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8 Jan 2012 12:42 |
This post is really directed at Phil and his team.
I have been looking at the various posts on this subject and have been trying to find a common denometer.
I have not had any problems with logging on since October (YAH BOO SUCKS) so have been wondering why this should be affecting some people but not others.
Could this be an interaction between the Genes Software and GOOGLE?
I remmber a few years back that Google's Auto complete function was causing havoc on at least one other website and I have seen it reported that the amount of information Google remembers is somewhat intrusive.
I therefore resolved to remove as much "Google" from my Computer as I could, including the Toolbar etc. I actually replaced Goodle's toolvar with the own offered by my Firewall. This solved the problems for me
I may be barking completely up the wrong tree but perhaps an original thought may trigger a spark to help the developers to find the problem?
Just a thought :-)
8 Jan 2012 14:45 |
I have to log in every day - the scenario is the same as Sylvia's.
:-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(
8 Jan 2012 16:42 |
Although I have read recommendations to use chrome or firefox, and I do use them for using the internet most of the time, I have reverted to using IE7 for genes reunited as with the latter it does not sign me out and I do not have to log in. Funny ol' world ;-)
8 Jan 2012 21:15 |
I use Mozilla Firefox ........... to access which requires the Google page to appear.
Then I have to click on Bookmarks to access my marked sites, such as GR.
I do not have the Google Toolbar
I am not signed in to the "new" Google
I use the same process to access the site that must not be mentioned, GR's sister company FriendsReunited (parent company of GR, and now in the same stable), Facebook, FTF, etc etc ......... none of which give me the same problems as GR
The only one of those sites that does sign me out if I do not visit for several months is FTF ..................... 3 or 4 months appears to be the determining time! It most certainly does not log me out if I do not visit for an hour or a day or a week!
8 Jan 2012 21:32 |
I must add that neither have I been forced to get another email address in order to communicate with the powers that be on any other site
and yet that is exactly what I had to do last year in order to contact any aspect of GR operations, or staff.
For 18 months, I could communicate with them only on a thread on one fo the Boards
............... all emails from my personal email address bounced back immediately, and all communications by pm within the site went into the atmosphere. There is of course no notification that a pm has not reached the site.
I was then told that for some reason their server was refusing to accept anything from my server :-S ........... the suggested reason being that this happens when a company has had unwanted communications from someone. The company can then arrange for its server to refuse to accept communications from that person's server
Unfortunately, that also affects anyone else using the same server.
Estelle assures me that I was not the one blackballed ........ even though the problem began when I was half way through an email correspondence with her.
and that problem continues to this day.
8 Jan 2012 21:33 |
Re my previous post - :-| I had to log in using IE :-|
9 Jan 2012 01:46 |
Very interesting. That situation re emails happenned to me a few years ago. It generally happens when the email server concerned is detected as being the server where too many of its members are sending a large amount of Spam. I too created an email account on another site so I could communicate Can take on average 10 days to sort that one out, but if the ban is still in place then perhaps you should do as I did and change your Internet Service Provider?
9 Jan 2012 04:03 |
I refuse to believe that there are soooooooo many users in Canada using this server
I don't know about the UK .......... but Canada has a large number of server addresses
...... the one I use belongs to one of the largest cable companies in the country, but even then it is only in Western Canada.
I might tend to think it worth changing ....... if it were not for the fact that THIS is the only place where I have a problem
................ and I also have a huge number of contacts who have this email.
In general, I am extremely satisfied with the cable company ....... and only rarely have problems with them. Far fewer problems than contacts in the UK have with their servers.
and I have no wish to attempt to contact EVERY place that has this address as their contact ....... including GR!
Incidentally, GR do appear to be able to send emails to me, even if I cannot reply to them.
9 Jan 2012 04:05 |
I didn't have to log in just now
BUT .................................
Error Sorry. An error has occurred
The page you were trying to load has experienced an error. This error has been logged and will be investigated.
If you hit the back button on your browser, it will return you to the page you were on, and you may like to try the action again. If you repeatedly experience the same error, please contact Support via the Contact Us menu under Help.
If you were following a link from your favourites, an email or from another site, the link may have changed. We recommend returning to the home page of the Genes Reunited site, and following the existing menu options to navigate to the same content.
To return to the home page, click on the Genes Reunited logo.
:-| :-| :-|
9 Jan 2012 04:39 |
It is your choice Sylvia .......
I just related my experience in the hopes of providing a way forward for you.
Good luck :-)
9 Jan 2012 04:52 |
Thanks, Jeremy
I know you're only trying to help
10 Jan 2012 03:54 |
I didn't have to log in
but tried to open My Threads .....................................
Error Sorry. An error has occurred
The page you were trying to load has experienced an error. This error has been logged and will be investigated.
If you hit the back button on your browser, it will return you to the page you were on, and you may like to try the action again. If you repeatedly experience the same error, please contact Support via the Contact Us menu under Help.
If you were following a link from your favourites, an email or from another site, the link may have changed. We recommend returning to the home page of the Genes Reunited site, and following the existing menu options to navigate to the same content.
To return to the home page, click on the Genes Reunited logo.
Finally got into Suggestions
12 Jan 2012 16:06 |
Twice successively. :-| Why do I bother? (rhetorical question)
14 Jan 2012 13:06 |
15 Jan 2012 08:28 |
Again when having to log in, the site input "Password" in the space for my email address. :-|
18 Jan 2012 08:16 |
Error Login failed - incorrect email address or password
- untrue.
At the third time of trying - allowed.
:-S :-|
18 Jan 2012 15:33 |
Please enter your login details:
Email Address Password Please enter a valid email address
20 Jan 2012 04:49 |
Just had to sign in on the site again
20 Jan 2012 14:03 |
Error Login failed - incorrect email address or password
Again, and untrue; here after third attempt; the first time the site again input Password in space for email address.
23 Jan 2012 08:23 |
Yesterday evening using chrome, again the site put Password in the email space. Tried firefox: all was well.
This morning tried firefox: would have had to log in so tried chrome: did not have to log in.
And other times in the last few days.