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Janet Report 9 May 2012 07:38

If I could find out how it came to be at auction ..........(we did ask) I might stand more of a chance at adding to the little I know about him !

v frustrating



LadyScozz Report 9 May 2012 02:31

A relative of mine was (postumously) awarded the MM during WW1

The medal was spotted in a shop by a stranger, not related at all.

That stranger joined GR and sent messages to (probably) everyone who had that name listed, born about the same time. He found one contact. Me.

At that time all I knew about the young man was his date of birth, parents & siblings.

The stranger found out this man's name wasn't on the Memorial board of his home town, so he worked very hard to make it happen. He donated the medal to a museum. He also worked very hard to make a mini-documentary. I think it's being shown in UK schools.

There was a memorial service held on the anniversary of the young man's death. I contacted a cousin in Scotland who attended the service with her parents, husband and son.

Some people don't care about medals and other family items, but there's always someone who does care.


Porkie_Pie Report 9 May 2012 00:18

My son will have my medals and if when he goes his son does not she due respect they will go to the regimental museum with my sons medals



Rambling Report 8 May 2012 23:58

I think it depends really, I have lots of photo's which I certainly wouldn't part with, odds and ends with no great monetary value like my grandmother's sampler which I am very glad to have....but then my sibling and I both have children, who may ( or their children may) be interested to have the items when I kick it.

If there was no one to leave things to (who would want them) I might well decide to sell items and have the proceeds now to enjoy rather than leave them to be picked over by a house clearance company. I realised after my mum died that I don't need 'things' to remind me of her, things can get lost or stolen or broken, but what you have in your memory will be there always.


WhiffingSiggs Report 8 May 2012 22:24

Bargain Janet, I found my girlfriends Great Grandfather's Indian Mutiny medal had sold at auction for £1900. None of the family know how it came to be in an auction, they have a lot of memorabilia relating to him and wouldn't get rid of it.


WhiffingSiggs Report 8 May 2012 22:21

Disgusted, sickened, horrified, no soul.

Has a child been murdered ?

No. People view material things in different ways.


Janet Report 8 May 2012 18:25

My brother and I forked out £120 at auction to buy my paternal grandad's older brother's WW1 medals back for our family !

The 3 set plus a long service medal

I saw them on internet by chance when I googled his name and navy number and the sale catalogue came up

what an awful thing to do , they should have persuaded him out of it



JustDinosaurJill Report 8 May 2012 16:37

It's one of the reasons I won't watch that programme the other being the slimy presenting by the various.

Hubby and I have kept stuff relating to his parents who were wonderful people. They'd be worth nothing at an auction but are priceless to us. Even if they were worth a small fortune, unless it was a case of sell or starve we would never part with them. We too, simply cannot understand how someone can sell their heritage for a bit of cash.

How can some people have no need of something that most of the rest of us would see as precious?



wisechild Report 8 May 2012 13:30

The woman with the sampler withdrew it because her daughter said she wanted to keep it for the granddaughter.
I was horrified when she said she wanted to sell it. It wasn´t just any old sampler. It had been worked by the woman´s gggrandmother & had her birth cert in the back of the frame.
At least the man kept the personal stuff relating to his father´s service in WW2, but to sell the medals & photos :-| :-| :-| :-|


Vera2010 Report 8 May 2012 12:33

Someone had planned to sell a sampler by her great grandmother to get money to move a caravan around. Fortunately she changed her mind at the last minute (or perhaps never intended to sell in the first place - dramatic licence and all that).

I can't understand these people but I do sympathise with those who sell things because their short of money.



brummiejan Report 8 May 2012 12:12

Most of us would give anything to have these in our possession. Some people just have no soul. What can you do?


Porkie_Pie Report 8 May 2012 12:10

I cannot for the life of me understand why a son would do this with his fathers medals and pictures,

I don't no about the BBC but I'm Glad he is no son of mine,



Slartibartfast Report 8 May 2012 12:03

Those of you who know me on this forum will know that I like a little rant now and again.

As I write, "Cash in the Attic" is on, and there is someone about to sell his fathers collection of medals obtained during WW2 along with a collection of photographs during his time in the Pacific.

I am totally disgusted and sickened by such behaviour. He's not hard up for the money, he just wants to have a clear out and buy a new gadget for his caravan.

I think the BBC has a lot to answer for.

God I'm angry!