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Same sex marriage[BACK ON TOPIC NOW]

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'Emma' Report 9 Feb 2013 11:50

Noticed in my local paper that a minister CofS has retired because a
minister who is gay has been accepted into the church and he feels
this is wrong. He hopes his congregation will walk out with him and come
worship in his house.
Must add that this is not the first gay minister appointed to my town.
There was a bit of controversy when the first one was appointed but
his congregation are delighted with him and apparently he gives a good
sermon. Wonder how he stands on same sex marriage and would he be
allowed to perform the service. Maybe stupid question but am not very
knowledgeable in these topics, know a little.
Emma :-)

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 9 Feb 2013 11:45

seems this thread has some what lost its way....can we do a quick head count

For or against .....

Me: For :-D


Wend Report 9 Feb 2013 11:31

He can't help himself Barb - he just loves all the aggro (and attention) too much!


BarbinSGlos Report 9 Feb 2013 11:16

John, at 10.39 you said you were not going to contribute to this thread anymore , you absolutely refused.
10.58 you contributed. You just don't get it do you. For goodness sake stop it please.


AnnCardiff Report 9 Feb 2013 11:02

you just can't help yourself can you - I worked with people with mental illness for nigh on thirty years - you'll no doubt be pleased to know I do not consider you to be mentally disturbed, though some messages I've received indicate otherwise - I just think you enjoy winding people up - you do it so well


JustJohn Report 9 Feb 2013 10:58

Look at post at 1012 from Chrissies and next post. Poor lady :-(

Incidentally, I am not displeased if folk gang up on me at all. Not because I want thread to be about me or any of that nonsense.

Because you feel comfortable enough to have a go without me being nasty (or very nasty) back. I see it as a compliment. If you disagree with others, you can often feel very uncomfortable about berating them.


Muffyxx Report 9 Feb 2013 10:54

I have to confess on a drunken gin night me and my friend do kind of chat about inappropriate stuff Hayley LOLOLOL but the beauty of that is we generally completely forget what we've said by the next day...or at least pretend we have ;-)

Wouldn't dream of discussing that sort of stuff outside of VERY close friends.......certainly nowhere near a chat board.

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 9 Feb 2013 10:52

I wouldn't of dream of asking or discussing a another person or even a very close friend about any sort of sexual activity they choose to be involved in regardless of their gender or if they are gay or hetro :-S

Thank you for explaining about hostile takeovers to me, I had visions of shop managers running up and down the ailes of Tescos waving pricing guns above their heads with their store ties wrapped round their heads in rambo style ....Sorry Ann :-D

I vote on a no delete :-D


supercrutch Report 9 Feb 2013 10:49

Can I stop thumping my head against the wall now?

Bye John don't let the door hit you on the way out :-D


AnnCardiff Report 9 Feb 2013 10:42

in that case it most definitely stays


Muffyxx Report 9 Feb 2013 10:41

Nice choice :-D


AnnCardiff Report 9 Feb 2013 10:41

and perhaps before you go you will be good enough to give an example of one of my other threads where I apparently only make the posting for "my friends"


lilybids Report 9 Feb 2013 10:41

Thank God for that


JustJohn Report 9 Feb 2013 10:39

Bit of a dilemma, AnnC. All your friends seem to disagree that thread should be whooshed ;-)

If it stays, I shan't contribute any more. Sorry, but I refuse!!!!!!!


Muffyxx Report 9 Feb 2013 10:37

Regardless of Ann offering to delete've admitted it's upsetting positive purpose can be gained by you constantly adding to it if I were you I would put my own happiness first and stop looking in...leave it to those who want to carry on debating on it to do so in win situation.


lilybids Report 9 Feb 2013 10:36

I like Asda myself :-D
Have liked reading this thread please don't delete AnnC
He is just a silly old man :-\


supercrutch Report 9 Feb 2013 10:34

Before I go and get my head bandaged and phone a builder to get the dented plasterwork fixed........I hope these gay friends of yours are not the ones you referred to in India who had a penchant for young boys. If they are i wouldn't describe them as gay just perverts.

Why do you try to control threads? Who you may consider not nice as a poster others may know them better and understand their posts reflect frustration or even anger.


AnnCardiff Report 9 Feb 2013 10:32

the thing is John, if I delete it, the sensible members on here will be upset - you on the other hand say you will be happy


JustJohn Report 9 Feb 2013 10:32

Muffy. It is AnnC who also wants to delete thread. I would agree with you, but like all threads AnnC starts it is only for her friends and preferably only for those who share her opinion.

So it can serve no purpose in allowing a free and fair exchange of views. That is why it should be deleted now. Not making me grumpy - seldom do grumpy. But old - skin is going like that lady in the film. Wrinkling before my very eyes :-( :-( :-(


Wend Report 9 Feb 2013 10:32

Me too Emma :-)