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Tox Report 17 Mar 2012 18:04

Hi everyone, I wonder if anyone can help please, my cousin died in December 2010, I sent for her Will December 2011 but none was found, I know she had a"Will " because she told me a couple of month before she died, my question is:
What do I do if the "Will " that was spoken about is a joint Will, my cousins husband died just a few month before her, should I be asking for his "Will" and not hers.

I will be grateful for any help.



Kay???? Report 17 Mar 2012 18:13

Hi Tox.

A Will is made by each partner seperatly each making their own but both Wills may have exact clauses where underage children are named or various other reasons,,,,

If the Will hasnt been proved yet ,perhaps the sale of a property,things of value.hasnt been realised yet,a Will can take weeks.months or years to go to probate.......


KathleenBell Report 17 Mar 2012 18:33

It also depends on how she made the will - i.e. did she use a solicitor or did she use a form that you can fill out yourself.

My mother-in-law had written out a Will herself which she thought would be enough to convey her wishes. However although she signed this Will she didn't get it witnessed and didn't lodge it with a solicitor (who would have sorted it properly) so in fact the will was not taken into account when she died.

As Kay has already said it may take a long time to sort out depending on how complicated her affairs were.

Kath. x


Tox Report 17 Mar 2012 18:35

Hi Kay, thanks for your answer, I wondered if her husbands Will, could have gone to probate but as you say a lot of things can hold "Wills" up depending on ect. is involved, forgot about that, thanks again.



Tox Report 17 Mar 2012 20:42

Hi Kath,thanks for your input, I do believe that they did make a will through a solicitor, my cousin said that she and her husband had made a will, her husband was the type that everything had to be done by the letter, maybe it will be better if I wait some more before spending my money on something that's not going to be found yet anyway, something to look forward to later on.

Thanks again