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ADD YOUR LINE TO OUR RHYME from A to Z you'll do j

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Nolls from Harrogate

Nolls from Harrogate Report 7 Jan 2007 18:17

Eee By Gum Chrispy don't let him get to you after 5 sons I know what I'm saying it really is true For they can be devils make no mistake then turn out angels because thats what you make Give him some space 'its doing their head in' or so they say one day they will turn round and do it your way He will grow up to be a loving fine man and tell all I'm like this because of me Mam Into the future your will see laughter and sun and you will be proud to say he is MY SON Just smile don't worry, relax I promise you this this phase it WILL PASS (believe me I know what I am talking about)


DorothyG Report 7 Jan 2007 18:01

Ah, but Chrispy, it means I get to start with A as my first message of today But, hope you're feeling better now obviously you were feeling a bit low Could say ''been there, done that'' but that won't help will it Dee is right, you've done okay you must know - he'll be back at the end of today


**chrispy** Report 7 Jan 2007 13:17

Undoubtedly Dee you are are so kind. I just couldn't get it out of my mind. Very pleased to have read your comforting rhyme Just had to say a big thanks to you this time. When I read other problems on the records page I see teenagers have problems-It must be their age! Xmas has gone and I have taken down the tree Now everywhere looks extremely dusty! You know now I've finished and everything said I couldn't leave here without tackling Zed! Z seems to come up over and over again And all I can say is that it is a pain!!!

Dee the Bibliomaniac

Dee the Bibliomaniac Report 7 Jan 2007 08:44

Lads that age can be funny creatures Even though they have familiar features Mine would go out the door with a hurried ‘laters’ Even if I was in the midst of mashing ‘taters Never a thought for dear old Ma Who worries when he drives the car Only keen to be out with mates Or lovely girls on steamy dates Please don’t worry, I am sure you did fine Everyone tells me I did with mine Quite sad I feel when he doesn’t ring But he’s so busy, work, wife and everything Remember the good days, it’s all we can do When we knew exactly what to do Sure that you, Chrispy, have done your best And that he will turn out fine like all the rest Then when the day comes and he’s put to the test He will come up trumps, and you will feel blessed


**chrispy** Report 6 Jan 2007 22:53

Calling in to say I'm sad. It really isn't anything bad. Do not really understand as such Surely my son knows we love him much. Eating his dinner he said he was going to visit a mate And would stay the night (so we wouldn't moan if he was late!!.) Finally he said he would go straight to work on Sunday So he wouldn't see us until the end of that day. Goodness,!I thought and made his lunch for the next day So he could take it with him and wouldn't starve and fade away. He packed his clothes and sleeping bag and when I went to say 'How are you getting on? I found to my horror that he had gone. I needed to tell someone how gutted I feel. Perhaps you will say 'Its no big deal!' Just wish he could have said 'goodbye' Before he drove off. (Now I feel I could cry!) Knickers! Knickers! Knickers! (See I'm like Dorothy!) How have I failed him, can you tell me!

Dee the Bibliomaniac

Dee the Bibliomaniac Report 6 Jan 2007 21:12

Xpected to be left with X It’s me that you all like to vex You think hubby will ring ever day It’s difficult to know, Chrispy, or to say Zeds I need, but I await his call Has he landed, is he having a ball? Another day is nearly over Where’s that Ron, is he in clover? Best that I turn in I think But first I’ll have another drink


DorothyG Report 6 Jan 2007 21:02

Very nice to see you Norah so perhaps we'll see you tomorrow Well, after so much rain today feel like we're nearly washed away

Nolls from Harrogate

Nolls from Harrogate Report 6 Jan 2007 19:45

The inspiration needed to write some lines alas is not very good its like sixes or nines Until I can think of something exciting to say I'll say cherrio and come back a new day


**chrispy** Report 5 Jan 2007 22:00

Now my OH went out for his tea, Two pints of beer and a hot curry! Oh isn't it difficult to plan a meal Dee, I know just how you feel! Perhaps Dee's OH will phone every day. Just for a chat while he is away. Question marks have got me beat To solve family tree riddles would be a feat. Round and round I have gone for years. Chasing leads that end in tears. So now I am filling out the bones, All the descendants of William P. and photographing their homes.

Dee the Bibliomaniac

Dee the Bibliomaniac Report 5 Jan 2007 20:35

Just popped in, but not here for long ham and eggs we had Dorothy, so not far wrong Kenya my hubby is off to later tonight I think I'll miss him, especially at night Long dark evenings they are not nice has anyone got any good advice Maybe a friend over to see a DVD or wine by the glass and watch TV


DorothyG Report 5 Jan 2007 20:25

Eggs and bacon for your tea Dee? we had them scrambled and a pot of tea For we had a big lunch in a pub today as we were shopping which took all day Got to decorate soon as double glazing now fitted - the amount of new things we need is amazing! Having to spend lots more money it seems with one thing and another, the bills run to reams! I have to admit, it all needed updating but its exciting and quite elating

Dee the Bibliomaniac

Dee the Bibliomaniac Report 5 Jan 2007 17:32

Dinner time for us it is what shall we have. I'm in a tizz ;-)))

Nolls from Harrogate

Nolls from Harrogate Report 5 Jan 2007 16:47

At last an A to start me off to you I am grateful my hat I will doff But rightly or wrongly I really must go make tea for my hubby just so's that you know Cherrio now will be back sometime later when chores are all finished like being a waiter!

Pearl of the South

Pearl of the South Report 5 Jan 2007 06:30

Xcellent attempt if I say so myself but my English book better stay on the shelf you lot will probably tell me off If I sneak off now without finishing it off , Zizzing is on the agenda for me So see you again next time I am free.

Pearl of the South

Pearl of the South Report 5 Jan 2007 06:21

Trees are really the reason I'm here Not to mention an odd glass of beer Under those branches spreading and wide It's great to see just whos on t'other side Vexatious too when your own you can't find But to miss other peoples you'd have to be blind Well, Endersbys,Sandells and Mestons are rife but finding my Fletchers have got me in strife


**chrispy** Report 4 Jan 2007 23:28

Ple..ase... Dorothy, What a word to say. I will be shocked for the rest of the day! Quite weary as its getting late But I had to pop in for my nightly date. Really glad to see we have two new rhymers Adding lines with us old timers! Spent ages working on my photo album. Its got to be just perfect for my mum.

Nolls from Harrogate

Nolls from Harrogate Report 4 Jan 2007 23:24

Oh! Dorothy G you shock me not used to such long words you see


DorothyG Report 4 Jan 2007 22:50

Knickers! there that's shocked you but had to say that I hate finding a wording that starts with K ay! Let's say hooray that Ron is back and Hello to another rhymer Linda Mac! My goodness, our friends list is growing almost as though seeds we have been sowing Now I must move on, been a busy day New shower fitted because the other one gave its last spray!

Nolls from Harrogate

Nolls from Harrogate Report 4 Jan 2007 21:33

Go on Ron you make me blush what you saying all this mush Have got here loads of baking waiting here for the taking I forgot about it at New Year so did'nt get eaten that I fear Just a glass of wine for me and a toast to thee and thee


TheBlackKnight Report 4 Jan 2007 12:11

Zipping off now to wash the dishes Hope Ron will be back to grant our wishes... added by Dee A Wish might be granted Dee but be careful what you wish it might come true you see. lol Blasting off this new year lets make this thread better in here. Chrispy it's always good to see always has something to say to thee Dee it's also always good to see she is very good with words and glee Elated to see Dorothy G she is always nice and happy see. For Nolls it seems she has Heart and thats how you can tell us all apart