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Top tip - using the Genes Reunited community

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Thanks Jennifer and Reg

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KathleenBell Report 22 Jul 2007 18:19

Hi Pat, You could have just gone to your original thread and clicked on it so you could see all the replies. Then you just click on 'Add Reply' at the top of the page and you could add your thanks there. That way the people who have helped are more likely to see your thanks. Kath. x


Patricia Report 22 Jul 2007 18:16

Thanks Jennifer and Reg for your help with regards to finding my granny. Bloooming hell, a workhouse and my mother liked to think she was a bit stuck up. I am thanking you in this manner because I am not very good with the message boards - should I have replied to you both direct? I think I need tips on using the message boards. Thanks again......Pat