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The Change - Arrggghhh!

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☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 2 May 2009 21:10

Going to call it a night now ladies........we're off out on the river tomorrow so going to have an early night.

Whatever you're doing tomorrow have fun and keep safe!

Speak soon I hope,

☼ Pam.☼ xxx


Fiona Report 2 May 2009 21:13

I could never pluck up the courage to go into a chapel of rest and see any of my dead relatives, but when my mum died
in 1999 I knew because I loved her I had to do this, I had to see her for the last time and say good bye.
OH came in with me, and I burst into tears and I knew it was my mum but it still felt strange to see her there, after a while we walked out of the room and it was like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, I kept saying to everyone .I did it, I have actually seen a dead person, I am glad I said goodbye to her, I would never have forgiven myself If I had not gone


Jane Report 2 May 2009 21:17

Iheard on the radio the other day ,The sayings 'saved by the bell,dead ringer came from the 1600 hundreds when it was found that when some coffins had been dug up there were scratches on the inside of the lid.Afterwards there was a bell put in the coffins so just in case the person wasn't actually dead they could ring it .The graveyard shift was the poor chap who sat to listen out for any bells ringing lol
On that joyous note I will say night night xx


Jane Report 2 May 2009 21:21

AB snap lol.I think you were right with the string bit.
I am signing off now so night night all.x


Fiona Report 2 May 2009 21:38

Got to go ,Hope everyone had a good day
see you tomorrow afternoon, I'll be saying my prayers in the morning, so I'll put in a few good ones for My friends on GR


Harpstrings Report 2 May 2009 21:58

Welll............thats right, end up talking all spooky and leave me in the dark!


Good night then ....*slouches off the board*

Tina :))

who incidentally does not wish to be buried or cremated, in fact, I refuse to die, so there! lol


Jane Report 3 May 2009 10:46

Wooooooooooo!!!!! Morning .Did everyone sleep well lol No bad dreams??
My roast beef is smelling delicious in the oven,the sun is shining and OH is walking the dog.Think it will be a nice day.I hope you all have a good day.


Jane Report 3 May 2009 13:15

I wish I had some interesting rellies,but will never know as being adopted I don't know who was who.It is far to complicated.
AB I will set a place for you I have plenty.Lovely crispy roast spuds too.!!!


Jane Report 3 May 2009 13:29

For pudding is strawberries raspberries icecream and these wonderful shortbread biscuits with bits of strawberry in that I found in Te***.,and if anyone fancies I have some chantilly cream.
As for tracing family.I have found 2 half brothers and a cousin.I was one of 8 but no names of fathers.I did start looking at B Mothers line but was then told that her father probably wasn't !!!!!.I don't know what FTF is.To be honest I am happy enough to find out a bit of where I came from,but I would have loved to have been able to trace back.But hey that is life.I hope to find out more when I meet up with one brother sometime.


Fiona Report 3 May 2009 13:43

Afternoon all
weather!!!!!, why do I always start with the weather, cos I'm fed up with seeing the RAIN!!!!
no really to day we have a mixture , sunny with showers and chilly winds, Temp only 11 degrees, so I'm still wearing my winter jacket to church this morning, arrived to a warm church , take coat off, 2/3 hot flushes, take off a light cardigan. then as the service goes on temp starts to cool down .On goes cardigan, half an hour to the end on goes coat, ON & OFF ,ON & OFF

All this talk of food is making me hungry, we are having Lamb for dinner , haven't made up my mind as what veg to have, it's a decision between cauli & carrots or carrots & green beans.
whatever we have today, tomorrow we'll have the other . I have slid into the salads gently, mainly with my lunch, but the rest of the family moan if we have salad and it's still cold outside.


Jane Report 3 May 2009 13:57

Well we are just about to sit down to eat.I AM STARVING lol.Shall be back later on.


Fiona Report 3 May 2009 14:02

enjoy your dinner helen, we don't have ours till about 6 when daughter no 1 & SIL arrive, have a strawberry for me, luv them.


Jane Report 3 May 2009 14:42

My kettle has just packed up!!!!!!!Luckily my daughter hasn't had a drink so have sent her off to Cu**ys to get a new one.It stopped just as I was boiling water to make gravy.Typical!!It is the hard water here.I go through so many kettles and irons lol


Fiona Report 3 May 2009 15:06

Bad timing Helen just when your making the most important dish, can't do without the gravy
I rember saying when I was little AH!! BISTO. when mum brought the gravy to the table and my girls said it'when they were little to LOL


Jane Report 3 May 2009 15:20

I still have Bisto today only because that is what I grew up with and love it .I have the roast beef and chicken flavour ones in the jars.
Fiona was it you that said one of your daughters was going in for BGT?If it was has she done it?


Fiona Report 3 May 2009 15:24

Sorry Helen whats BGT?


Jane Report 3 May 2009 15:34

Britain's Got Talent?


Fiona Report 3 May 2009 15:43

Oh right!
No it's the X FACTOR. she has to be at Hampden Park Football ground on Saturday the 9th May(next sat) at 8.00am for an audition she singing, she's known as the Kareoke(spelling not right) Queen in her circle of freinds, there's quite a few people she knows from Galashiels going, and a few from her own home town.
It's a matter of first come first served, so she'll be in for a long wait.


Jane Report 3 May 2009 15:59

I shalln't tell my B Brother who lives in really doesn't want to meet him.If he found out where she sings he would turn up,and even though he is a friendly and likeable person ,he has no idea of how to behave appropriately !!!!!!!!!!.Good luck for your daughter I hope she does well.


Jane Report 3 May 2009 16:04

OMG just been sat outside in the sun chatting to son.He looked at me and said"Mum you have whiskers" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!Right that is first job on tuesday morning.Get on the phone to book electrolysis.I have been putting it off for as long as possible before my week away next month.Obviously it can't wait a moment longer lol