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TheBlackKnight Report 17 Jan 2007 09:36

Great to see you all again Sorry but my puter has been a pain Here i am at long last so now lets have a blast I thinkwhat brave girl you Dorothy G rather you then me. Just blinky hell Chrispy only 0.25p Well that a bargen i'm sure your agree Kidoe come on Dee get out that bed Please wake up your sleepy head.

Dee the Bibliomaniac

Dee the Bibliomaniac Report 17 Jan 2007 09:14

Baffled, bewildered, bamboozled we are Wondering what weather we are in for Come winter we expect frost and snow But where on earth did it all go Down comes rain and wind does blow (does that mean air pressure is low) Expect the weathermen could let me know Which direction the wind will blow For now I’m off back to my bed (another good book to be read)

Nolls from Harrogate

Nolls from Harrogate Report 16 Jan 2007 23:17

Well with all this Global warming sure the daffs won't really know if they're coming up in summer or coming up in snow X-pect to see them August or maybe even June no matter what the time is I'm sure it will be soon Yes! A bargain you will cry a lovely bunch of flowers and you did'nt really try Zo off you'll go next winter looking for a bag of more wee yellow daffys with a 25p bargain tag And now your back to A I'll leave you and wish you all G'Night will see you all tomorrow when its nice and light


DorothyG Report 16 Jan 2007 22:11

Thank you Chrispy, yes it was nasty I dread going to dentists, only went today cos it was loose and removal was necessary Unlucky you'll be if they don't come up you are optimistic so you're bound to have luck! Very pretty it will look and you can say See how attractive my garden looks today!


**chrispy** Report 16 Jan 2007 21:37

Perhaps I planted my bulbs rather late but thereby hangs a tale I saw them in a nearby shop reduced in a sale! Quite a bargain you will agree. Great big bags for 25p. Read the instructions and they said Plant Aug-Dec in a well dug bed!! So I dug and planted (although it was Jan.) But I'm sure they will come up if they can!


**chrispy** Report 16 Jan 2007 21:31

Ouch! Dorothy I felt for you,toothache makes you glum I hope you feel better soon and don't have a sore gum!


DorothyG Report 16 Jan 2007 18:04

Nice of you to think of me for your kind message I thank you Dee

Dee the Bibliomaniac

Dee the Bibliomaniac Report 16 Jan 2007 17:47

Kind thoughts I send to Dorothy (G) toothache can make you unhappy Lots of tlc, and a tablet or to nice soft food for a day or two Maybe a scarf to keep it warm hopefully soon you will be back to norm


DorothyG Report 16 Jan 2007 17:31

Guess that's what called the survival of the fittest but its a cruel world as we know our pets don't need them to eat Happy am I that my cats are getting on not quite so able ''little presents'' to bring home I have been to the Dentist today a tooth had to come out I'm sorry to say Just starting to lose the numbness now starting to ache and getting sore

Dee the Bibliomaniac

Dee the Bibliomaniac Report 16 Jan 2007 09:47

Eek, frogs, we have those too I fear they don't turn into Princes, oh dear Fraid my neighbour's dog catches frogs (oh dear the joys of having dogs)

Nolls from Harrogate

Nolls from Harrogate Report 15 Jan 2007 23:19

X tremely naughty was my little puss brings one back to our house to let it loose Yelling did nothing to daunt her play she just went about it in her own sweet way Zonk went the broom and out they both went then she found out what No really meant! (only joking) And back to A the beginning of all Oh how I wish that I could grow tall


DorothyG Report 15 Jan 2007 21:36

Unhappy they'd be if my cats wandered by wouldn't sit there for long once they'd given them the eye! Very fond of little mices are my cats make a tasty snack, better than bats Well, I don't approve I have to say but cats can be cruel when they decide to play

Nolls from Harrogate

Nolls from Harrogate Report 15 Jan 2007 20:19

Small little furry things hide from the boot all the birds seeds well what a great loot Tell OH that they're tiny and small they've all come to see him and all have a ball

Dee the Bibliomaniac

Dee the Bibliomaniac Report 15 Jan 2007 20:08

Oh Nolls, my mice are oh so sweet on the patio, not round my feet Perhaps it is the bird food they come for (they disappear when I go through the door) Quite a little family, and very small and cute (I think hubby would give them the order of the boot) Ron, where are you, I need a drink we are out of wine, or so I think

Nolls from Harrogate

Nolls from Harrogate Report 15 Jan 2007 19:06

Just had a look some daffs have a head alas not in the ground but in the shed Kind of late to put them in now but will be in time next year I vow Lots of flowers still in bloom it really does cheer up the gloom (still got snap dragons in bloom!) Misty and windy its not very nice no one about not even the mice Not that I've got any - you do understand but plenty down in the allotment land


DorothyG Report 15 Jan 2007 15:23

For some days now have had daffs showing just hope that it doesn't start snowing! Good show of colour there should be loads of tulips as well to make it pretty Hope all yours come up Chrispy seems very late to plant them you see I expect you know better though, there is no doubt You'll have to tell us when they all blossom out

Dee the Bibliomaniac

Dee the Bibliomaniac Report 15 Jan 2007 08:36

Chrispy I have bulbs peeping through the soil a just reward for all the many hours of toil Dreary though the days may seem the sight of bulbs in bloom makes us beam Expect the others will be back soon meanwhile I'll go, might listen to a tune


**chrispy** Report 14 Jan 2007 22:15

A quiet day on here I see, Only Carol, Dee and me! Been working in my garden, diggingin the sunshine Planting lots of bulbs while the weather stays fine!

Dee the Bibliomaniac

Dee the Bibliomaniac Report 14 Jan 2007 00:01

So nice of you to ask after me Carol, it was noises on here you see There was an alarm kept going ting a ling but some people didn't hear a thing Up waiting for my hubby to come back he's been in Kenya, (didn't need a mac) Very warm it was out there, he said no gales to keep from his bed Well where is Ron with that glass of wine a red right now would do me fine Xpect I shall retire quite soon (wonder if I can see the moon) You all have kept my spirits up while I sit drinking tea by the cup Zeds are calling I ought to go but I'l be back, I'm sure you know


**chrispy** Report 13 Jan 2007 22:45

Oh Dorothy! I bet your ringlets were sweet. Probably the envy of all in the street! Plaits I had but I was very plain. I wanted to be pretty but it was all in vain! Quite coarse is my hair now I have to say And can be frizzy on a rainy day. Really, we could start a club for frizzy hair. What do you think? Would we dare?