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Huia Report 30 Jun 2009 07:56

Bob, it cost $140. I got my computer from The Ark which refurbishes computers when businesses upgrade and sells them cheaply to schools and the likes of me. Of course, I should add the cost of travelling about 40km to The Ark to take it to them and then to get it back, but at least it is an outing for my hubby and me.

I think they actually put my hard drive and my CD burner into another computer which is the same as mine. Anyway whatever they did I am happy. Yes it was the thunderstorm that cooked it (I presume) even though I have what I thought was supposed to be a surge guard. Not sure if they protect from lightning strike. Obviously not in this case. In future when there are storms in the air I will unplug from the power, hope that will protect things.

I am not sure if the English relative does have any Irish blood but she does have a twinkle in her eye, and apparently it was a bit cloudy and the company did not think the jump would be very good in that weather but she persuaded them otherwise.

My sister and brother in law used to go hang gliding until my sister injured her tail bone in a heavy landing and her husband had a couple of accidents, the last of which left him brain damaged and in a coma for a week. His brain damage consists of memory problems. Otherwise he is ok. Another b.i.l. used to have a hot air balloon and the sister mentioned above used to go up with him but when it was tethered one year to advertise the Easter Show a gust of wind caught it, took it up a bit then dumped it. B.i.l. got minor burns to the back of his legs. His wife (my youngest sister) would never go up with him as they had 4 young children and she felt somebody had to be there for them if there was a serious accident.



Bob85 Report 30 Jun 2009 07:12


That sounds expensive. Was it that thunderstorm that did the damage? You are having a bad month, what with the water pump and now the motherboard. Glad you did not lose the data on your hard drive.

Is it true that once you learn embroidery you continue doing it all your life? Or perhaps it may be the "Irish eyes are smiling" that did the trick even at 77 for it sounds as though no bone in her body would allow her to sign a waiver.


Huia Report 30 Jun 2009 02:38

The mother board in my computer was fried by lightning about 36 hours ago. I had to take it to be restored and am finally back on it (and happy).

I suspect that our health and safety rules are probably fairly strict but my relative probably did a bit of embroidering of the truth to do her jump. Or she might have had to sign a waiver. Who knows with her, she seems to have a strong Irish streak in her.



Bob85 Report 29 Jun 2009 22:43

Hi Jean

Don't take any notice of my negative thinking about paragliding, that's just me, "head in the clouds" but "feet on the ground" sort of person.
Just saw and interesting interview on TV where a para (now isn't that interesting) plegic spoke about the first para chute jump by a para plegic in NZ. (Well he was an Aussie!!). I suppose I should now start a new para graph.
Anyway he has done 53 jumps altogether including 15 as a paraplegic and has now started his own website: -

So Jean, while I still prefer "Fore" with my golf, you achieve your dream by reaching for the skies with a joyous "Jump"!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 28 Jun 2009 10:42

That's amazing about your relative Huia. Strange that NZ aren't quite as concerned about H&S. common sense still rules!

If Jean was serious about paragliding, I'm wondering if a local club would be willing to arrange something for you if you were doing a sponsored flight for charity?

Hope the GP can sort out different tablets for OH. Otherwise you are stuck between a rock and a hard place.


Huia Report 28 Jun 2009 09:01

My English relative who is 77 did a tandem parachute jump when she was in New Zealand a few months ago. She wants to do one in England for charity but her doc wont give her the all clear. She didnt need it here. She is a real character.



Bob85 Report 28 Jun 2009 02:04


What a brave young (Well the lovely doctor said that you were not old!) person you are. I have flown a few kites in my time and somehow that is one of the last things together with bungy jumping that I would want to do and probably be the last as well.
I think the bravest thing I ever did was to challenge a bully that had we younger ones (10 yrs old) held up in a neighbour's house. I told him (12) that he was too frightened to put the gloves on to settle the matter. Of course I was wrong. Can't remember getting hurt too much but still am aware of the respect gained from my opponent. He won't remember that day for he is now in a home with Alzheimers and was not able to attend the recent funeral of his sister. You may gather from that as well as this thread that I am still a bit of a talker but have learned (most of the time) when to "keep mum".

Jean (Monmouth)

Jean (Monmouth) Report 27 Jun 2009 19:54

I would love to go paragliding but pocket doesnt allow things like that.
Will have to get Dr to change OH's tablets, he is getting very light headed. It is not worth it to save the occasional small angina attack.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 27 Jun 2009 08:58

Lol – laugh out loud. Used in response to someone else to indicate you found their post amusing, or added to your own to show that your comment was tongue in cheek, or not to be taken too seriously.

On other more light hearted threads, you might also see
Pmsl – P*ss myself laughing
Rofl – roll on floor laughing
Wmsl – wet myself laughing

You are not alone. It took me ages to work them out myself and had to ask our offspring for confirmation. Their faces were a picture – mum trying to get her head around txt (text) speak!


Bob85 Report 27 Jun 2009 02:37

Back from Golf!
Standing on the 17th tee with 69 to that point. A par 5 and par 4 would give me 78. Wishful thinking! Put my drive out of bounds and ended up with an 8. Even worse on the next, out of bounds again and finished with a 9 and total of 86. 17 in the last two holes but that's golf sometimes. So Jean walk the Great Wall of China and do not take up golf.
You will have to let me know whether "LOL" is "little old lady" or "lots of love"!
Sorry Jean but I have got to get to know the terminology around these threads and any way the doctor say that 74 is not old.


trafiklitedol Report 26 Jun 2009 22:30



+++DetEcTive+++ Report 26 Jun 2009 19:44

Well done, Jean! That must be a tremendous relief, and an inspiration for others going through the same thing.

So, what next? Walk the Great Wall of China? Paragliding? What ever you fancy (not that you'd catch me doing the above LOL) go for it!!!!

Jean (Monmouth)

Jean (Monmouth) Report 26 Jun 2009 19:37

Had my mammagram results today, CLEAR. See me in twelve months unless I have any problems. Pleased as punch with me as it is 7 yrs since the mastectomy and he says I am not old at 74! Lovely man!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 26 Jun 2009 19:28

>>>>>>>> runs out of the way!

Have a good day Bob. and all others down under


Bob85 Report 26 Jun 2009 19:17

It's 6.14am here. Some may be still asleep hopefully. Others will be sitting down for dinner. I'm off to golf hoping to repeat my 80 on Wednesday.


Huia Report 24 Jun 2009 10:10

Bob, it finished up at under $1000. And the taxi home and back was less than suggested. A motel probably would have cost about the same and I would have missed out on my eyedrops night and morning and some tabs that I take. Since I was seeing the eye specialist this morning about the early stage glaucoma for which I use the eyedrops I didnt want to miss them. As it was, the reading was a bit higher than he liked, though not too bad. I dont want it to get to the stage where I cant drive or we will have to move to town, although I am trying to get rid of a lot of 'junk' just in case the time comes.

My husband and I have the Gold Card so we use it if we want to go to Auckland, go by train or bus from Papakura and it doesnt cost us anything and no parking charges, or the stress of driving in the city traffic and finding a parking building.



Bob85 Report 24 Jun 2009 09:45

Jean (Monmouth)

It does sound as though your bus system (EU funded) has been designed by young bureaucrats in Brussels. The system here for superannuitants is a Gold Card (not that I have ever bothered to apply for one) that allows I think free travel on buses trains and ferries between certain hours of travel. We never go on the bus nor the others for the car is so handy and has a flexibility that the others even for day trips do not have. You can always go a fill the tank or use the toilet if need be without buying petrol.
PS I would not be surprised if they did not even employ someone to record the number of trips you have rung about.

It is years since I had something like that go but it does sound a lot for a water pump unless the radiator had to be done as well. Blooming cars there is always something happening that costs "an arm and a leg".

Jean (Monmouth)

Jean (Monmouth) Report 23 Jun 2009 15:19

Governments want us to use our cars less, but for people like us there is no alternative. You cant take someone who is dependant on pills and handy loos on a bus which may not run a return journey for three hours or more. Thats if you have a bus service.
Ours is a EU funded service twice a week and you Must ring up the day before, before 12 md or you will not be allowed on the bus even if it is nearly empty. Just too bad if you suddenly need to go to the Drs or you need to get somewhere urgently.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 23 Jun 2009 08:41

Glad you seem to have cracked the getting up in the night thing. Do try Decaff, but remember that as we get older (gents in particular) we do seem to need the loo more.

Hope the car is fixed quickly. If you had to stay overnight, it may be unsettling for OH (and you)


Huia Report 23 Jun 2009 04:43

We arrived home in a taxi about half an hour ago. Our ute needs a new water pump :((( and it will cost over $1000. They have to get the parts in. It was a toss up between getting a taxi home ($75 or $85) or staying in a motel. I decided to come home as I have various pills and eye drops to take. I will make sure I take them with me when we go in again in the morning just in case the job isnt fixed by the end of the day, then we can stay at a motel. I have an appointment at 10 am otherwise I could just ring up to see if the wagon is fixed and then call for a taxi to take us in. We live about 30 km from the place where the garage is, and 23 km from the place for my appointment and there are no buses to take us in to the nearer place.
