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Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 8 May 2012 23:13

...Couldn't remember when it changed, but knew it did, so had to look it up.
It was 1974 according to Wiki........

Historically Bournemouth was part of Hampshire, with Poole just to the west of the border. At the time of the 1974 local government re-organisation, it was considered desirable that the whole of the Poole/Bournemouth urban area should be part of the same county. Bournemouth therefore became part of the non-metropolitan county of Dorset on 1 April 1974. On 1 April 1997, Bournemouth became a unitary authority, independent from Dorset County Council. For the purposes of the Lieutenancy it remains part of the ceremonial county of Dorset



brummiejan Report 8 May 2012 22:55

Was it?? OK! I didn't know.
Ancestry is a bit funny with counties and showed nothing for Hampshire, but it seems to rely on the transcriber's knowledge - there are some very odd entries!

EDIT are you sure about that?

From Genuki:

Registration County : Dorset.
Created : 1.10.1932 (out of Bournemouth & Christchurch and Poole registration districts)


Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 8 May 2012 22:46

At that date Bournemouth was in Hampshire



brummiejan Report 8 May 2012 22:34

Back again after many problems with internet!
I have looked on Ancestry and have found one Simmonds/Simmonds birth in Bournemouth (1945-1955) which I shall PM you.
Worth saying Bournemouth is in Dorset not Hampshire.
You could also look on Freebmd by the way.


Jackie Report 8 May 2012 15:47

i think the birth was illegitimate .we know who parents are and the family and the surname is Simmonds



brummiejan Report 8 May 2012 15:08

So! I assume you know the surname? Are we looking at an illegitimate birth?
If the name isn't too common it might be possible to pin the birth down. I think you need to try to do this first.
I take it you are certain the child was adopted? If so, putting surnames on here would be OK as they now have a different name.

The other thing you can try is to put any other names you have - child's parents, grandparents etc - into 'search trees' above. A VERY long shot but easy enough to do, and if by any remote chance they are researching their birth family they might be on here.



Jackie Report 8 May 2012 15:02

no do not know the name of the child . and yes i am a relative


brummiejan Report 8 May 2012 14:49

Do you know the child's birth name? If you do you can put your details on the National Adoption Register in case they go looking for their birth family - assuming you are a relative.


Jackie Report 8 May 2012 14:46

hi the only information i know is that it was in hampshire and 1950. we think winchester or bournemouth.



brummiejan Report 8 May 2012 14:30

You need to state when and where Jackie. And which church.


Jackie Report 8 May 2012 13:44

hi how can i fing out about a child that was Adopted throught the church

thank you