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Community Advisor Report 8 May 2013 12:11

Hi Mark Elliot Anstruther, I’m sorry that you are unsatisfied with the responses from the Customer Support Team, I’ll take a look at the responses that are being sent out.

Hi GlitterBaby, as far as I’m aware some customer queries were cleared over the bank holiday weekend by the Support Team. The threads that I believe you are referring to have now been removed. If a member makes an accusation against another member, actions are taken and warnings are given out. We only discuss this with the members involved.



GlitterBaby Report 8 May 2013 12:05

The Team need to get their act together. Why is it taking so long for posts/threads that are sent for review to be dealt with whether it is a Bank Holiday or not.

Fed up asking the Support Team questions as they just cherry pick what they are going to reply to and ignore the rest of the message even when you send it back for the questions to be answered.

This thread is a waste of time !!!!!!


Kense Report 8 May 2013 09:56

Perhaps if the opening post of a thread is reported then the whole thread should be hidden and closed for further postings until a decision is made.


GlitterBaby Report 6 May 2013 12:59

I will not bother to send a message to the Support Team as they would not answer anyway so will put here what I would have said.

This site is becoming a disgrace. Surely there must be someone working in the Support Team department over a Bank Holiday weekend. Two threads need to be removed as soon as possible as they are causing a great deal of upset and bad feelings between members. Very surprised to see they are both still on the boards. One is particularly in bad taste as we have just lost a very well respected member of this site. I just hope their family and friends have not read it.

You continue to allow some members to post what they like, make accusations against other members without proof etc. Why is action not being taken?

Your prompt action to this matter would be appreciated.

P.S. As a regular user of the boards - during the today, evening until 1am and of course weekends if there are any positions available to work in the Support Team then I would like to be considered. I would only expect a new computer to replace my ageing one and a reasonable hourly rate of pay. I could take up this position immediately.

Please do not add any comments to this as I do not want any post getting sent for review or even a member getting a warning. If it happens to me then that is okay.

Have a good day,



GlitterBaby Report 5 May 2013 22:23

Another question that will not be answered but here goes.

A member of the Support Team has posted on the boards today at 19:26

Was this member posting on a personal level but using their GR login ?

If they are part of the Support Team and working this weekend then why are posts sent for review and other messages being ignored.


GenealogyResearchAssistance Report 5 May 2013 15:50



Mark Report 4 May 2013 07:55


Greetings Natasha
thank you for the first of your fortnightly Suggestions Board Roundups.

I am sure that regular users will carefully monitor how many of these and past suggestions ever get implemented even if you have rated them as 'good ideas'.

After years of Genes retrograde 'improvements', senior management have shown little capacty to respond to repeated and considered feedback allowing serious faults to persist for many months.

You wear so many hats with your responsibilities for Social Media, PR and now Community Manager. I suspect that you will make little progress as your tiny Genes team of technically skilled staff needs considerable additional investment to recover a fully functioning website. Your inexperienced and underpaid support staff, who so often just send out meaningless generic responses, are not a satisfactory answer to the serious structural issues.


ErikaH Report 3 May 2013 12:07

I know which individual suggestion the question was aimed at.............


InspectorGreenPen Report 3 May 2013 10:16

1. Definition of direct relatives is open to discussion. One answer would be to flag all ancestors i.e. the pedigree for the Home Person.

2. I was involved with the assessment and prioritisation of suggestions for system enhancements for a number of years before retiring.

I would say on average, around half of all suggestions received, however well meaning were rejected as the outset, usually because they brought limited or no real benefit, or were simply impractical.

Of those that got to the next stage, that is for more detailed investigation as to cost and feasibility, probably a further third were rejected.

The remainder were then prioritised for development based on criteria such as cost benefit. urgency, resource availability and so on.

Of these, it was also inevitable that some would never reach the top of the list and were also dropped.

The point I am trying to make is not to be too disappointed if what you think is a brilliant suggestion doesn't quite make the cut, when considered within the wider scheme of things.


SylviaInCanada Report 3 May 2013 01:41

Reggie ........

......... you're quoting a little out of context

Natasha has posted on that link that she is going to be posting 2 weekly progress reports on suggestions made and action taken

That question ................ "Who do you consider direct relatives?" ................ was in response to those who want to have the ability to use capitalized names

It could be quite valid, as some people do seem to have different ideas re "direct relatives"

I think that the freedom to use capitals as and when you wish to, is what is needed ................ ie, flexibility.


GlitterBaby Report 2 May 2013 23:20

Beginning to think that posting any suggestion or problems about this site are a complete and utter waste of time.

A lot of good suggestions made over on that board have not even been mentioned.

Also still waiting for a reply sent to Support Team on Thursday but as I was asking a question then as per usual it does not get answered. No surprise with that then.


Joy Report 2 May 2013 23:13

Who do you consider direct relatives?



ErikaH Report 2 May 2013 23:04

On the thread highlighted by GB, one of the questions is.............

Who do you consider direct relatives?

I thought these people were running a genealogy site....................


GlitterBaby Report 2 May 2013 21:18

Well a new thread has been posted on Suggestions Board but you can not add any replies to it


Joy Report 29 Apr 2013 11:26

I am looking forward to the suggestions round up thread.


GlitterBaby Report 26 Apr 2013 14:26

I am waiting for one that I sent back to the Team yesterday afternoon but it will probably get ignored.


Kense Report 26 Apr 2013 14:13



GlitterBaby Report 26 Apr 2013 14:00

But we should not have to ask a second time if the messages were read correctly the first time


Kense Report 26 Apr 2013 13:34

That happens to me as well. I usually have to send a second message, which does get a proper response.


GlitterBaby Report 26 Apr 2013 11:55

Just to add some background info to my previous comment.

Tell the Team there is a problem using the site and inform them in the message what operating system I am using.

Reply is what operating system am I using.

Tell the Team about a problem and include in the message exactly what I am clicking on, what happens and what messages I am getting.

Reply what exactly are you doing when you get the problem.

Ask a question about posts being sent for review.

Reply - I am told how to report a post.

The Team seem totally incapable of actually reading the messages before they reply.

It is now getting to the stage when I think there is an alarm system that goes off when I send anything to the Team.