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green's of Birmingham

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Eileen Report 27 Aug 2013 16:41

I have a confusing tree as I have the Green family from Leicestershire who moved to Birmingham for a while where my grandfather Married a Prudence Davis, but then when I found her, it seems that her parents were Thomas Davis and Esther nee Green, and Esther's father was Robert Green and her mother was Esther, nee Wilkinson. Robert's father was Thomas Green, but I cannot connect the two families of Greens together as yet. I'm wondering if cousins wed or not.
Prudence and Frederick Green were born aprox. 1848 and I have Prudence as born in Birmingham
I know there are several other people with the names of Robert and Esther but no one seems to be able to go further back. I think Robert's father was Thomas Green who wed Sarah Grately in Birmingham. Sorry if I've confused you all.


greyghost Report 27 Aug 2013 17:06

? Could be coincidence, Green and Davis are both common names. I have Limb's marrying a father and son mid-late 1800's, but if there is a connection it's further back than I've found. Thought it was going to be easy and the women would be aunt/niece or cousins, but no!


Eileen Report 27 Aug 2013 19:08

It's all so confusing isn't it? We go from greens to Davis and back to Greens again.


wisechild Report 27 Aug 2013 19:58

Trying to sort out a Green/Hughes liason in Birmingham as we speak.
Both families were in the Jewellery trade.....another common factor.....& judging by some of the forenames passed down through the generations, I suspect a Jewish connection on both sides,
Just to muddy the water a bit more for you %3A-S
I like to help where I can %3B-%29


ErikaH Report 28 Aug 2013 09:09

Do you have a question, Eileen?