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ADD YOUR LINE TO OUR RHYME from A to Z you'll do j

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Dee the Bibliomaniac

Dee the Bibliomaniac Report 21 Jan 2007 17:05

Unless I'm much mistaken U follows Tee (or should that, may be, you follows me)


Cyril Report 21 Jan 2007 16:46

I'll follow you Dee wherever you go But what's the next letter, I would like to know.


TheBlackKnight Report 21 Jan 2007 14:45

Thank you for that reminder Dee i'll be good just wait and see. lol

Dee the Bibliomaniac

Dee the Bibliomaniac Report 21 Jan 2007 14:39

Really guys, what happened to the alphabet? you're so busy flirting that you forget Seems only I know it's A to Zee so please be good and follow me


TheBlackKnight Report 21 Jan 2007 14:33

Poems and Rhymes are welcome here what ever you put is good have no fear Quickly goes my keyboard as i type for it's this i do like


Cyril Report 21 Jan 2007 14:33

Don't go away and cast a spell Dear Dee, just keep in touch. If you go we all will miss you Cos we all love you so much.


TheBlackKnight Report 21 Jan 2007 14:22

Look my mate Jeff is back with more nice words in his pack Me and Jeff are both so good for this thread it will be good

Dee the Bibliomaniac

Dee the Bibliomaniac Report 21 Jan 2007 14:21

Looks like my words are causing trouble Off to cast a spell, at the double


Cyril Report 21 Jan 2007 14:13

Oh Dee dearest Dee, that comment is cutting For the way that I see it, we're all on the same footing.

Dee the Bibliomaniac

Dee the Bibliomaniac Report 21 Jan 2007 14:10

Keeping you guys in order is so hard you are all trying to be best bard


Cyril Report 21 Jan 2007 13:36

According to Dee we've reached letter Y So I'd better say something, can't let it pass by, It's nice to have friends with a poetic tongue For I think penning verse helps make people feel young.


Cyril Report 21 Jan 2007 13:24

It's nice to converse with a warm caring chappie, Oh Ron I'm so glad to see that your happy.


TheBlackKnight Report 21 Jan 2007 11:49

Joyful am i at the moment Dee Thank you for the kind words i see

Dee the Bibliomaniac

Dee the Bibliomaniac Report 21 Jan 2007 11:38

Happy that you have found your match at last to make up for all that has been sad in the past I think that we all here will agree that Ron you deserve to te be as happy as can be


TheBlackKnight Report 21 Jan 2007 11:03

OK remember your on letter H I just want to tell somebody something, Hope you don't mind me doing this. Thanks To my Welsh rabbit MY Dear Sweet Heart For my dear sweet heart On this usual day; I write you this poem, In my own special way. I wanted to tell you, In words of my own; You're the most precious person, That i've ever known. Your eyes have that sparkle, That I can't live without; One day without them, And i'd die of that I’ have no doubt. And I just lose control, When I glance at your hair; Your long dark hair onto your back do roll So perfect and yet so rare. You're the most caring person, That i've ever met; There's no one quite like you, And that i can safely bet. What attracts me the most, Is your Sweet and kind touch; You're A Gift Sent From Heaven, And i love you so much. So hold me as close, As you possibly can; 'Cause now and forever, I am your man.


TheBlackKnight Report 21 Jan 2007 10:53

Chrispy, Nolls, Jeff, Bella, Dee & Dorothy G a very good morning to you from me Delighted to be amung this crew your all nice people all of you Entertaing this has become but new face's we could do with some For me i'm going to be busy all day a day of chucking out to pave the way Gather some of your nice lines then have a glass of wine

Dee the Bibliomaniac

Dee the Bibliomaniac Report 21 Jan 2007 08:12

Yuck, it seems I have landed up with Y and Zed and it's hard to think when you are straight out of bed Zipping off now for cups of tea perhaps they will revive me All of you have been very busy just reading the lines has made me dizzy But it's so good to see you all here and hope to see you later, have no fear


TheBlackKnight Report 21 Jan 2007 02:12

Thanks Jeff i'll see what i can do i hear Nell is now locked in the loo so Jeff give her this it's new thong with one of them Nell can't go wrong. lol Untold story's in days of old of men that was really quite too bold they did the wrongs then got cought away they was sent without another thought. Very nice to see you all addinge here CONGATULATIONS TO DOROTHY G she hit 1200, look back youll see. so heres the tick and a good cheer . . . . . . . ./ . . . . . . ./ . . . . . ./ . . \. ./ . . . \/ Wellington boots your all need tomorrow lots of rain and wind with big arrows well thats what the weather man has us all told so careful if your going out it's going to be so cold Xspect i should go to bed right now so i'll bid you good night and sleep some how sorry to leave you with Y and Zed but really must be off to bed. ............. Night all


Cyril Report 21 Jan 2007 00:22

Just had a call from young Nell Vickers, The poor girl says she's lost her knickers, It seems she's no more to put on So I said I'd have a word with Ron. She doesn't want homes, doesn't want aways So Ron, play Santa Claus, And do your best for poor young Nell And pick her out some draws. Jeff lololol

Nolls from Harrogate

Nolls from Harrogate Report 21 Jan 2007 00:12

Look lots of lines now so many to read will do so now but a cup of tea I will need My poor old g/papa Dorothy G went to Australia and there he did see a land of adventure and sunnier climes forgot poor old Scotland and the colder times Now that is a secret kept well hidden away he liked it so much and there he did stay Oh! but the shame on the family - oh! dear and poor g/papa's name is Mud now I fear Please no cards of sympathy do I crave just me in the corner and I will be brave Quite a story I tell you as well you all know a story thats really quite full of woe Right now - you must be fed up of hearing so am off to bed so you can all be a cheering nite all