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Breast Cancer Site Benefitting from your support

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Rose Report 2 Dec 2007 19:03

age concern helped my mam when she was alive to get one rog .
im sure social sevices would help too
hope your not in for a cold ,nothing worse
keep snug and warm plenty of hot drinks
take care

Roger the Dodger

Roger the Dodger Report 2 Dec 2007 19:26

Thanks for that tip Rose from Bethlehem, your a Star

Rog xx


Jacky Report 2 Dec 2007 19:26

Rog, I work for Health and Social Care in Liverpool, there is a telephone number for - Liverpool Direct - on the Liverpool council site - they would point the caller in the right direction to get the info on the Lifeline service.
Try getting your council up and go to Social Services, there maybe a number there for you to contact and make enquiries.........Good Luck

Jacky xx

Roger the Dodger

Roger the Dodger Report 2 Dec 2007 19:54

Thanks for that Little Jack Santa, you have been a great Helper

There are a couple ive got to know through dealing with MIL, thats Age concern and social services,
Thanks again, youre both wonderful
Rog xxx


.•:*:•.Scouser*NANNA*Lyn.•:*:•. Report 2 Dec 2007 20:01

She surfaces after a busy weekend which finished off with me and OH going out for a lovely meal today too. Had a snooze and feel a lot more awake now! Stuffed but awake!

Christmas trees, wrapping presents, decorations and all those parsnips, aren't we all keeping busy!

Rog, I hope Pops is feeling ok, sounds like one of those lifelines is an excellent idea.

Take care all til later,
Lyn x x x x x


Rose Report 2 Dec 2007 21:05

glad to see that you have had a good weekend
lynn , we all seemed to been busy bees this weekend
well im having an early night
so.........goodnight all
sleep well seeya in the morning

Roger the Dodger

Roger the Dodger Report 2 Dec 2007 21:58

Glad you had a double good time Lyn,
Early night for me i think, so
Good night all.
see you tomorrow, sleep tight, if not be loose



Rose Report 3 Dec 2007 11:09

morning all
bright and breezy here and it freezing .
hope you all have a good day
seeya later


Jacky Report 3 Dec 2007 18:35

A very good evening to you all....

Been a nasty old day here in Liverpool, had to go to do a review at someones house at 11 am and i got drowned going from car to house, and i went straight into a little river....Lol, i had my boots on but the water went straight through, so i have sat with wet feet until i came home.......Yuk Yuk !!

Hope you have been ok today,

Jacky xx

Roger the Dodger

Roger the Dodger Report 3 Dec 2007 19:30

Hello all, hope you are well.
Its been a bad day, went to see Pops today as usual, he was in quite a bad way, so to cut a long story short i managed to get hold of a person who arranges care and help, she was there within the hour and assessed what she thought he needed, and that meant he needed to be hospitalised, like a sort of rehab clinic, i persuaded him it was a good thing and tokk him and got him admitted in less than another hour, they say they will help him to start to do things for himself again, and then supply carers when he returns home, the course is about 4 weeks, hope he will stick it that long, keep figers crossed.
Have got visitors now so will be back on later, about 10-30 ish
see you later


Rose Report 3 Dec 2007 19:48

rog hope he does stick it , it will help him so much
good luck and everything turns out ok.

so jacky you were like a drowned rat eh!
nothing worse than your feet soaken all day
bet you looked forward to a nice hot bath .
its been bright here but really freezing the wind cut right through you .
hope all are snug and warm now
catch ya later


Jacky Report 3 Dec 2007 19:51

Rog, sorry to hear your Pop is not on top form,

Is he in an intermediate care bed where they do rehab ? This is what i do, there is usually an Occupational and Phisio Therapist attatched to the unit/ward, they will try to bring Pop back to his previous functioning ability and if equippment is needed ie .. frame for toilet, walking aids, bannisters, grab rails and so on, they will have them installed, they may bring him home on a visit to see how he mobilises/transfers in his own enviroment.......Once this is complete the social worker will be able to assess to see what his needs are and will try to meet them with a care package. We have a team meeting each week and discuss every person to monitor how the progress is going.
Rog, if Pop is in one of these places it will do him the world of good - such a big difference on discharge !!

Give him a big (((HUG))) from us, and you take care of yourself too!!

Jacky xx


Jacky Report 3 Dec 2007 19:54

Rose i run the bath as usual but when i got in it was roasting.........Lol, I thing it was just me being all cold and damp.......feel much better now though.

See you later aligater

Jacky xx


Rose Report 3 Dec 2007 21:18

just thinking about christmas cards
to send i would need you all to pm me your addresses
let me know if this is a good idea


Jacky Report 3 Dec 2007 21:23

Ahh thats nice Rose, i think it would be nice if we could swop addressess in order to send each other Seasons greetings..........will pm you mine and you can give me yours please.

Jacky xx


Jacky Report 3 Dec 2007 21:53

Going to get myself ready for bed soon,

See you all tomorrow.......

Goodnight - Sleep Tight !

Jacky xx


Rose Report 3 Dec 2007 22:00

good night all
seeya tomorrow
hope you all have a peaceful night .


.•:*:•.Scouser*NANNA*Lyn.•:*:•. Report 3 Dec 2007 22:11

Let's hope things are on the move for your pop Rog and he continues to get the help he needs. Hopefully the day will be warmer tomorrow for us all and brighter and sunnier. Jacky hope you enjoyed your warming bath and it helped thaw you out :)

Speak tomorrow sending best wishes to all,
Lyn x x x x

Roger the Dodger

Roger the Dodger Report 3 Dec 2007 22:44

Hi all, little bit later than i thought and youve all gone to bed,
Thanks for your wishes everyone,
Jacky, yes the place hes in is exactly as you describe, shame its not the one you work for, but sounds perfect for what is required, thanks for your words you have put my mind at rest, not being too sure what to expect.
Have a good night, see you tomorrow


Rose Report 4 Dec 2007 11:00

morning all
dry day here but dull
hope you all have a nice day