perhaps it is at the other church or to worn to read.
So as I said she is well and truly pegged but naughty Thomas is still hiding.
We know from his wedding cert that he was born in 1870, he married on 3 July 1897, in Cardiff . He said he was a labourer and his father Charles was a collier, but once again we hit a brick wall with him and cannot find anything else.
Hope that you like the update, pay day will soon be here, Elaine


Elaine Report 21 Apr 2008 17:19

Whoops I forgot to say thank you for the Lancaster information but they are easier to find than Thomas, thanks again.


jansmith Report 21 Apr 2008 20:37

Hi Elaine glad you are back and have had some luck with the family.Can't do any searches tonight Ancestry won't open!


Elaine Report 21 Apr 2008 21:55

How did I manage the last few days without being on here.
I have been looking at the tree matches today after putting Elizas children up and I have found a family connection.
He has a lot of info on Elizas George, the Rogers, so I have been able to add that.
Sadly he isn't interested in Thomas but says he might have some scribbled notes somewhere,
He has on his tree that Thomas came from West Dean, yet another different place.
It is no wonder he was classed as missing in action as he is so good at hiding he is proberly still out there.
Waiting for another reply that has two name matches and they all come from Welsh Newton, so I'm still not giving up, I'll find him yet.


Elaine Report 21 Apr 2008 22:18

Another funny story from the tree
C.T 1853, went with his wife C,1845 to America
They had some children and then his wife died.
He found a new wife, considerably younger than himself, A, 1877, they had a baby. then she ran away with a laundry manager, leaving her child behind, she never saw her again but they both died on exactly the same day and year.
We have some naughty ones in the family, a neice ran away with her aunts husband,
I'm being good and not naming names, you never know who might be reading this.
Back to serious, last night I found out that dads cousin had died in the second world war, in India, his name was Charles Webb, he was Thomas Webbs grandson.
I had always believed that we were a lucky family as we had not lost anyone in the wars but last night I was told about poor Charles, he was so young, like a lot of them.
I class he ones that didn't make it home as lost parts of a tree because they should have been at home raising families.
Enough somber, I'll go and hunt up some more funny stories


KathleenBell Report 21 Apr 2008 22:33

Hi Elaine,

Glad you had a good weekend and found some information about your ancestors.

Just wanted to say that on the 1891 census there are only two Thomas Webb's with a connection to West Dean and they are both married. One born c.1840 and the other c.1862.

Are you certain that the match you have is for the correct Thomas?

Kath. x


Elaine Report 21 Apr 2008 23:52

thank you, perhaps he just is not ment to be found, if we stop looking I expect he will appear.
Yes it is the right match as they are all relations to George Rogers but as I said the owner is not interested in the Webb side of the tree so his info may be wrong again
No reply to the other match, and to date I can see that we have at least 7 names in common. He may be the missing link we are looking for, fingers crossed
If he doesn't want to share then it is up to him but to me that is part of the fun.
Before you say it, I know he may be at work or on holiday etc and I will have to wait.
I have sent a message and had a reply from my exbrother in law. My husband left me when I was three months pregnant and has never had any contact with his two sons since that day, and the youngest is coming up 17. I do hope the brother in law will give me some info to put on for the boys as I think they have a right to know something about that side of the family.
Going to check messages.


Elaine Report 22 Apr 2008 01:33

I have to share this with you both as it made me laugh.
My dear great grandmother, who i have been so worried about, as she had to work so hard to bring up two small boys on her own after she was widowed
She married George on 3 may 1905.
Mary Ellen was born in 1905,
how good is your maths
I think I can stop worrying about her as she must have had a shoulder to cry on, don't you think.
I think we can forgive her, she did have at least 9 children.
She made me laugh anyway, even worse, last night I said that i took after her !!


Carole Report 22 Apr 2008 15:50

I have been reading your entries and replies on the Webb saga, and have to add that I was a Webb and all of my Webb's came from the Hereford area.
I havn't pursued that side of the family for a few years...had decided to have a bash at my Mum's family for a change or book in to the nearest asylum !!

As you have noticed, the same names are passed from family to family and there are absolutely loads of Thomas, Charles, William etc. in this area.

My Webb's started in the Dilwyn area in the late 1600's...from there to Newton St. Margarets, Monmouth, Welsh Newton and dispersed literally everywhere.

I had a Gt.Grandfather Thomas Webb b in Madley,
who moved to Monmouth after his marriage, but his wife's name was Martha. They had two sons born in the Monmouth area - George Thomas b 1897 & William Charles b 1900 + four daughters, one being my Grandmother. They could be related to your little lot !

I think that George married in the Cardiff area, had twin girls, joined the RAF and was killed abroad. Havn't done any research on him.

I could go on and you now see that us Webb's are quite a challenging family to research !

Happy Hunting


Elaine Report 22 Apr 2008 17:45

Hello Carole,
I live very near to Madley and a good part of the family come from Welsh Newton.
My father is still a Webb and worked on a large country estate, on the other side of the hill was another family of Webbs, we often got people confused .
My grandfather was William, born 9/4/1898,
his brother was Thomas George, born 10/3/1900
Their father, Thomas, is the one we cannot find, there are just so many of them and as soon as you think you have one something changes or they are not on the original census, very strange family.
I wonder if our Webbs are related at all, especially the Welsh Newton ones.
Such a simple name but so frustrating.


Elaine Report 24 Apr 2008 17:47

Hello Ladies,
there aren't enough hours in a day or days in a week any more, what with work, wedding preperations, Dave wanting the garden sorted for when he moves here in October - I'm trying to do that, the children and my favourite new hobby.
Update Arthur did get in contact, lovely man and he is Elizas and Georges grandson.
I have also been contacted by another member of that side of the family but sadly none of them know anything about Thomas
I was then contacted by a lady and her great grandmother and my great great grandfather were brother and sister, it is all very exciting.
I have found out that both sides of the family started out (as far back as I have got ) from Wiltshire. I really will have to visit there wont I.
Carole, thank you for your kind offer, as you might have gathered I'm very new to all this, I only started at the begining of the month.
I have not been to the RO yet, most of my information so far has come from old family diaries and certs.
I don't really need any Webb marriages from Hereford as most of them came from Oxford, except dear Thomas and he was married in Cardiff.
The ones earlier than Thomas would be hard to find as we have no names to go on.
I would be very interested in visiting the RO, time allowing, Where is it please?
Going hunting again after tea, I wonder what I might find !