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Suggestions: TREE

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gerrybear Report 7 Oct 2012 18:21

I have IE, and the tree has quickened up a lot in recent weeks. However, it's not so much which action is slow; it's that the whole process has slowed, because it's all so much more (and unnecessarily) long-winded. For example, I want to check the details I have on a particular individual. I click on that person, and the process is (1) mini 'grid' appears beneath that person (2) bars come up, denoting downloading relationships and position, so hiding that part of the tree (3) the individual re-appears, THEN I can access the details. We didn't have this before - we found the person, and there were ALL of their details, instantly! What's even more annoying, we only get to see a minute portion of those details at a time, the view of that part of the tree is obliterated unless we hide the details, AND the family links, other than the immediate ones, disappear! We aren't now able to quickly scroll from tree to an individual's details and back again. Trying to look at the whole family tree, moving the tree is jerky, and lines/links keep disappearing. I'm sorry, but it's rubbish now, compared to the previous tree. I'd actually go as far as to say it's not fit for purpose, which is why I'm moving all of mine to another site.


Estelle Report 5 Oct 2012 15:24

Hi everyone, for those of you who are having problems with the speed of the tree, it would really help us if we had more detail. What I'd like to know is which part exactly is slow? Is it adding a relation, is it saving a name? Is it moving from one name to another? I'd also like to know what operating system and browser you are using. We need to try and establish a pattern. Maybe it only affects users with a certain browser, or it might always happen on the same part of the tree.
Thanks in advance for your help.


ElizabethK Report 5 Oct 2012 12:27

I agree-I was reluctant to change from using IE8 which works alright on other sites,but after trying Google Chrome and Firefox I have to admit this site works better with them I still have IE as my default


Ian Report 5 Oct 2012 09:20


I was really getting fed up with your new tree...too slow.

However, I have just started using the Google Chrome Browser and find that it is much better...quicker.

Perhaps GR should make it clear that Microsoft Browsers are much slower...




SylviaInCanada Report 4 Oct 2012 21:40

and the other browsers, such as Firefox or Chrome, are free ........ so it doesn't cost you anything.

Plus many people think they are better than IE


Kense Report 4 Oct 2012 12:01

David, there is no reason why you cannot download other browsers and use them when you need to. You can still keep IE8 as your default.


David Report 4 Oct 2012 09:10

re "22 Sep 2012 Newspaper Archive - Screen Control U/S ? (I know this thread is for Tree suggestions) The movement control for an article I've just accessed is incompletely formed (Top RH side of viewer), making it impossible to zoom in/out. Refreshing the screen makes no difference (WinXP & IE8). I've submitted a support request, but it's yet another GR functionality problem .. and not helped by an inability to accept attachments via e-mail, such as screen shots."

The GR recommended solution:

"There does seem to be an issue for some members using Windows XP and Internet Explorer 8, and our technical team are looking into this. In the meantime, please could you try using Google chrome? We don't usually ask members to switch browsers but feel this might be a good solution for you."

To which the answer is sorry, 'no' - I'm using the browser supplied with the OS, namely Internet Explorer, and which still has a significant usage.


Travelman Report 2 Oct 2012 14:23

Have to say I don't like the new tree layout at all and would much rather have the option back to use the old tree.


PeeEmm Report 28 Sep 2012 22:34



SylviaInCanada Report 28 Sep 2012 21:30

Hi PeeEmm

I'm still hanging in there!! :-D :-D

Yes ........... I should have qualified my statement ................... those members who were around, and looking on the Boards, back then would know what I was talking about!

Those who joined after 2008, or who did not read the Boards back then, would have been unaware of the problems, or not realised how many people were affected by them.

I was particularly thinking of the posters who doubted my stories of people getting migraines, and other health problems.



PeeEmm Report 28 Sep 2012 21:12


Not everyone doubted you:-))
There is a hardcore of long standing members who understand fully what you have been saying.
The main problem has been the intransigence of the admin people on GR, in not being honest with subscribing members when Facts were presented to them.
Personally I gave up a long time ago.


SylviaInCanada Report 28 Sep 2012 19:58

Ken .................. Thanks for finding that thread

People have doubted me when I described the problems caused then, and the degree of dissatisfaction!

........... and don't forget that the changes in 2008, which caused about the same amount of upset as the most recent ones, were when GR was owned by ITV.

so the ownership seems to make no difference!



Ian Report 28 Sep 2012 12:47

I am learning to live with the new set up, as clearly we are not going back to the old one. but



Susan Report 28 Sep 2012 09:08


Thank You for posting that site up again it made interesting reading..... not unlike what is happening as we speak is it also shows Genes have a habit of doing this sort of thing every few years.
I said I rather liked the Green wallpaper and I did ( My choice I guess ) It was tweaked a few times to get it that way and I did like it and it was better than what we have my opinion.

I can see there are a lot of differing views on this site and we are all not going to agree with one another but we are all entitled to our own opinions as are your self.

IT is just plain ludicrous to design a site that only works if you have the latest Internet technology installed.... especially if you already have hundreds of thousands of members using various software.
It should work well for all of us as do all my other sites that I go to doing Genealogy.

Estells words Sug Gen 24th Sept 16.17

" you shouldn't have to use the compatibility view at all to view the tree or use the site."

This is a site I use in Oz for the weather,note the darker grey background with the lighter in cert works better and softer on the eyes they just need to darken the grey it also looks more professional......just a suggestion :-D

Where do I find the Tree Update Blog ?...found it :-D

Suex :-D


Kense Report 28 Sep 2012 08:17

This is typical of the comments when the green wallpaper was introduced:

From what I have seen , most sites for or about sight difficulties use similar set ups to the current GR scheme


Susan Report 28 Sep 2012 05:22

HI Everyone

I don't recall the last couple of changes to Genes causing this much upheaval and I have been with them since 2006.

Sorry Sylvia but there are more unhappy members this time around me included.

I think they have just done too much all at once .

Just for the record I rather liked the Green Wall paper of the old site was a dame site better on your eyes than this latest debacle :-S

I am trying to keep an open mind at the moment seeing as Genes have left a few messages of late on these threads so it looks like they are going to reply to our requests :-D

I am leaving my tree for the foreseeable future and am transferring it else were so it is safe but I will miss my matches ...... when they work that is :-D

" Estelle I sent that info two days ago that you asked for....still no reply "

Sue :-S


SylviaInCanada Report 28 Sep 2012 01:32


I'm not at all surprised to see that GR had another company design the site.

It's a lot of work to do, and GR only has a small staff.

That's what happened with the changes back in 2007 .................... which everyone complained about at the time, both the tree and the Board layouts and colour schemes.

Just as many complaints as this time around :-D

Thoseof us who complained about the colour schemes were told that the best designers in the land had done the work, so we shouldn't complain :-0


SylviaInCanada Report 28 Sep 2012 01:29

John ..............

it's all still there for me, just as it was about 5 hours ago.

Must be your computer :-D :-D



JustJohn Report 27 Sep 2012 21:54

Just gone to the "Tree Update Blog", Peter. All the recent posts are blank. I wonder why that would be :-S :-S


Peter Report 27 Sep 2012 18:39

There are a couple of interesting posts on the "Tree Update Blog", which may be of interesst to those of us who don't like the New Tree, and would prefer to see the old one re-instated, which seems to be getting more and more unlikely.
It may well be that Phil is not the "nigger in the woodpile", after all.
Who Knows ??