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The Change - Arrggghhh!

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Fiona Report 1 May 2009 21:42

I remember 1 day when daughter no2 was about a week old, I had taken her oldest sister to school and walked down the road into town to do some shopping and on my way home decided to pop into the chemist to get some more nappies, the shop had a big window so I left the pram outside and walked in I could see the pram ok , did my shopping and as I walked out of the shop was met by a friend, started chatting and about 20 mins after turned and headed back to wards home was about 5mins along the road and realised I left the baby outside the shop, there 7 years between my girls so I was quite used to not having any little one with me, I felt terrible ,dashed back and the baby was still there and fast asleep, I was shaking like a leaf. I was one lucky lady,

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 1 May 2009 21:43

Yes indeed, what an inocent lot we were weren't we? But it was nicer, we didn't grow up too quick.

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 1 May 2009 21:46

Fiona, we've all done things like that i'm sure...i know i have. There's five and a half years between our two and I left her asleep when i took my son to school in the mornings once or twice...we lived about a ten minute walk from the school and she would have grizzled all the way!! When i think back i feel so bad about doing that...but i was so tired!

Pam (a guilt ridden mum!)


Harpstrings Report 1 May 2009 21:50

Well, my arm is beginning to hurt, (its at a an awkward angle to computer, lol, that does sound funny, so its time to say good night.

Good night everybody, hope you have a restful sleep,

C ya !

Tina xx


Jane Report 1 May 2009 21:52

Pam ,I couldn't possibly answer that lol I'm off to bed now!!
Fiona my dad left me outside a shop in my pram,got home ,mum said where's Jane ? I think he did the 1 minute mile .I was still there,fast asleep.No harm done ,although I think poor Dad would have been in the dog house for a long time !!!!!!!!
I will say night night now to all you Hot Totties.See you all again tomorrow.

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 1 May 2009 21:52

Night Tina, sleep well.x

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 1 May 2009 21:54

Yes, I'll say good night too.............sleep well.



Fiona Report 1 May 2009 21:59

Yes me too -goodnight everyone.

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 2 May 2009 10:43

Morning Ladies, it's another lovely day here, really sunny. Hope it stays like that for our day out on the river tomorrow!

Hope you're all well and slept okay and didn't wake too hot or achey...or both!


☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 2 May 2009 11:11

Hi girls, it's a bit quiet on wondered if the name change may have put people gone back to the original!

Speak soon,



Harpstrings Report 2 May 2009 12:26

Hi Pam

Peeps may have gone away for the weekend, as its a bank holiday?

You have a good day too, the sun was splitting the sky this morning but its now changed cloudy dull and cold!

Tina x


Fiona Report 2 May 2009 12:46

afternoon pam , Harpstrings
Been busy all morning running around finnishing house hold chores at my dads. hope you both have a good , sunny here but cold winds


Jane Report 2 May 2009 13:15

I'm still here,just been food shopping.Annx is away for a few days and Marilyn has her sister staying.When the sun is out it is boiling ,but the clouds seem to be gathering .


Harpstrings Report 2 May 2009 13:16

Afternoon Fiona

Well, I have sneaked the central heating on for an hour - before OH gets in from work lol as I was feeling cold. I suppose if I put something on my feet I might warm up a bit lol.

I did some ironing first thing, board still up, ironing not put away - as I have been doodling with me paints lol. I am not an artist please dont think I am, I am a happy amateur who splodges paint on paper now and again. lol

Tina x


Fiona Report 2 May 2009 13:30

Harpstrings ,if splodging makes you happy then splodge away, see I have a good excuse for splodging working with pre-school kids, wellies are great things for splodging with , lots of different paint colours and put on your wellies , cover floor with lots of paper and stamp and jump till your hearts content, good exercise too.


Jane Report 2 May 2009 13:33

Tina ,Heating???? I have had mine off for a week now.Where are you living,it is really warm here.I was just thinking of putting on one of my strappy summer tops lol.Flip Flops on too .


Harpstrings Report 2 May 2009 13:36

Now why didn't I think of that lol shame I cannot get a pair of wellies to go around my fat legs!

Children have such fun painting. Perhaps I should cut some pototoes lol and do some printing as well.

I loved doing paper mache at school, lovely sticky glue, and it had a lovely smell too. Gosh you could not go glue sniffing nowadays pmsl

Well peace has been broken, OH has come in from work and is now mowing the front lawn and my sister is due any minute as well, so they will both want feeding no doubt!

Enjoy the rest of the afternoon Fiona, may see you later on. :))

Tina xx


Fiona Report 2 May 2009 13:40

you too. have a good day Tina
see you later.


Harpstrings Report 2 May 2009 16:23

LOL Helen - I live in England - Bristol.

I am always cold! It may be pleasant outside in the sunshine (not shade) but indoors its a cold wind coming through the doors and windows.


Might put my fleece on in a minute, and I am not joking. I already have on a T shirt under a full length dress with has an overdress on top of that! lol

Tina xx


Jane Report 2 May 2009 16:34

Tina ,if you are always cold ,you can't be a hot tottie then LOL.It is still quite warm here in Kettering.I used to live in Nailsea.