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Page expired warning...........Why ?

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Pam Report 22 Jan 2004 08:29

Can anyone tell me in a language a three year old could understand, why I am unable to hit the back button anymore without getting the following message and a blank screen: Warning: page expired. The page you requested was created using information you submitted in a form. This page is no longer available. As a security precaution, Internet Explorer does not automatically resubmit your information for you. To resubmit information and view this web page, click the refresh button. This first started happening a few weeks ago on Family Search and some other sites, now it's happening to me when I am looking at GC pages and try to go back. Hubby put a pop-up killer on the PC over Christmas, could that be the problem? I hope someone can advise me as it makes searching nigh on impossible. Thanks in advance..................Pam


Crista Report 22 Jan 2004 08:44

Pam, You need to clear your cache. Go to Tools, Internet Options and then "delete files". Crista


Pam Report 22 Jan 2004 09:49

Thanks Crista, I ran out and got a three year old and we are going to try that now...........must go and take him back before his mum finds out!!!....................Pam


Pam Report 22 Jan 2004 12:08

Hi Linda, I did as Crista suggested and it worked! Thanks again Crista, I can now add that to my PC knowledge for future reference............I'll soon have to buy a bigger postage stamp to store all my new-learned info on!...................Pam


Pam Report 22 Jan 2004 12:46

Linda, NEVER tell the other half anything you have done on the PC unless you have to. If it worked then no harm done. Likewise, never hoover out his toolbox and put all the little nuts,bolts,screws etc in boxes..............apparently they knew where everything was before you came along and tidied it up. I understand tidying is also forbidden in the case of PC desks, garages, workshops, and the boot of the car, or is it just my OH? Sometimes though, I just move his things for the hell of it and the entertainment value! Pam


Janet Report 22 Jan 2004 12:57

Linda I'd wait until he realises things are working better ....... THEN tell him! (one up to you!) Pam Ha-ha!! No it's not just your OH! It's just the same here! Janet


Pam Report 22 Jan 2004 13:29

Linda, under the Geneva convention you are only required to give your name,rank and serial number! My hubby sounds a lot like yours when it comes to technical things and says we should be grateful we are even entrusted with knitting needles. But who does he send into a shop or get to do the telephoning when anything technical breaks down and needs complaining about?...................Yep!!! Whenever and wherever we encounter bad service he will never complain himself, but will moan about it till the end of time if I didn't do something about it. You've got to love them though! Pam


BrianW Report 22 Jan 2004 13:46

Dare I say that women are better at complaining: especially about men! Ducks below parapet ! ;-))


Janet Report 22 Jan 2004 14:02

Brian ..... damn - missed! Get you next time! :o)


Pam Report 22 Jan 2004 14:02

Brian, in all fairness to men I have to ask where would we be without you?..........................Who would move or carry heavy stuff and catch spiders? Pam


Janet Report 22 Jan 2004 14:04

..... and reach things on the top shelf at the Supermarket .....


Pam Report 22 Jan 2004 14:42

Linda, Yes sorry about that, I do get a bit carried away! Seriously though thanks to Crista I can get back to searching for elusive ancestors again. It was driving me mad when it happened on FreeBMD and Familysearch but enough was enough when I couldn't hit the back button on GC this morning. Happy hunting everyone!................Pam


Judy Report 22 Jan 2004 17:04

Pam: Try the fix below. Even if it doesn't work for your particular problem, it should be done for other sites you can't find or view: Fixing “Website Can’t Be Found” and other Site Error Messages More than likely you have trouble with accessing quite a few sites.....particularly getting the message "website can't be found" among a few other error messages. Try the following and it should solve your problem. 1. Go to START. 2. Click on CONTROL PANEL. 3. Click on INTERNET OPTIONS. 4 A box appears with tabs labeled across the top. Click on ADVANCED. 5. Scroll down to the sub-heading SECURITY. 6. Make sure the following has check marks next to it: Use USE SSL 2.0, USE SSL 3.0 and USE TLS 1.0. 7. Also make sure you check off EMPTY TEMPORARY INTERNET FILE WHEN BROWSER IS CLOSED. More than likely USE TLS 1.0 is not checked off and it should be. This will give you the error messages, as well as a few others, that will prevent you from viewing web sites and the error you are getting. Make sure you empty your cookies cache as well as temporary internet files once in a while, too, as this slows down your computer.


Pam Report 22 Jan 2004 17:30

Judy, many thanks for your help. I have printed your reply for future reference. Pam


Judy Report 22 Jan 2004 19:46

I just noticed on one of the comments made, that the problem being experienced, is happening at the Family Search site....I've had that problem myself, a while back with the Family Search site and the problem was something on their end (as I wrote them about it.) It was eventually corrected a few days later. There was , at the time, only a few people I know that were experiencing the problem, as well...not everybody. Judy