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The Change - Arrggghhh!

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Fiona Report 17 Oct 2009 21:32

now now ladies no violence on this thread LOL
talking about leaves, we have some lovely trees in our local park at the moment the colours of the leaves are really bright red. yellows ,oranges , they just look like some one had come along and painted an autumn picture.
It was really chilly today, have had the fire on tonight but don't want to put the heating on upstairs as i'll be cooking at bedtime and we all know what happens if it's to hot when it's time to go to bed AHHHHH!!!!
anyway i'm off to get a drink of milk then to bed, enjoy the rest of your weekend.


Jane Report 17 Oct 2009 19:20

We do normally Jean ,compost a bit full at the mo lol


Jane Report 17 Oct 2009 19:08

Patricia ,AB was taking the P out of me cos I nearly set fire to the kitchen lol and the smell has been lingering.
I will keep that petal thing in mind though for the next time we paint.What a brilliant idea.

Jean (Monmouth)

Jean (Monmouth) Report 17 Oct 2009 19:00

Jane, if you have a garden big enough for a bonfire, why not compost the leaves? They make good compost.


Patricia Report 17 Oct 2009 18:33

Jane ,for next time you can buy a little phial of liquid called "petal" in paint shops add it to your paint and hey presto no smell.We always used it when decorating for my mum as she had bad bronchitis problems and paint fumes made it worse


Jane Report 17 Oct 2009 18:08

CHRISTINE !!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't use leaves,as OH has collected them all and they are on the bonfire down the bottom of the garden lol.
In which direction do I fling the ashtray???


Jane Report 17 Oct 2009 12:28

Morning everyone.
I have actually got long sleeves on this morning lol.I will most likely change into short sleeves when I start sorting my sons room out.I need to pull all furniture out from the walls and move the bed as I don't know the last time it was cleaned !!!
Christine ,yes there is still a whiff in the house,just in the kitchen area now.
Chester is fine ,he is a 10 year old springer X.I think he may have some arthritis in one of his front legs as he is doing a bit of limping.
I will be glad when this week is over lol
It sounds like most of us have had problems one way or the other this week.
I think Patricia has had the 3 things.
Stay safe this weekend ladies !!!!!!!


Jane Report 16 Oct 2009 18:10

Katrina ,those palpitations are awful aren't they.I think oh here we go again lol.It is a horrible feeling as at first you wonder what on earth is happening.
I went through a spell of feeling panicky when out with the dog.I used to walk through a lovely spinney and one day for no reason I had to get out of there as fast as I could.I have never been back,and it is daft because it is a really safe place.
I think if I come back as something it won't be a woman LOL.Probably a cat.

Sorry I just realised I have spelled your name wrong.


Patricia Report 16 Oct 2009 17:45

Hi Fiona,try swaddling her in a sheet,we did that with our son who was a nightmare when it came to medicine,unfortunately because he was so premature he had to have antibiotics every day for several months so it was swaddling and a syringe........God that sounds cruel!


Katarina Report 16 Oct 2009 02:37

WELL girls I have been laughing my socks off at your messags, but your all right , it`s no laughing matter when you spend more time plucking than your man! ...... also no one has yet mentioned the dreded palpataions and heart problems, like missed beats and a very fast heart rate I thought I was going to die a few times, very scary I didn`t have a clue that it could be the menopause lol my racing heart took an hour and a half before it drop to a normal rate and the cause was THE HOT FLASHES STRESS hormones destable the heart rate and you don`t know what`s happing or have any controle over your own body. IF THIS WAS A MANS COMPLAINT THEY WOULD OF FOUND A SAFE CURE BY NOW.


Patricia Report 15 Oct 2009 23:37

Hi ladies, we've been having a bit of a time of it too! Daughter fell off a ladder and broke her wrist O.H. fell through the bathroom ceiling while clearing out the attic and we've been the victim of I.D.fraud.My mobile phone bill arrived with a balance of £1364 !!! After several phone calls and e-mails we discovered that someone in Coventry had added a mobile onto our account and run up that bill in 2 days ,we live in the west of Scotland have never been in Coventry and don't know anyone who lives there. Vodaphone eventually took the money off the account and advised us to speak to the police.The police told us "NO CRIME HAS BEEN COMMITTED " so they could take no action.Then vodaphone sent me a bill for disconnecting my phone £336 .I didn't ask to have it disconnected but they've done it anyway and the calls and e-mails continue to try to get them to cancel this bill.Stress?S leepless nights?Me ?You bet!

Jean (Monmouth)

Jean (Monmouth) Report 15 Oct 2009 19:22

Jane, bleeding the radiators is the first thing you do. If the boiler seems unusually noisy, check whether the water is going in to the header tank.If it isnt, the boiler can be on, but not enough water in the system. Been there, done that, told the workmen what to do more than once. Because I listened when the installer told me how it works!


Fiona Report 15 Oct 2009 19:17

Gone dark now and it's 7.05 just finished tea as I have been busy up at daughter no 1 house again, (not really complaining) had planned to do some ironing this afternoon but I had to go to the doctors with daughter & baby as the little one has an eye infection and daughter managed to get a quick appointment to see the doctor, poor thing her little eye all clogged together but she didn't seem to be bothered, Doctor prescribed eye drops 4 times a day. what a fuss we had trying to get the drops into a screaming baby who keeps wriggling and waving her arms about.


Jane Report 15 Oct 2009 19:00

Big Nudge for us.Everywhere seems a bit quiet on the boards at the moment.
Can you wake up in the mornings? They are so dark!!!!!!!
Lizzie,I hope you have your leak sorted now.My blooming radiators seem to be playing up.OH said he bled them .But I think they are worse now lol.I will be ringing BR Gas to get them to come and sort them out.We probably have the most difficult heating system as it is all higgledy pigledy pipe work.I did tell OH not to start mucking around.But did he take any notice? ............NO lol


Jane Report 14 Oct 2009 19:22

I shall be glad when this week is over Jean lol.The shower in the bathroom is not working either.Dog has a bad limp too.I think may be a bit arthritic lol.Bit like me I think .

Jean (Monmouth)

Jean (Monmouth) Report 14 Oct 2009 18:57

Jane, definitely not your best week!


Jane Report 14 Oct 2009 18:05

Quick nudge.I hope all is well with everyone.My washing machine will not be sorted now until next monday !!!
I almost burned the kitchen down on Monday when I left the shopping bag on top of the hob and it caught fire!!!! I was a gibbering wreck afterwards,and the house still smells now lol
I won't be doing that in a hurry again.OH says I can be in charge on Bonfire night LOL


Jane Report 12 Oct 2009 11:46

Morning Ladies,
I am keeping everything crossed that my washing machine will be fixed today.
It just died on me after our electric was switched off.It is all very well using a friends for a while ,but it is a bit of a faff taking it and collecting it.
It is a beautiful day here and the sun is showing me my windows need doing inside !!!

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 12 Oct 2009 08:10

Hi Jane, well my week end was okay but i worked Saturday and Sunday off to bed in a sound like you had one!

Speak later ladies, hope everyone has had a good week end.



Jane Report 11 Oct 2009 17:46

Hello everyone ,I have had a very intoxicating lunch today and feel a little
I think in a mo I won't make sense so ,just hope everyone has had a good weekend lol