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Death Certs

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Fionapatel Report 12 May 2012 15:23

Can any one help I am researching Smiths my grandfather was one of 12 children and from various research, and managing to find some living relatives have managed to confirm 7 of the deaths, but would like to find out about the other 5

I have exact dates of birth but have tried on ancestry and nothing comes up so must assume they died before dates of birth were included three were still alive on 1911 census aged 2 and 8 but after that have no further information and I know one was alive in the 50's but have no further details than that, does any one have any other suggestions as to finding out, as lots of deaths come up and would like not to have to purchase every death certificate, have already paid for 12 birth certs.

Born West Derby liverpool Parents Albert and Janet
Clara Smith 3/2/1902 know she never married and was still alive in the 1950's
Stanley Smith 29/6/1918 also never married and still alive in the 1950's
Arthur Smith 14/6/1909 was alive in 1911 but nothing after that
Harold smith 10/12/1916 do not anything
Alfred Smith 2/12/1903 alive in 1911 but nothing ather that

Any help greatly appreciated.


brummiejan Report 12 May 2012 15:33

Have you tried looking for correct birthday but a year or two either side? People generally know someone's birthday but are more likely to mess up the YOB!

I assume no middle names?

Not sure if of any use:

Name: Arthur Smith
Birth Date: 14 Jun 1911
Date of Registration: Jul-Aug-Sep 1983
Age at Death: 72
Registration district: Burnley & Pendle
Inferred County: Lancashire
Volume: 40
Page: 0984



brummiejan Report 12 May 2012 15:35


Name: Harold Smith
Birth Date: abt 1915
Date of Registration: Jan-Feb-Mar 1919
Age at Death: 4
Registration district: West Derby
Inferred County: Lancashire
Volume: 8b
Page: 601

Name: Harold Smith
Birth Date: abt 1916
Date of Registration: Oct-Nov-Dec 1916
Age at Death: 0
Registration district: West Derby
Inferred County: Lancashire
Volume: 8b
Page: 658


KathleenBell Report 12 May 2012 15:38

There is this possibility for Clara (date of birth is one day out):-

Name: SMITH, Clara
Registration district: Stockport
County: Lancashire
Year of registration: 1991
Month of registration: November
Date of birth: 2 February 1902
Volume no: 39
Page no: 1311
Reg no: 1191

Kath. x


Fionapatel Report 12 May 2012 15:47

Thanks, hadn't thought about different years, may take a risk on them and see if they are the ones. Smith is such a difficult name !!!