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Hacked off! - updated

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Sheleen Report 10 Jun 2005 01:48

Here's what I don't understand...Someone complains to GR about a thread... and it is almost guaranteed to be not the whole thread that is offensive (if at all), but one or two posts within that thread. Why can't GR remove the offending POST, trather than the whole thread? We know they can do that, as they have done so on the Genes Support Team thread. GR needs to moderate the boards, as paying members do enough work without moderating themselves as well. AND... apart from all that.... it has been made perfectly clear that there are people with access to the boards who are biased, and unneccessarily report threads for deletion. There are MANY MANY threads left on the tips board that, by GR rules, should not be here... so why are only certain threads targeted? Only maliciousness or bias springs to mind.


Irene Report 10 Jun 2005 08:55

Its as I said on the other board, Problem what problem I don't see a problem. Well if you remove any complaining messages then they don't have a problem do they. Its this modern day spin that seems to be catching everyone. I'm still here as you can see. Irene


Joy Report 10 Jun 2005 10:10

ChaCha Cha said: ''.... it is almost guaranteed to be not the whole thread that is offensive (if at all), but one or two posts within that thread. Why can't GR remove the offending POST, trather than the whole thread? We know they can do that, as they have done so on the Genes Support Team thread....''. They do indeed, and I could refer you to a thread of mine which had offensive replies. I asked GR Abuse to leave the poem that I had put at the beginning of the thread, but I didn't mind what they did with the rest. They removed the offensive replies and left the rest. Joy


Pat Report 10 Jun 2005 16:25

Just wondering if you are feeling better today Nell? Hope your certs came, if not hopefully it will be tomorrow. Do hope you are feeling better Pat x


Unknown Report 10 Jun 2005 16:45

Pat I have just received an e-mail saying that the cert I wanted for Charles isn't the right one as the father isn't James! Curses! :-( And I got this reply from GR re: deleting my thread: 'as a small team we do not constantly monitor the message boards. However, a member emailed us and alerted us to the fact that your thread was not a tip and therefore on the incorrect board. This is why we removed it. We do not email mmembers when we remove threads. A thread is only removed if it is either on the wrong message baord or if it does not fit in with our guidelines. As I am sure you are aware we have have had many problems on the Tips Board this week and we are trying to avoid any further problems as this merely spoils the enjoyment of the site for other members. We do have a general topics board which is for members to post jokes and discuss other subjects. Regards' I am even more hacked off now. If I wanted to be truly spiteful I could patrol the boards and report anything that is genealogical on the Gen Topics Board, anything on the Tips Board that should be on the Records office board etc. Life is too short. Who is this person that reported me and what have I ever done to them? nell


Phoenix Report 10 Jun 2005 17:00

I note that their message says 'a member' rather than 'we were inundated with complaints' You are not off board, you are not off subject. Keep smiling, girl and keep posting.


Unknown Report 10 Jun 2005 17:03

Mouse :-))))))))))) I can't tell you how cheered up I am after reading your post. Thanks. I was in danger of losing all sense of perspective and even my sense of humour. Goodness knows you need both in family history - hey there's a Genealogy Tip!! nell


Moe Report 10 Jun 2005 17:15

I must be thick but what is nudging. You can see I don't do it!!!!. Little Moe


Irene Report 10 Jun 2005 18:58

Lyla The tread was brillant, bits like you will always stay in the same village. It did relate to everything we find troublesome in our family hunting. I have no idea who could have taken offence from that. Only a small minded person who probably didn't like it because they hadn't thought of it themselves. Irene


TinaTheCheshirePussyCat Report 10 Jun 2005 21:15

To the best of my recollection Little Nell has never been a disruptive influence. Why should GR have picked on her? There is no logic to their behaviour. Someone suggested a member with contacts at GR and I cannot help but think perhaps there is some truth in this idea.


McDitzy Report 10 Jun 2005 21:22

They're selective with what they delete. You weren't off topic, Nell. GR like to blabber on about how they're a 'small team' - that was their excuse for one of the other things that needed to be complained about lately. For a small team - they earn a pretty good amount of money from us, and therefore should not just delete a thread without notifying people - grrrrr. GR will you just listen to us for crying out loud? And not just the minority who are creating havoc on these boards? Remove the genealogy look up threads on the General Topics board too - they're not supposed to be there - but you don't do you? We help people on this site and we don't get anything in return.... other than the mistreatment we're receiving now. Chloe


TinaTheCheshirePussyCat Report 10 Jun 2005 22:05

A suspended suspension sounds incredibly painful, Devil, are you attempting to have it operated on?


Unknown Report 10 Jun 2005 22:06

Devil's advocate Don't worry. I don't wish to be disruptive and have never thought of myself as such. If I ever get to the point where I want to be b****y-minded I will just go. I don't want to turn into a petty individual. I have e-mailed GR again to say I don't understand why one person can have a thread deleted when it isn't abusive or offensive, and since it had attracted lots of answers was obviously of interest to people. nell


Louise Report 10 Jun 2005 22:08

Hi Nell, I've been away from the boards for a while but clearly this has been an unpleasant place recently and having just caught up I'm hacked off too. The Tips Board was my favourite place on GR and I really hope it doesn't get bogged down in rows. With regard to what's been going on, quite frankly I can't see why some of the more light hearted threads can't stay on the Tips Board. Most of them contain advice even if some posts on the threads are about letting off steam or sharing a genealogical joke. The General Board may be the official place to post chatty or non-genealogical posts but I would hope that the powers that be can keep a sense of proportion. After all, sometimes threads appear on the Tips Board which maybe belong on the General Board and other threads appear on the General Board which could be posted on the Tips Boards. However, only one set seem to be being deleted. It would be interestingly to know why! Like others, I can also add that I've reported threads that I found offensive but GR did not delete them but told me that they couldn't find them. Strange when I told them the thread name and could continue to look it up! Chin up Nell! It's not your fault and you're not alone. Louise


KiwiChris Report 10 Jun 2005 22:26

Honestly, how can they do this! I found your thread amusing and sooooo true. I even replied to it myself. Some time ago I had a problem with some living rellys of mine listed on someone elses tree and it took me 3 messages before GR finally removed them. With your thread I looked for it the following day to see what others had to say, only to find it gone. Not good enough GR. Christine in NZ


Georgette Report 10 Jun 2005 23:30

Sorry Nell, I've been a bit busy and have only just realised what's happened to your thread that I also contributed to. It was really funny and I can't understand why it annoyed someone to the extent of asking for it to be removed. I suspect the 'member' involved is relishing all the turmoil of the last week and didn't want to see it die down. Don't let this pathetic individual or the bizarre policing of the boards by GR get you down! Tips needs you! Helenxx


Rosemary Report 10 Jun 2005 23:33

Nell, I have not been on the boards much recently and was apalled at the way Pink was treated earlier in the week and am most surprised at the way in which your thread has been deleted. Much is said these days about courtesy and I would think GR should show a little more courtesy to its members by warning them a complaint has been made and by naming the complainant. People might be a little less inclined to complain unneccesarily. I hope you will continue with your tips. I have benefitted from several of them. Rosemary(Essex)


Unknown Report 10 Jun 2005 23:39

Louise, Christine, Helen and Rosemary Thank you for your supportive comments. I am feeling much calmer but I find it very odd that ONE person can get a thread deleted without any warning or explanation (or a chance to remove it to an appropriate board) because they e-mailed GR. There are lots of threads on the 'wrong' boards which remain, because no-one has complained. It seems very arbitrary to me and I have told GR so. I will carry on carrying on and will keep posting and responding to threads if I have anything to contribute. But I do feel the mood of this site has changed significantly for the worse. nell nell


Vickie Report 11 Jun 2005 10:35

Hi Nell Been watching this thread...I cut and pasted those commandments and sent them too friends they loved em. I notice a Trying to Find has been on the Success Board all day.Obviuosly a mistake but still it hasnt been removed. Vickie


Unknown Report 11 Jun 2005 12:18

Hi Nell Its a pity that some people seem to have had their sense of humour surgically removed of late cos this selective deletion is happening all too often. However, I'm intrigued by the idea of who is doing the complaining. There are several 'old' threads similar to the ones deleted recently which are still intact deep in the archives of the Tips Board. There are several threads on both Success and Records that don't actually 'belong' there if we're going to get pedantic. Why have these not been complained about as well? I complained recently about 2 threads that were bordering on the abusive. They were not removed. I'm fast coming to the conclusion that certain GR members have friends in high places and its not _what_ is being complained about, it is _who_ does the complaining that makes them take notice. Just my opinion! Keep your chin up, your thread was brilliant! Lou