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JustJohn Report 20 Jan 2014 16:03

It may have been my threat to tell my joke about a rose and a prick that attracted my rr. The thought of all the blood (blood is part of the punchline had I been allowed to extend it) must have made one of our members feel faint and caused her/him/etc to slump across the keyboard and accidentally press the report button :-0 :-0

Enjoying this thread, Barry. About time we started challenging this reporter, and I think you have been brave. Yes, I think it is more than one reporter. And, yes, I think often they are quite sincere like Mary Whitehouse (or Paul Whitehouse). But in this particular case (and in my case) very badly misguided.


Rambling Report 20 Jan 2014 16:00

Re opening "very dodgy sites" in the name of 'research' John , but really for the opportunity to be outraged by the content and report it, which I think was along the lines of what you posted ? I have only ever done that when D was younger, in order to see if what he was looking at was 'age appropriate', one of the teen sites he was on had some dodgy content from time to time ( older people pretending to be teens...the sort of thing the polie keep a check on I think).

Re reporting, Genes do warn you when they decide to reinstate a post that you have reported, that malicious or unwarranted reporting could lead to your membership being cancelled or words to that effect...I know they see this as a last resort though.


~Lynda~ Report 20 Jan 2014 15:54

I can' t see anywhere, where it says that you have to own up, or is there an own up button :-D

Can you imagine little old Agnes from Huddersfield, who's offended by something, and reports it, then tells the rest of GR it was her, she'd get hate mail for a fortnight, and be told she don't get out enough and is a miserable old bag :-D

I love you Agnes, and don't care if you keep your reporting to yourself, you carry on luv :-D


Rambling Report 20 Jan 2014 15:49

ah in that case I did see your post John, I was about to reply that in the 3 instances I have reported jokes, as far as i can remember none of them gave a clue to the content in the title.


Porkie_Pie Report 20 Jan 2014 15:46

OK i know i don't RR often and have only ever RR'd a handfull of posts but

I'M Gutted :-(

Why have i not been publicly humiliated and harrassed via PM when ive RR'd a post :-0

One rule for some and another for little old me :-|

Roy :-P


KittytheLearnerCook Report 20 Jan 2014 15:38

I can't quite understand why some members assume the RR's are all done by one person.

As for "owning up", I have done so twice, way before the RR button was invented, but why post something you know will be RR'd :-S

Each to their own I suppose :-D


JustJohn Report 20 Jan 2014 15:37

I can't remember what I wrote. I know it was most certainly not meant to offend anyone. I did make a psychological observation about the reasons why some of these posts are opened and reported on.

Perhaps my words hit home. I do hope so. It was absolutely mainstream psychology ("O" level standard), but I certainly feel that the time has come for members to challenge the motives of reporter(s) - even if Genes seem to be unwilling. All Genes need to do is ask them not to read any jokes at all. Problem solved.

And plenty of us who read jokes and usually enjoy them will report iffy ones before 13 year olds can seen them, don't fret.


Jonesey Report 20 Jan 2014 15:37

The trouble is that not everybody always tells the truth about what they have or have not done or about what they are going to do. :-|


Guinevere Report 20 Jan 2014 15:20

I'm sure GR will restore it if there was nothing wrong with it, Rose.


Rambling Report 20 Jan 2014 15:18

I do also Ann, but on some occasions the people who have done so have been subjected to public humiliation and harrassment via PM for having "owned up" ( a phrase which in itself casts the blame on the reporter I think as you only 'own up' if you are 'guilty' of something? ). I can understand why people don't say if they have reported, and in any case they may not be paying members so can't say that they have.

I didn't see what John said, or whether it was addressed to me, and I didn't report it lol.


Guinevere Report 20 Jan 2014 15:16

I have as well, AnnC. As I said I haven't reported anything for ages.


AnnCardiff Report 20 Jan 2014 15:12

oh dear - why don't people who report say it was them and why they reported - on the few occasions when I have reported a posting I have fessed up immediately giving my reasons


JustJohn Report 20 Jan 2014 15:06

And No 16, Rose. Yes, I will miss you very much and your knowledge and skill with words will be well appreciated elsewhere. Dare I vent my joke about the rose and the prick :-S


~Lynda~ Report 20 Jan 2014 15:04

I often wonder when I read titles of thread that say "do not read if easily offended" or similar, how does anyone know if they would be offended if they have no idea what the subject is, unless they've read it?

I don't often read jokes on here, but some that I have, I have found unsavoury, some I have reported, if I have the time and someone asks who reported the joke I've said it was me, if I was in a room, and a stranger told me a joke that was unsavoury, I 'd tell them what I thought to, no problem with that.

Telling risque jokes on a forum can lead to someone accepting that " anything goes" seen that done on here more than once, not only by men either.

This board is seen all over the world, by all sorts of people, shy, outgoing, rude, polite, crude, lonely, happy go lucky people, just like in the real world. Would anyone on here, board a train, go into the supermarket or the church, and say a smutty joke to 100's of strangers, doubt it, well not if you didn't want a right hander from someone for being so crude.

Why anyone tells a joke that they say from the start may offend is beyond me.
As for being called a sad case, or a lonely old bag, for thinking a joke inappropriate, that is as crass as some of the so called jokes.

Why don't those who tell "iffy" jokes, just email the people who they know like to hear them, there would be no censorship, no reporting, and nobody would be offended, that seems simple enough, or maybe some people who post iffy
jokes, like to shock ?

I have to say if my hubby posted "iffy jokes on forums, and I saw him do it, I'd be mortified. We are an "aw cor blimey family, we tell a rude joke, in fact some are more than rude, swear like troopers at times, but we know where NOT to do it, we think of others.


Guinevere Report 20 Jan 2014 14:51

Missing you already, Rose. <3


Rambling Report 20 Jan 2014 14:36

The only reason I responded on this thread was that I read the opening post before it was reported and felt it unnecessary for Barry to single out the RRer of his other post and refer to them as "it".

The OPs list of aphorisms is not remotely offensive in any way shape or form, not to anyone I wouldn't think, rather they all seem very perceptive...espcially number 15 :-)


Guinevere Report 20 Jan 2014 14:27

Unsurprisingly, I agree with a lot of what Rose has said. Although I wish she'd started a separate thread. While not finding this particular list of aphorisms offensive there have been many jokes I have found offensive but not bothered to report.

Posting jokes and saying you expect them to be reported is like sticking two fingers up at GR and those who find them offensive. So please don't whine when they do get reported. It's childish and irritating.

We are all strangers to each other here (mostly). I don't think it's appropriate for men to tell smutty jokes in the presence of women they don't know and vice versa. If a man told a smutty joke in mixed company of strangers and I was there I *would* think he was creepy.

And I'm with Rose in getting cross when people say those who dislike smut have no sense of humour. We do, it's just a bit more sophisticated. Or we find smut amusing in the right company ie not when kids are watching.

Barry says to let the few who remain here enjoy GR. I'm one of the few - I'd enjoy it more without the iffy jokes. Has anyone ever thought how off-putting they may be to potential new members?

I think a few of us won't be far behind you, Rose, this isn't the place it used to be.


JustJohn Report 20 Jan 2014 14:14

You have chosen to vent your views on this thread, and I had assumed you were critical of Barry's post and his reasons for posting such a funny and innocent joke, Rose. So apologies if I misunderstood your motives.

I have no sympathy with the reporter(s) of most jokes - male, female or other. None whatsover at leasy 90% of time. Yes, we have recently had a couple of posters with very suspicious sense of humour who have upset you, me and the vast majority. They usually get a wide berth and flounce off the site.

I think the reporters get a secret thrill out of opening a post that is clearly a "risque" (suggestive or bordering on indelicacy) "joke" (chuckle muscle can be engaged). It is like people opening VERY dodgy web sites for "research purposes". They then report the site or the post because, in their own mind, they absolve themselves of any guilt by association. Who are you? who who, who who. We don't appreciate you, you.


Rambling Report 20 Jan 2014 13:49

Where in any post John have I said that Barry ( edit: Barry's joke) is upsetting ME? nowhere.
I have specifically stated that I have only ever reported 3 jokes as far as I can remember in 7 years, hardly a 'trigger finger' and none of those 3 was posted by Barry!

What gets me is the constant whining from people who have been reported that the person who has done it has "NO SENSE OF HUMOUR" ...we all have different ones don't we? some people find slapstick hilarious, some don't etc etc. Especially when the OP is AWARE and clearly states that they know it will be reported!

I don't ( often) care what people post, but if someone else finds it offensive then surely it is not too much to ask that they be allowed to say so and not be blasted for doing so?


JustJohn Report 20 Jan 2014 13:39

I hate to say this on your last day, Rose, but you are really winding me up!!!! Barry cannot possibly be upsetting you, surely to goodness.

I agree there are some iffy jokes on here - and they usually get well ignored or reported. But most jokes are extremely funny and suitable for all over 3 years of age. Bary's fell in that category - in fact, I told it to a 2 year old nun and she fell out of her pushchair.

One of the funniest joke tellers on Genes is an elderly lady who doesn't like me much (I know that does not narrow the field much). I told her once I found no humour in a joke she posted (just unfunny im rude o), but usually I fall off my seat clutching whatever is wobbling.

How we need that in a day of searching through trees, looking at 1841 census and worrying about everyone and everything. We need our muscle (and we all have one) to be tickled every so often. Preferably on this site.