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The Change - Arrggghhh!

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Jane Report 1 May 2009 21:09

Fiona I think when they know family want to see their loved ones they will then move them to the Chapel of Rest.Your Mum would not have been in the Chapel of rest for 10 days.I may be totally wrong here.I just think that the body has to be kept cold and will just be in the chapel of rest for a certain amount of time for last respects to be paid.
If anyone else knows the answer I would be interested to know.

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 1 May 2009 21:15

Think that Tina is right with regard to keeping the deseased in the mortuary. At the undertakers they have a freezer and I believe even when someone has been embalmed and put into their coffin they are still kept in the freezer part. If the relatives want to view their loved ones you normally ring in advance (atleast an hour) so the undertakers can get them out and ready for the viewing. Very sad isn't it, and I found that period between my loved one dieing and being buried the worst.

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 1 May 2009 21:16

Oh dear, time to cheer up I think!! We do get on to some subjects don't we!


Fiona Report 1 May 2009 21:16

Mum was taken sometime from the hospital to our chosen chapel of rest in another town, in fact it was straight across from the church where she was baptized and where mum& dad were married.
So it was really handy on the day of the funeral she was already lying there when we arrived at the church.


Jane Report 1 May 2009 21:18

When my best friend died ,her children decided 1 hour before the funeral that they wanted to see her.It is too complicated to explain but her kids were with us and the cortege went from my house.My OH made a quick call to the funeral people and just managed to take M&R to see their Mum.Talk about last minute.That was such a terrible day.


Harpstrings Report 1 May 2009 21:19

Hello Pam, I am fine thanks.

Oh she lies! lol Why do we always say that, even if we are sat in the doctors surgery waiting to be seen. A neighbour will come and sit next to you and we always say "how are you" and reply "oh I am very well thanks" lol.

Achey joints right knee killing me back also killing me this evening. But apart from that ok lol

Tina x


Jane Report 1 May 2009 21:22

Thats what us women do Pam isn't it.Men wouldn't have such a range of subjects to chat about.We can flit from one thing to another quite easily.Bit like multi tasking lol


Harpstrings Report 1 May 2009 21:24

I have no idea what mine got up to Fiona lol cos I have not got any! lololol

But no doubt they would have taken after their mother and been little angels - not. I was a tomboy, always playing around with the lads, climbing up apple and plum trees, robbing carrots from peoples allotments,playing cricket in the street, and cutting my hair just before a photo shoot! ooh I was a norty girlie. LOL

Tina x

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 1 May 2009 21:24

Many stories!!

Well this is about my son...he'd kill me if he knew, but it's so sweet!!

His Hero on the telly was "Dogtanian". A cartoon featuring a dog dressed like a cavalier. The dog was a spaniel, so had a husband and myself woke one Sunday morning to the sight of our son, who was about 4 at the time wearing my boots, hat, a plastic sword and no bit though...for the tail, he'd got a long piece of loo paper and stuck it between his botty cheeks!!!

Now you know why he'd kill me!!!!!!!!!!!


Jane Report 1 May 2009 21:28

Love to see you using the Botty Cheeks Pam lol.I don't know why I call them that .Think it must come from way back


Fiona Report 1 May 2009 21:29

sorry harpstrings I deleated that question as I got carried away and realised I had put the question on the wrong thread. or does it matter, it's this jumping from one to thread another old age is creeping up on me

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 1 May 2009 21:29

Yes it sounds so sweet, better than ar*e!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

Oh dear, I couldn't resist!!


Harpstrings Report 1 May 2009 21:31

Awwh bless his little heart. Yes I think he would kill you Pam. Men dont like being discussed anyway do they?

When I happened to slip what we ladies in work were talking about one day he was horrified. I said we ladies talk about all things and everything, we are not prudish or embarrassed. lol

Tina x

EDIT: No probs Fiona lol xx


MillymollyAmanda Report 1 May 2009 21:33

Hi Pam ,how are you ?
when my son was little he had a pair of swimming goggles which he took to bed with him ,when i went in to turn his light off
he sat upright in bed and said
who is it i carn't see
the goggles had all steamed up and he could'nt see a thing lol
another time he had one of those plastic macs and he had put it on in bed
he went to sleep in it
did'nt i have a job to get it off because he had sweated so much it stuck to him lol

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 1 May 2009 21:34

Yes tina, we're so different from men.

My husband was very shocked the other week as they have women cleaners where he works in the summer and he over heard what some of them were talking about...he came home in shock, it really did shake him! He said i know you wouldn't talk about things like that...I had to agree when he told me I thought, no i wouldn' was very bad!


Jane Report 1 May 2009 21:34

Kids are funny aren't they.My son was looking through the Claire Raynor book about telling children about the birds and bees.There was a cartoony type picture of a man's ere**ion and he came running in to me me and showed me the picture and said"you better tell Dad to expect this to happen"!!!!!

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 1 May 2009 21:37

Hi amanda, I'm fine thanks, hope you are too.

Little boys make you laugh don't son refused to take his wellies off before bed and we had to wait 'til he was asleep to get them off him, this fase went on for about a couple of weeks.

(I wouldn't mind...but he was 24!!) only kidding!

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 1 May 2009 21:38

..................and did it Helen! ☺


MillymollyAmanda Report 1 May 2009 21:40

My little grandson said nanny when you make me a sandwich will you cut the skin off ........he meant the crusts


Harpstrings Report 1 May 2009 21:42

Helen, that is sooo funny.

I remember being told about the birds and the bees from a friend, and was horrified at the age of 11-and-a-half to think my parents had done a certain act TWICE, once for me and once for my sister! Shocking!!

I was still playing with my dolls at that age - not like today's 11 and a half year olds!

Tina x