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The Change - Arrggghhh!

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Annx Report 29 Apr 2009 16:16

Anyone else get the sudden, glowing beetroot-red face without your body getting hot. The kind of look that makes people ask you if you are ok!! lol`


Jane Report 29 Apr 2009 16:19

All the time Ann.I try not to look at anyone when I go like that.It is just my face and head that will be hot,and this sweat under my eyes drives me barmy

Edit my hands can feel cold when I have a hot head and face.

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 29 Apr 2009 19:15

Evening all, (hey it's Dixon of Dock Green!)

Been out on my bike this afternoon, and I'm very proud of mysel I biked over to my sons and he lives just over four miles away...blimey my old bum is going to be sore tomorrow...that's about 9 miles in all! Mind you I took my time and it's very flat all the way and no traffic. I didn't go barmy just pootled allong. I've had this bike years, my dear old dad bought it for me in 1980, the year my son was born. Hubby says if my knees are very stiff tomorrow he'll squirt a drop of WD 40 on them!! LOL!

Hey I don't know about a red face Helen & Ann but my bum cheeks are I bet!!!

Jean (Monmouth)

Jean (Monmouth) Report 29 Apr 2009 19:31

Annx, my problem exactly! underactive thyroid and over weight. Have had my tablets upped to 125 microgrammes, but no change. Started physio three weeks ago and lost 4 pounds the first week, but none since. Was getting very stiff though I thought I was active. Am surprisingly better now and my insulin dose has gone down. Still get night flushes!


Jane Report 29 Apr 2009 19:54

OMG Pam,not sure I want to know about those botty cheeks .I can imagine they look pretty rosy lol.Good for you cycling all that way.
Jean ,have never thought about my thyroid,maybe I will get it checked.

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 29 Apr 2009 20:32

Hi girls...yes the old aches are starting to kick in...but I'm so unfit and am going to perservere with my bike!

Helen, botty that expression! LOL

We're having a boat out on the broads on Sunday so hope the weather stays fine, forcast looks good but you never know! There will be myserlf, hubby, my cousin Frank, son and daughter with their girlfriend and boyfriend, so a nice bunch of us. I'm really looking forward to it. ☺

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 30 Apr 2009 11:20

Morning all, dear oh dear what an achey bum, well it's no surprise I suppose. i think I'll give the bike a miss today though!

Funnily enough I didn't sleep well and I thought that I would. But I woke for a wee and then kept waking about every couple of hours, phone my friend for a chat and she said "Oh you must be depressed", I'm not, well not that I'm aware of...oh gawd what next!!


PS Hope you're all okay!! xx


Jane Report 30 Apr 2009 11:31

Pam what time did you phone your friend???Not in the middle of the night !!
You need to rub some DEEP HEAT on those achy cheeks LOL
The smell of Rape Seed is so strong here today it is making me feel a bit yucky.It is the first day that I can say I have really noticed it this year.
Popping down to Te**o now .I think I better stock up on Zirtec and nose spray as I think we will all need it.

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 30 Apr 2009 11:37

Hi Helen, LOL! no this morning!


Annx Report 30 Apr 2009 11:49

Pam, you'll be wearing Lycra next!!!! lol. Well done though for doing 9 miles......I'll have to build up to that gradually when I get my old bike out. What a sight I must look always creases me up, but I'll just have to overcome it!! Did you put some WD40 on the bike first to make it run easy?

I found a wasp in the conservatory yesterday.....a bit early in the year I thought.

That Rape Seed smell is so overpowering isn't it Helen and they grow so much of it now! Makes us sneeze and have runny eyes and noses.....thanks for the reminder....I will pack some Zirtek to take with us this weekend.


Lynda Report 30 Apr 2009 15:30

Hi Pam welcome to my world been at this for about 4 years ,you have to remember the rest of the world is wrong and you are always right ? . When does it end


Fiona Report 30 Apr 2009 16:51

Hi Pam. Helen, Annx everyone
we all certainly get around abit, so this is where you are when your not on the other Thread, I'm joining the club, started the Golden moments(thats what my friends call them) when I was 47, now 53 was on HRT since 1989 (for PMS) then the cancer scare to do with HRT appeared and doctor took me off in 2001, WOW!!!!! I was off only for 2 days and I'm walking through M&S when I felt as though some one had opened a furness, clammy back, legs, the lot,
Has carmed down a lot now, really only bothers me at night . keep flinging off the sheets one minute then draging them back because am shivering.
Have learned 1 trick when I feel the heat comming on I get up go to the bathroom & by the time I'm back in bed I have cooled down.


Jane Report 30 Apr 2009 17:01

Fancy seeing you here Fiona LOL.Have you read the whole thread???It has been hilarious.
I thought we could maybe call us The Hot Totties!!!!!!!!!


Annx Report 30 Apr 2009 17:10

Hi Fiona, yes this is another haunt of ours!! lol. When I was at work I used to run cold water on my wrists....seemed to help cool me down. A friend of mine used to find that the palms of her hands dripped.....wouldn't have believed it if she hadn't shown me. Difficult when your job means handling paper and a lot of writing. With me the sweat trickles down my back and back of my neck and on my face, but although my hands get clammy, they don't drip.

Helen, I like the name Hot Totties!! lol


Fiona Report 30 Apr 2009 17:17

Hi Helen
yes I have had some laughs too, that would be good name


Fiona Report 30 Apr 2009 17:21

I feel sorry for people who get really flushed and the red starts spreading upwards , I just grab the first piece of paper or table mat and keep fanning myself, I have a small fan made out of plastic type of paper I got from a christmas cracker , it's great causes a good draught.


Jane Report 30 Apr 2009 17:25

I find a restaurant menu is always handy for flapping.Trouble is they can be a bit large so I can't flap discretely lol


Annx Report 30 Apr 2009 17:43

I just try and sit near the door ......The worst is when you find you are next to a radiator which is boiling.


Jane Report 30 Apr 2009 18:01

What's JHM please?


Jane Report 30 Apr 2009 18:48

Thanks for that AB.I'm always curious about medical things ,being an ex nurse,but out of touch with things now.So you can't wrap your legs round your neck then??