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family members who have been adopted
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Sarah | Report | 9 Mar 2015 17:52 |
have found a possible half brother of my grandmother |
+++DetEcTive+++ | Report | 9 Mar 2015 11:26 |
Good for you Sarah :-D |
Researching: |
Sarah | Report | 9 Mar 2015 11:04 |
I was lucky as I managed to find out the identity of the birth parents - people can also register their contact details with birthlink if any other relatives wish to make contact |
+++DetEcTive+++ | Report | 9 Mar 2015 10:39 |
There is something simliar in England & Wales- |
Researching: |
Sarah | Report | 8 Mar 2015 18:04 |
As there has been a change in the law ( not sure if this is just specific to Scotland or all of the UK ) descendants of family members can now access adoption files of family members . You can contact Birthlink on 0131 225 6441 ( address is 21 Castle Street, Edinburgh EH2 3DN. Whilst they couldn't tell me much over the phone, they told me what court dealt with the adoption. This applies to people who where born 1930 or after, and where born or adopted in Scotland |