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Jeffery Report 19 Jan 2010 17:27


I'm not sure how you arrive at your absurd assumption that I am a misogynist. That to my mind is a disgraceful accusation.

You seem to have an irresponsible habit of twisting words and making ridiculous assumptions.

I am really appalled at the tone of your response and I think you have shown to all your colleagues and to whoever else is reading this how spiteful you can be.

In my opinion you have lost leave of your senses as well as losing the track of what has been said, what has been admitted and what has been apologised for.

It seems to me that you lack the common courtesies of life and the grace to accept a sincere apology.

I really do think that you owe me an apology.



JaneyCanuck Report 19 Jan 2010 17:35

What I owe you is a report to the site management for the utterly appalling and utterly ignorant insults you have been flinging about here -- at myself and also women whom I count as friends, and to whom your opinion of me or them matters not a pinch of pigeon poop.

I'm happy to let you have the last word though! Have at it. ;)


Jeffery Report 19 Jan 2010 19:09

I really think that you should re read all the posts up to me apology, which Sylvia graciously accepted. Rather than accept it you launched an unwarranted attack and slur on my character.

It seems to me that you don't care a fig about what people think and it's fine for you to make appalling accusations, but if I'm to defend myself I'm accused of flinging utterly appalling and utterly ignorant insults around.

The remarks that I have made on these last posting were directed at you only in response to your tasteless remarks.

In my opinion you have not come out of this with any credit and your attitude and responses I believe have not done this site any good either.

It's a pity that you did not accept my apology as Sylvia did and let the issue close as suggested by Quinsgran. Clearly something riled you about me right from the off and were hell bent in having a go.

If you feel the need to report me, for what I don't know, then do so.



JaneyCanuck Report 19 Jan 2010 19:29

All hail the master of the last word!

Sylvia (in Canada) Today at 01:09
Thank you, Jeffery
Let's now forgive and forget and move on from this unfortunate spat.

Quinsgran Today at 02:00
Well said Sylvia. Let that be the end of the matter

Jeffery Today at 09:53
I am sorry to all who by now must be fed up to the back teeth with the line these postings have taken.
But I am compelled to respond to Janey's vitriolic comments.
It seems to me Janey that you have not read every word carefully in the preceding posts. Is it not a requisite of a lawyer to read carefully that which is written?
Didn't you write 'I am fed to the teeth with people posting and PMing about all their personal problems and how it excuses their behaviour on the boards' .... 'should really reconsider their decision to make the request'?
'One can do what one very well likes, is what one can do' Pray why moan then?
I did say don't react, but then said it was rich coming from me, so implying that I am not above the gospel as writ by St Jeffery. Writ by St Jeffery , how spiteful is that?
You still don't get it, do you? Whether you are dealing with the general public at large, in libraries or a membership site such as this, my opinion is that it does not give you the right to be rude (offensive). As I have said before, it destroys your credibility, which to my mind you have singularly done by your rude (offensive) response.
It seems to me that you are not prepared to admit that perhaps there is something that you can take away from all this. You mention self-examination- exactly.
I can understand that you would wish to stand up for your colleagues, but there are ways of doing that without resorting to what I can only describe as nastiness in your last post.
Having read something of your travails in your posting, and I should imagine that it must be difficult for you, perhaps it is because of these events that prompts you to write in such a manner.
Of course none of us are aware to whom we are writing, but that is neither here nor there if basic courtesies are ignored. Hopefully you would be more courteous in a face to face meeting. All I am saying is, why should it be any different in a forum such as this.
Perhaps I have got it all wrong in that one can say things that are hurtful to enquirers and then tick them off for pointing out that there are perhaps better ways of dealing with those who reject your advice.
This has all been a salutary lesson for me and I must make a note never to return to this site for any further information that I may require about my ancestors.

Jeffery Today at 19:09
It's a pity that you did not accept my apology as Sylvia did and let the issue close as suggested by Quinsgran.



Jeffery Report 19 Jan 2010 22:57


You are very cleaver at twisting words, interpreting things that are never said and now manipulating posts in an incorrect order. You must have been a very successful lawyer. And I mean that as a compliment.

You only have to look back to see your post directly after mine where I offered my since apology. Yours appeared before Sylvia's thank you and Quinsgran's let that be the end of the matter. So, clearly you were not prepared to accept my apology and launched into a very hurtful diatribe about the Gospel as writ by St Jeffery.

You have probably all gathered that I am Jewish and a remark about the Gospel as writ by St Jeffery is to say the least insensitive. I let it go from that stand point at the time, but your continued attacks, threats and now an attempt at ridicule compel me to mention it.

You spoke about not knowing the people to whom you speak, well it also applies to the 'askers' . My main concern all the way through these posts was that one should respond in a more professional and sensitive manner. Not much to ask in my opinion. But you singularly have refused to accept this basic courtesy. I would suggest if you are unable or unwilling to do that, then perhaps you should consider your position.

I sincerely regret that all this has been dragged out into the open and I am sure all of you could well have done without it. But there was no way this could have been done in private.

I may be wrong here but I thought that I would not have been able to access this forum without paying a subscription. As it is I have paid a subscription for help and I have freely admitted I did not initially accept the advice given. Surely no great crime? I apologizsed for causing anyone any offence, I thanked all those who had helped me and yet you Janey and you alone sort to attack almost me in every post I made. Do you not wonder then why I said all those things to you?

If I am the paying customer, and I am not sure that I am, but even so, surely initially I am entitled to some degree of courtesy?

It is all very sad as there are many on this forum who have offered sound advice to me and have said nothing when it was rejected and it all has to be spoiled by you.



JaneyCanuck Report 19 Jan 2010 23:22

You only have to look at my first post in this thread to see that all of your responses thereafter have been uncalled for, to put it extremely mildly. As, of course, was your berating of Sylvia, which actually did start your entire mess here. Well, really, your lengthy disrespect of and disregard for the work done on your behalf by other paying customers had already done that ...

I am a paying customer of this site. Practise what you preach. Or keep up the condescension, patronizing, utterly offfensive armchair psychologizing and lecturing. You may have noticed that no one is actually interested in any of it. Me included. Being aghast and amused is not the same as being interested.

PS - would you like to give the names on the PMs you've received? I'm betting there have been a few - and that I can name several of them. Invite them to post, if so!

2 weeks later - while saving this little specimen thread as a souvenir - I reailze I forgot to say something I meant to say.

"You have probably all gathered that I am Jewish and a remark about the Gospel as writ by St Jeffery is to say the least insensitive."

Ooooh. The Jewish card.

I'm an atheist. Perhaps I should moan a bit about the Inquisition and what the awful Christians did to *my* people throughout history. I wonder what life was like for us atheists before what we now call the Common Era ... in places where Jewish law governed ... .

And I wonder why the poster here who referred to your great-grandfather's "Christian name" (a term I do find very insensitive and completely outmoded) didn't get that card flung at her? Hm.

Taken leave of my senses, moi? Some people surely do wish!