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Tox | Report | 17 Mar 2012 20:42 |
Hi Kath,thanks for your input, I do believe that they did make a will through a solicitor, my cousin said that she and her husband had made a will, her husband was the type that everything had to be done by the letter, maybe it will be better if I wait some more before spending my money on something that's not going to be found yet anyway, something to look forward to later on. |
Tox | Report | 17 Mar 2012 18:35 |
Hi Kay, thanks for your answer, I wondered if her husbands Will, could have gone to probate but as you say a lot of things can hold "Wills" up depending on ect. is involved, forgot about that, thanks again. |
KathleenBell | Report | 17 Mar 2012 18:33 |
It also depends on how she made the will - i.e. did she use a solicitor or did she use a form that you can fill out yourself. |
Kay???? | Report | 17 Mar 2012 18:13 |
Hi Tox. |
Tox | Report | 17 Mar 2012 18:04 |
Hi everyone, I wonder if anyone can help please, my cousin died in December 2010, I sent for her Will December 2011 but none was found, I know she had a"Will " because she told me a couple of month before she died, my question is: |