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Just a thought.....

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Andrea Report 30 Oct 2003 14:18

Ooohhhh She - that's nasty!! Go girl!!! Love it - why should they have it easy!


Unknown Report 30 Oct 2003 07:54

I am deliberately leaving things behind to confuse my descendents lol - my husband and I are getting our pictures taken in both Victorian and Edwardian clothing :-) - Well we cant make it too easy for the offspring heheheh


BrianW Report 30 Oct 2003 07:22

The present day social set-up is what makes it so important that we record the current situation as well as delving into the past.

Linda & Tim

Linda & Tim Report 30 Oct 2003 00:35

I reckon tracing trees in future will be a nightmare! The younger generation may have different firstnames - but think of all those family units today with three of four siblings all with different fathers. We gain so much information for our trees from marriage certificates - but it looks as though there won't be as many of those around in future years. How will you begin to trace a tree using only birth and death certificates?


Carol Report 30 Oct 2003 00:33

Just imagine someone tracing their family history in the 25th or 26th century. They would not only have difficulty tracing which country, but also which planet or homeworld their ancestors were born/married/died Not to mention inter species marriages, should we ever discover life on other worlds. I think I have been watching too much Star Trek


Amanda Report 30 Oct 2003 00:23

Andrea That's a good idea, I think I will contact embassy, just to see what they say on the subject. It is not a worry to me, but I would still like to see what they have to say on this subject. At some point later I think I would like to have my marriage blessed, but do not know if I could have this done in UK now, having my marriage blessed in Canada my home, would be lovely but I can't see all my family travelling over from UK. Oh well, such is life. Amanda.


Helen Report 29 Oct 2003 22:16

One thing that will make us much easier to trace is the fact that we use so many different first names now. I hardly know anyone now who has the same name a their Mum or Dad. Think of the sort of problems we have trying to find which Mary Jones is ours when every Jones family in town had a Mary. Today there would be Kylie Jones, Britney Jones, Chelsea Jones, Channel Jones, etc. etc. In fact I bet there won't be a Mary Jones!!!!


Andrea Report 29 Oct 2003 21:22

Amanda We checked that our marriage would be recognised in both England (my birth country) and here in Austria where we live, and we were told that it would be and that we didn't need to do anything about it. The Travel Agent told us that the marriage would be recognised in England (when we booked it) and we checked with the British Embassy here in Austria to check about it being recognised here - could you try the Embassy to check about yours?


Amanda Report 29 Oct 2003 16:30

Hi Andrea, I am glad you bought this subject up, as I am also wondering about this too. I was born in Bristol, got married in Sri-Lanka, and emigrated to Ontario, Canada, the same year as we married. My marriage certificate is wrote out in the native language of Sri-Lankan, fortunately we also have a English copy. My query is, is my marriage recognised in England and Canada as a valid marriage or were we supposed to have a blessing or perhaps registery office wedding in England to actually have out marriage registered. No-one ever told us otherwise, and no questions were asked when I sent of my marriage cert to change my name to my husbands, however I do wonder. Does anyone else have any info or input on this subject, would be very interested to hear what others think. By the way Sri-Lankan curry's are excellent!!!!! Amanda


Andy Report 29 Oct 2003 16:19

If things stay the same (which of course they won't) then yes, I think genealogy would be a totally different ball game 100 years from now, trying to work out people's lifestyles and why they may have hopped from one country to another all the time. Whilst some of the families from the 1800s are hard to track down, most of them were fairly predictable with regards their movements, naming of children, and so on.

Lisa J in California

Lisa J in California Report 29 Oct 2003 16:07

Andrea: Hadn't heard about women returning "home". Will keep that in mind, thank you.


Andrea Report 29 Oct 2003 16:03

We are all looking for these marriages etc and assuming that they would have taken place in the town where we have found the people's birth or where they are living. So on that basis, how much are genealogists going to struggle to find out about my wedding in years to come:- I come from Darwen, Lancashire in the Uk, I now live in Austria and I got married in Cyprus!!!! I confused the hell out of my family so what chance does anyone else have! Of course, getting married abroad was not the done thing many years ago but it is getting more and more popular and we should bear this in mind when looking for the more recent relatives - although how on earth we would find out about this is a mystery to me, as it doesn't get registered in the UK, but where you got married!! Also, for births, it was very popular for the women to go home to their Mother for the birth of their first child, sometimes even all the births - so we should keep an open mind if we find all the right details that we are expecting except for the place where it occured. Just thought I would share that with you all!


Andrea Report 29 Oct 2003 16:02

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