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Jan From Bristol

Jan From Bristol Report 25 Jan 2005 17:42

Hi Everyone Hope your all ok. Have just emailed you Jim :-))))))) - Look out for it !! Is a bit quiet here today - its freezing out. As Rick said he has a big night on monday - cant wait to tell you about it - hopefully monday night :-)))))))) Wheres my mum today?? hope your ok Love to you all Love Jan xx


Rick Report 24 Jan 2005 22:21

Hello everyone !! Sorry I've been quiet for a few days but has been a very interesting and busy time with finding a new cousin and also getting back some family heirlooms from America. I'm well pleased they will be back in the family by this time next week. Big dinner date next Monday & all will be revealed !! Poooooooooor Jan so wants some snow so if you have any spare could you post it to us please ? Faith - where are you when we need you lol ?? Jan says hi mum to June lol. Jim - glad to see you better. Don't worry about my roses will give them another prune in late Feb - we're sheltered in my garden and they don't mind a hard prune in winter. Hope Jan's research has helped you :-))))))))) Hi Dee - glad you've kicked the smoking habit at last :-) Rick.xx


June Report 24 Jan 2005 15:05

Hello All, What a game I had this morning, could not get on to the message list at all. All I could get onto was the schools one. Even had trouble talking to Brenda in Oz her MSN was on a go slow. Jan I seem to have set you off with the photos of all that snow in Canada. How about going to the North or South Pole after your wedding LOL. You could perhaps stay at that ICE HOTEL. Nice to see people are coming back to the site. Catch you all later. Tat Tar June.

Jan From Bristol

Jan From Bristol Report 23 Jan 2005 18:47

Hi to Veronica in Canada :-)))))))) would love to be there Dee yourd be welcome:-))))))))))) Love Jan xx

Jan From Bristol

Jan From Bristol Report 23 Jan 2005 18:30

Hiya Dee Good to see you :-)) we are both fine If you need any lookups done - just shout will try and help :-)) Jan xx

Jan From Bristol

Jan From Bristol Report 23 Jan 2005 17:14

ok Jim is definatly Clara Bailey!!!!!!!!!!!! have now gone back to 1891 - In 1901 living with Henry and Clara and yr mum and others -was an Amy Baldock age 18 as a niece - I checked her in 1891 and she is a granddaughter Living with a family of Bailey's including Clara!! Jan xx

Jan From Bristol

Jan From Bristol Report 23 Jan 2005 16:58

Hiya Jim - no problem for confusing me lol it doesnt take much There does not seem to be a marriage whatsoever for a henry Johnson and a Clara cox - how ever there is a marriage between Henry Johnson and Clara Bailey in Birmingham in the right quater and right year. Also going back 10 years there is no clara cox at the right age however there is a clara bailey!! Let me know what you think Have found your family in different census's which ones have you got?? Jan :-))))))))))


Unknown Report 23 Jan 2005 16:09

Hello You all. I feel like a new man this afternoon. Mary says "I wish". Not doing anything silly and taking things very easy. Jan I am sorry, It is I who has confused you. My grandfather was Henry Johnson not Charman. All other details are correct. My mother was Clarice Minnie Charman nee Johnson. Thank you for your efforts so far perhaps this info will make things easier for you. Very cold again to-day some sunshine but no rain or snow. Our turn will come I am sure. Time has passed me by to-day so I must close for now as it is Tea Time. LLOL from gb Jim and I want a cuppa Mary C.


June Report 23 Jan 2005 14:41

Hi, I am back, Pam like Jan. Brenda in Oz and I both updated to the Beta one. Its good we did not have much trouble doing it. Saying this our Brenda was much better at it than me, but I got there in the end. Pam Just sent you email with some more info. re relies. Jan you cant go over to Canada I am sure it would be to cold for you, Tat Tar June.

Jan From Bristol

Jan From Bristol Report 23 Jan 2005 13:14

Hi Pam Just to let you know we have the new beta version of msn and have xp - we had no problems installing it - however msn is not working today so that could be why your having problems- hope you get it sorted Jan xx


Pamela Report 23 Jan 2005 12:19

Hello June 8.18pm here. I was updating the new Msn but had trouble do you have XP also. And did it download easily? Regards Pam

Jan From Bristol

Jan From Bristol Report 23 Jan 2005 12:13

Hi everyone We had snow last night!!!!!!!!!! It didnt snow for long and its mostly all gone today :-((( ohhhhh to be in canada right now!! Love Jan xx


June Report 23 Jan 2005 11:50

Good Morning All, I see I am on my own again, where have you all gone ????? We have again all the frost and its bitter cold. Catch you all later that is if any body comes on the site. PLEASE SAY HI. Tat Tar June.


June Report 22 Jan 2005 16:29

Good afternoon all, Nice to hear our Jim is feeling much better you can tell this by the way he puts his messages on the site. Take it day by day Jim dont forget that vampire has taken some of your blood so you have to rest for a while. Jan, Nice to hear Rick has found a new relie, have they got Blue Blood. ??? LOL. Marge Hope your friend is ok my fingers are crossed for him. Faith dear are you ok or have you been snowed in again. Where is our John ??? Dont get going up the mountains again as you may get lost in all that snow and mist. Had a laugh with our Brenda this morning we have both updated our MSN messenger so we can send winks, and even give each other a nudge. Brenda is still teaching me how to do all these things as I am still a bit THICK. laughter. To all our lost friends please come back to say hello. As you are all missed. Take care from a very cold June in Wigston.

Jan From Bristol

Jan From Bristol Report 22 Jan 2005 15:52

Hiya Jim have had a good look around and as yet can find no marriage for you - I also looked on the 1901 census to see if I could get some clues and cant seem to find Henry and Clara on there - I am right in looking for a Henry Charman? I also went to look in 1891 census for Clara Cox but there were too many without more details to find her. In 1901 there was a Harry Charman Living with others but no clara. Hope I havent confused you :-)) Love Jan xx


Unknown Report 22 Jan 2005 14:22

Happy to be here!! Jan I would love to send you some snow drops from our garden but they would wither before they got to you. I am the only one allowed to wither and that happened a long time ago LOL. Hope you and Rick are still on track for April 23rd. I am glad you didn't pick April 1st, and fool all of us. Seems quiet again to-day or is it me? Bitterly cold here to-day but I have my love to keep me warm, and I can still say that after 60years. Can anyone help me, out there, I am trying to trace my Grand fathers Marriages on the skimpiest of info. I know he married a Clara (Cox)on 17th april 1897 but no matter how I try I can find no record of the event. I now she died sometime after 1906. Henry married again to someone who the family always called Kate, but we do not know when. The only sure thing is that all these events happened at the family home of 104 Third Avenue Small Heath Birmingham I believe before 1918c Any snippet could put me in the right direction. Did I tell you that a cousin of mine,on my fathers side, who I had not seen or heard of since 1955. contacted me out of the blue a few weeks ago!!. So what with Jan and Rick having the same sort of fortune perhaps bodes a lucky time for searching!!! Must go now as it is time for medication which I am not allowed to miss. So its TTFN LLOL TWMA your ever loving friends Jim and Mary C

Jan From Bristol

Jan From Bristol Report 21 Jan 2005 18:24

Hiya Everyone hope your all well - how nice to see you seem so much better Jim am really pleased. Weather has been preety misserable here :-(( Rick has heard from a long lost second cousin today - thats both of us this week :-)))) Take care everyone Love Jan xx p.s Thank you mummy June for those lovely pics!! p.p.s Jim - snow drops are my favs!


Unknown Report 21 Jan 2005 15:41

TARARARA TARARARA HARK THE HERALDS!!! OYEZ OYEZ All good Brummies everywhere, let it be known that Jester Jim is feeling better. Not so well this morning but has settled down this afternoon. Still a bit weak and trembly around the knees, head still funny, but Mary says that is nothing fresh. What a day yesterday, rain rain and more rain and gale force winds. Just my luck, had a fasting blood test at the local med centre. Nothing to eat from 10.00 the night before, got soaked. Boy how I enjoyed my bacon butty when I got back home. To-day it is bitterly cold with a strong wind, but it is dry. Looked at the garden to-day Camelia late flowering in full bloom , Snowdrops out in grand array, Hyacynths forming buds, Daffodils about to burst into flower, Winter jasmine one mass of yellow, Helibore in flower and that is early! Makes me think spring is not so far away, and how it makes me feel better just to see life coming back to the plants. Her indoors has just called me to tell me my bread is ready to be taken out of the breadmaker, so as she who must be obeyed I had better do as I am told,so LLOL to you all from your ever faithful friend Jim and his loving Wife Mary C. will try to be back to-morrow


June Report 21 Jan 2005 15:18

Good Day All, Where have you all gone ????? I bet you must all be in bed with the hot water bottles keeping warm. Marge I hope your friend gets to the other hosptal ok and that every thing will be well. Catch you later Tat Tar June.


Margaret Report 21 Jan 2005 02:37

O.K. Are you all lost in the weather ? Never did make it to visit my friend at the Hospital the roads were so bad they warned everyone to stay home, it was like an Ice rink , they have been trying to send my Friend to Calgary (3hours through the mountains)for heart exams, but the only roads out of our area are all closed and are still closed tonight, so hopefully they will be open tomorrow and the ambulance can get through. If it was life threatening they would send a helicopter in for him. The roads are all closed because of ice, rain and avalanches. Well hope everyone is O.K. talk to you all tomorrow. Bye Marg