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Favourite Films!

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☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 2 Jun 2009 08:17

Hi all,

Sorry to hear about that 'interview' Ed, but I'm sure you'll get fixed up soon a bright chap like you.

Here's an old one, Waterloo Bridge, starring Vivien Leigh and Robert Taylor, aww a real lovely old fashioned romantic one.



EyebrowsEd Report 1 Jun 2009 10:47

Hi Elizabeth,

I work in IT and am currently upgrading my qualification for my "Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer" badge to Windows Server 2003. It's something I should have done at least two years ago really but I never got around to the studying. Here's a link to the qualification:

It's seven exams in all, I then need to upgrade to Windows Server 2008.

My eventual goal is to become a Microsoft Certified Architect - this is the pinnacle of the Microsoft qualifications and gives you an industry recognised qualificaiton to design and implement complex IT solutions. Holders of this qualification demand a high salary!



John Report 1 Jun 2009 04:31

Heathcliffe - Christian Bale
(Both lose their cool)


Elizabethofseasons Report 1 Jun 2009 00:29

Dear EyebrowsEd and all


The company that interviewed you had no business changing
the job criteria after the interview.

I was sometimes asked at interviews:

"How would you improve things around here/the systems/procedures, etc"?

Yes, if you want that advice employ someone properly.

Cheeky beggars!

Even now, it is still hard for employers to find reliable, competent
and good workers so do not get despondent.

We watched a couple of DVD episodes of "Moonlighting" with
Cybil Sheppard and Bruce Willis.

Do you know this was shown in 1987?!

Crikey that was 22 years ago!

The other afternoon Channel 4 showed "I was a Male War Bride"
with Cary Grant and Ann Sheridan.

I missed this but I love most of Cary Grant's films.

If it is not too cheeky, what are you studying EyebrowsEd?

Anyways, good luck to all who are going to job interviews.

Best wishes


EyebrowsEd Report 31 May 2009 21:17

Hi ladies,

Sleep was dreamless last night (or should I say this morning!) not many things seem to phase me - I normally find horror films amusing - but this one was a bit different.

Just taken an on-line test for a job - I got the request on Thursday and eventually got round to it this evening. Didn't get the one I interviewed for the other week; the firm decided that they wanted an additional skill for the successful candidate that I don't have AFTER I had the interview. They said I was very articulate and presentable and that if it hadn't been for this one missing piece I would have got the role. I've had a think back on it and I reckon they didn't intend to hire anyone - analysing the test and questions I had I think they were bringing people in to get some free consultation advice on how to upgrade their systems. It's a nasty trick that is used in my industry, especially when money is tight.

Never mind, I have another interview lined up for Wednesday and this one is MORE MONEY! I also have every skill they want and more and have already had some very encouraging feedback from the agency who contacted me about the role.

I haven't watched any TV at all today; I spent most of the day in the garden giving it a big tidy up so we can start using it in the summer.

Bog all on telly tonight, so I'm snuggled up on the sofa with my lappy, cruising the boards and doing a bit of revision. One exam down (passed with a score of 907 out of 1000) and six more to go ...



Nickydownsouth Report 31 May 2009 13:35

First iv`e heard about Tthe Superman role being blighted Ed, will have to have a google and see if I can find out about the one in the 50s..........
Glad you enjoyed dumb and Dumber. Pam,......its good to just sit and laugh sometimes....

So your worried about the scary kids as well then Ed...glad its not just me, hope you managed to sleep OK, I went to bed and started watching the very last ER episode again, that was first aired on Thursday......... still in mourning,.......... Thursday nights just won`t be the was a 2 hour episode proceeded by interveiws with past and present stars, it was all so sad, i grizzled on and off for nearly 3 hours on Thursday watching it, luckily i fell asleep through it last night, before the pillow got to damp........


☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 31 May 2009 11:11

Morning all,

Hope you didn't have nightmares Ed and Nicky!

We watched Dumb and Dumber last night, we've got it on video (what's a video!) but just sat and watched it all the same, don't think we could be botherd to turn it over! We enjoyed it though and at times were really laughing...says a lot about us I think.

Doesn't take much to put the wind up me with films, think I've said that before. So tend to stear clear of scarey stuff! What a wimp.



EyebrowsEd Report 31 May 2009 01:34

The remake of Village of the Damned was a very good adaptation of John Wyndham's "The Midwitch Cuckoos" (although there is 61 children in the book).

I had a look about the film and it was Christopher Reeve's last role before he had his accident. Going of the thread (a little), I seem to remember reading or seeing on TV that the "Superman" role was blighted - didn't an actor who played Superman in the 50s commit suicide or something?

Time for bed now - I hope I don't start dreaming about platinum-blond kids with golden eyes!


EyebrowsEd Report 31 May 2009 00:24

Hmmm ... very interesting this remake. All the children (and there appears to be more in this version of the film) are being born at the same time in the same hospital.

I've also just spotted Mark Hamill in it (Feel the force Luke ...)


Nickydownsouth Report 31 May 2009 00:19

sounds more like one OH would like than me........a pity we don`t live a bit nearer could go together.....Lol

He watching yet another Steven Segal film on sky movies at the moment....I really didn`t realise he`d made that many films, seems to be one on every night at the moment, either him or Jackie chan.....



EyebrowsEd Report 31 May 2009 00:11

Just seen an advert for a new film coming out called "Red Cliff". It's a story of a battle fought in China during the Han Dynasty (I think) in the 3rd Century AD.

Looks a martial arts epic - must give it a go.


Nickydownsouth Report 30 May 2009 23:53

Not one for me i`m afraid Ed......all those kids with scary eyes will give me nightmares........Lol....



EyebrowsEd Report 30 May 2009 23:45

Just about to go for the 1995 remake of the Village of the Damned with the late Christopher Reeve and Kirstie Alley in it. We'll see if it lives up to the original.

If not I may shuffle off to bed.



Susan10146857 Report 27 May 2009 23:43

28 Years Elizabeth! Is it that long? Sheesh! how time flies!

I loved steve McQueen but another of my all time favourites is Jack Nicholson. I can watch any film he is in, my favourite being 'One flew over the cuckoo's nest' scary if one was sane, got locked up in an asylum and was treated in the way some were. Great fun to watch Jack in this film though.


EyebrowsEd Report 27 May 2009 23:36

Hi Nicky,

There's a big argument over Napoleon's height. Some sources say he was 5'2", whilst others say he was about 5'6". The debate is over whether at his autopsy the doctor used French inches or British ones! (His autopsy was carried out by a French doctor who hated the British, but was carreid out on Elba, a British territory). French inches are longer than British ones, so his measurement would have been the shorter one. However, this was about average height for a western Eurpoean man at the time.

Custer, apparently, was a total numpty when it came to military tactics and graduated last in his class at West Point - and he was only a Lieutenant Colonel in the regular army (He was a Major General of volunteers in the Civil War and used the higher rank to "big himself up")

I thought the way they turned from colour into black and white when going into the pictures was also very clever.

We've got the first Night at the Museum on DVD.


Nickydownsouth Report 26 May 2009 11:47

Sounds like a good day out Ed........ treating yourself{instead of the kids} to something YOU want, followed by a cinema trip....I don`t have an ipod myself, never even had a walkman, I just cant get on with sticking plugs in my ears, even on holiday when everyones laid round the pool with their earplug thingys listening to their music, I just CAN`T get on with them....i must have funny shaped ears or something ,i can never get them to stay in and they irritate the hell out of me....pity really coz I love my music too........ its my excuse for not going out jogging as well........I mean who wants to go out pounding the streets when they can`t listen to music at the same time....Lol.

Glad you liked the film as well, did you see the 1st one was TV on sunday night? Loved the way Al Capone was in black and white all the way through..........and the way Napoleon Bonaparte was portrayed as vertically challenged.......was he small in real life? Its a bit of a history lesson for the kids as well, makes a change.....a fun film where you can actually learn something.



EyebrowsEd Report 25 May 2009 23:37

Hi NIcky,


Took the girls to see "Night at the Museum 2" as well today. I totally agree about the film - Jeez haven't seen a cinema so packed for ages.

Loved Custer in it and Amelia Earheart - wow is Amy Adams one pretty girl or what! (She also played Princess Giselle in Enchanted - another good film)

I also treated myself to an iPod today - the guys and girls at work clubbed together and got me a a gift card for the local shopping centre. I had two choices going through my head - should I get another suit for interviews/work in the City or something to listen to on the train - so I made the sensible choice and got the iPod!! (Well music is one of my great loves too ...)

Just splashed out on a few tracks that I used to have on vinyl and am in the process of loading a few CDs up.



Nickydownsouth Report 25 May 2009 23:14

Afraid i`ve never heard of The Sand Pebbles.....but with such great reveiws will keep an eye out for it.

Your "Leaving Do" sounds like a good night Ed...............if you woke up with your shoes still on you must have been plastered........

Been to see Night at The Museum 2 tonight....very good, and for those that havn`t seen the first one it dosn`t matter.......the story follows on, but would be easy to pick up if you hadn`t seen the earlier one. very funny in places, and some new characters, suitable for all ages.........highly recommended.......



EyebrowsEd Report 24 May 2009 23:41

Hi Elizabeth,

The Sand Pebbles is another of my favourites - if it hadn't been for Paul Scofield's portrayal of Sir Thomas Moore in "A Man for all Seasons" (another classic) - McQueen would have won his Oscar for his part as Jake Holman.

Also had the lovely Candice Bergen in it too.

I also liked McQueen in "The Cincinnati Kid".



Elizabethofseasons Report 24 May 2009 23:29

Dear Pam

You bet I watched "Bullitt"!

It took me six attempts over the years to watch the whole film.

But when I did, wow!

Steve McQueen was a superb actor.

Other good films he made, were "Love with a proper stranger" with Natalie Wood and "The Sand Pebbles". He was oscar nominated
for his role.

It is hard to believe it is 28 years since he passed away,
He would have been 78 now.

Do you know there is no TV footage of any interviews he gave?

Best wishes.