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A seriously difficult challenge

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Jennifer Report 19 Jun 2006 09:31

I would like to share some information with the super slueths out there and see if you have any more luck than I have had in solving this mystery: Sir Robert Munro of Obsdale, The Baron of Fowlis near DIngwall in Scotland and Jean Forbes had three sons from about 1684 onwards. Their names were Robert, George and Duncan. Robert became the Baron when his father died in 1729. Captain George became known as Munro of Culcairn and had a son, John with Katherine Ross (whose father's name was Thomas Ross) then was killed in 1747 in a case of mistaken identity by a rebel who thought he was someone else because he was riding that person's horse.Duncan was killed at Falkirk and had no children. Robert married Mary Seymour and had three sons from 1720 onwards; Robert (who died in infancy) Harry , who became the Baron when his father died at Falkirk in 1747, and George who died unmarried. Harry married Ann Rose and they had a son , Hugh who became the Baron when his father died in 1781. They had other children too but none of them lived or married to produce children to take the title from Hugh who had only a daughter. This was the end of the Munro of Obsdale line. After this the Munro's of Culrain took over and succeed to this day. HOWEVER... Sir Harry created a much-disputed entail in which he stated that any children of George Munro of Culcairn should succeed before any of the Culrain Munro's. George Munro of Culcairn had a son , John as I've said, and John had three sons ;George 1743-1776 died without issue, Thomas 1745+- to ? ( a historian says he died at sea without issue) and Duncan whose line ended in a female. Here's the mystery - if Thomas did have legitimate children then they would have been eligable for the baronetcy. I have traced my family back with documented evidence as follows: John Thomas Munro born 1783 St Botolph's without Aldgate to Hugh and Elizabeth is my GGGG Grandfather. Here are some clues - In my family was a document from the war office of 1747 informing the family that their relative Captain Munro was shot while riding a borrowed horse and being mistaken for someone else. There is also a ship's log of a journey undertaken in 1758 by Hugh Munro from London to the Far East but the cover of this document says Sir Thomas Munro. Inside this log is written John Thomas Munro , Broughton House, Hastings. John Thomas Munro was an organ builder in Swan St in the MInories and organs with his name on them have been found in Tasmania and the West coast of America. It is known that ship's had organs on board in those days to keep the sailors active by dancing. Could Hugh Munro have been the 'lost at sea' Thomas Munro? I have not yet found a marriage for him and Elizabeth so even if he was, I cannot prove legitimacy.Could Hugh have been Thomas's son? I hope there is someone cleverer than me out there because I AM STUMPED!!


heather Report 21 Mar 2011 12:13

thomas munro was my great grand father and i think his father was thomas there was
jessie munro 1869
catherine munro1871
alexander munro 1874
john munro 1876
thomas munro 1881
hugh munro 1883
and isabelle

hope these are who you are looking for as it will solve my problem too thanks