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Documents relating to DEAL in KENT

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Christine Report 17 Jan 2004 00:20

I have the deeds to a public house - The Ship and Castle formerly Sir John Falstaff High Street Deal dating from 1733 to 1902. Contained in these documents is a copy of the will of Nicholas PIDDOCK or PITTOCK dated 1778 and a copy of the will of Stephen PRITCHARD dated 1812. If there is anyone out there with an interest in these documents, email me direct. Chris


JackyJ1593 Report 17 Jan 2004 16:39

Chris, I wish they were linked to me but unfortunately not. I looked at your message because it mentioned Kent. I wonder if more would look and respond if you put the names in the title. It would be a shame for this message not to be picked up by an interested party. Also try putting a message on the boards for those names. I hope you find someone who would appreciate your find. Jacky


Christine Report 17 Jan 2004 19:05

Thanks Jacky, have done as you suggested. Hope I can find someone related to these people. Chris


Ann Report 18 Jan 2004 21:42

Chris, Are there any other names mentioned in the wills - recipients etc ? Someone may be interested. For instance my father inherited an old grandfather clock and would love to know how it entered the family. As many of our relatives were in service, he thinks that it may have been left to one in a will. But it will be a miracle if we ever locate it. Ann


Christine Report 18 Jan 2004 22:33

Stephen Pritchard Will. Beneficiaries are: nephews John, William and Richard Pritchard, niece Ann wife of Paul Reynard. Children of Bradly Sole, Casles Sole, Jane Bradly Flint, Matilda Sole Spencer, Elizabeth Easter Mummery. Children of the late Ann wife Abraham Shrewsbury, nephews Edward Shrewsbury, Richard Hopper Shrewsbury. Ann the wife of Robert George. I havn't read through the Piddock will yet. Chris


Carol Report 26 Mar 2011 16:09

Dear Christine, I have just come across this message and I realise it was posted a long time ago. Ann /Abraham Edward/ Richard Shrewsbury are in my family tree. Is there anyway I can see what the documents say about these folks. Kind Regards Carol Townsend nee Shrewsbury.

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 26 Mar 2011 20:06

I don't know if Chris still reads these boards.

Try clicking on her name and sending a message direct to her.
If she has kept the same e mail address, she will receive a notification then from GR.
