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Same sex marriage[BACK ON TOPIC NOW]

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eRRolSheep Report 7 Feb 2013 20:46

Why do people automatically assume that people who are homosexual want to jump on the nearest human being for sexual gratification?
I agree with you totally supercrutch.


supercrutch Report 7 Feb 2013 20:40

John, gays aren't looking for sexual gratification, most of them are looking for love. Whatever you did to satisfy yourself I don't wish to know about and it doesn't work as an argument.

As for bestiality being accepted in 50 years time, perhaps on your planet but not mine.


eRRolSheep Report 7 Feb 2013 20:36

I think it is not necessarily about changing dynamics but more changing attitudes.


Kay???? Report 7 Feb 2013 20:32

Johns not alone with his opinion many do think this way but with each generation gay relationships are accepted and tollerated,

A marriage dont sit right with AnnC,but is fine with all relationships who ever they are.

Same here Hayley,my mum was the same she got quite steamed up about gays,,,,,,but I accepted it was how she felt and didnt want to beat her over the head with an iron bar because of her strong opinion,,,,,my dad was a mans man and found the whole gay thing sicking,,,,but then that generation was just coming out the dark days of a man wearing a ring on his little finger was a sure sign he was *one of them*,,,,,nothing was ever said about gay women though,but then they were possibly like queen Vic who didnt accept two women fell into the lot of homosexuallity......

Thank goodness they dont have to slink about in dark wine bars wearing a pinky ring........ :-D :-D.


eRRolSheep Report 7 Feb 2013 20:26

I totally agree Jane - each to his or her own.
However, I do get slightly irritated that certain "do gooders" try to sway the opinion of others quite aggressively and ram it down our throats. Opinion is great but unfortunately certain people think they have a right to tell the rest of us what we should or should not accept


Jane Report 7 Feb 2013 20:21

From when I was a baby until the age of 9 we lived next door to 2 ladies.They were called Miss * and Miss*.They were obviously a couple.This was in the 50's.I think at that time my parents just thought they were friends lol.But later realised they were a 'couple'.I spent many a day with them ,going off to the seaside and lots of fun.
I can't see what all the fuss is about .I am not religious ,but can understand those with certain beliefs.We all have our own thoughts,beliefs and feelings on this .Who am I to say what is right or wrong.I just know how I feel :-D


AnnCardiff Report 7 Feb 2013 19:51

I recall many moons ago walking along Oxford St in London when a guy passed with another guy and he said "Oh I say, mind my wedges" :-D


Rambling Report 7 Feb 2013 19:49

lol Hayley, I hadn't thought about the shoes :-) but they may have seen me, in a pair of dungarees that were really comfy, doing 'butch' things like DIY and pruning big trees ;-)

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 7 Feb 2013 19:44

Rose do they look at your shoes by any chance? By the gospal of my Mother its a dead give a way....( Please wear heels to keep the gossips at bay ;-) ) and thank you for getting the gist of my post at what I was trying to say :-D It often confused me in my teens, that a man like to make his new home like nice and his only topic of conversation wasnt how he had to rush to the bookies for the 3.30 at Haydock or how many pints of beer he could shove down his neck during opening times, was automaticly gay?

Oooooo Ive just thought of another of my Mothers, " He was spotlessly clean" hand gestures to be included.


AnnCardiff Report 7 Feb 2013 19:38

couldn't agree more Jane - so many far more important things on the agenda - this should be taken as read


Jane Report 7 Feb 2013 19:38

It is who you love that matters ,not what Gender.


JustJohn Report 7 Feb 2013 19:37

Have just read Hayley's post. I thought it extremely funny. I hope it is pc to laugh at it.

A lot of people in those days were very racist and very homophobic. I think back and it makes me shudder - but I doubt I was that different. You pick up a lot from your parents and then try hard to learn your own way. My mother was very liberal for those days (the 1950's) - but dad. One night he told us all at dinner that a "West Indian family in Great Brikkiln St ate Kit-e-Kat for their tea every day". I think that sound hilarious now, but will remove it if anyone finds it very insulting

I will not be able to go to my grave thinking that the sexual act (in the way I think it is performed) between a man and a man is a natural expression of love. And, if performed between a man and woman in that same way, I feel the same way.

It will always be a perversion to me, however much I appreciate that two men and two women can love each other and can enjoy kissing and cuddling together. And I do believe they should have equal rights with heterosexual couples in long term relationships.


Rambling Report 7 Feb 2013 19:35

I don't think you'd ask this particular question BC lol, nor do I think it would be wise to do so :-)

I was just thinking though, in the light of Hayley's post, how many times I have been asked if I am a lesbian, during the periods of my life ( ie basically since I had Dan ) when I haven't had a man in evidence lol. I well remember the odd and knowing looks from some of the locals when I introduced 'my friend' when she came to us for a holiday ;-) She found it immensely amusing also :-)


Jane Report 7 Feb 2013 19:32

Well I have absolutely no problem with same sex relationships or marriage.
I just think how crazy something like this has to go through Parliament :-S :-S


ButtercupFields Report 7 Feb 2013 19:30

I'll ask it for you if you like Rose. I am very at ease with this kind of thing. I think half my family are gay and most of my friends so it is no big deal :-D


Rambling Report 7 Feb 2013 19:25

You know when you are really bursting to ask a question, but know you mustn't ? lol.


eRRolSheep Report 7 Feb 2013 19:16

I am somewhat reminded of somebody I knew who was quite racist. Well extremely so really. I pointed out that a mutual friend of ours was of a different skin colour. He just said "Well that's different, I know him"


Guinevere Report 7 Feb 2013 19:16

Gay sex wasn't seen as perverse by everybody in the 1960s, John. Certainly not by the 10% of the population that were gay at that time. And neither by a large proportion of the population at that time, pressing for a change in the law. Not everyone's mind is as narrow as yours.

If it's normal consensual behaviour to them then that's good enough for me and certainly not a perversion. As you said - none of your business - but you do seem to obsess about it for a person who said he had no strong feelings.

"Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned."


eRRolSheep Report 7 Feb 2013 19:14

John if you find homosexual relationships perverted then that is up to you but I find it very small minded.

And how do you know how affectionate they are in private - and how often?

You are so full of anomolies and self-contradictory but I respect you standing by your (misguided) guns

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 7 Feb 2013 19:08

I am absoloutely PMSL at some of the comments on here, when some try as they might to remain PC or very modern as my Mum calls it! :-0

I can almost imagine her view on the matter, as some not so PC but trying very hard to be ,posts reminds me of her in past years, for instance in our neighbourhood when I was very young.
A very nice chap moved in and at a guess I would say he was about late 30's early 40's, he lived a lone and spoke nicely, kept his place like a new pin, discussed shopping for new curtains and carpets once with my mum and her friends in the street and how he he had seen a new stand up lamp that day and decided he was going to save to buy it. :-D Of course that set the rumour mill alight with in hours, our newest neighbour was one of them ;-) This went on for weeks,. of course folk were as nice as pie to him to his face it was hard not to be even as a young child you couldnt help but like him, but behind his back there were not so nice comments about him, I remember standing wtih my mum and her neoghbourhood friends and hearing my mother hold court and passing on information, that this nice young man had actually lost his wife years ago in tragic circumtances and that is " what had sent him that way" to which I piped up " what way?" and told be be quiet., he moved on not long after I never knew if he managed to purchase the much wanted stand up lamp........but years later I happended to mention him to Mum as I often wondered what happed to him, I actually asked her how she found out about his wife when no one even knew his surname, she said she didnt she made it up to keep people off his back because which had me roaring with laughter just because the poor bloke was branded a gay widower with a fetish for buying soft furnishings and no one actually had a clue who he was.. :-D :-D :-D

Nowt to do what so ever with the OP by the way just thought I would share :-D