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Janet | Report | 9 May 2012 07:38 |
If I could find out how it came to be at auction ..........(we did ask) I might stand more of a chance at adding to the little I know about him ! |
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LadyScozz | Report | 9 May 2012 02:31 |
A relative of mine was (postumously) awarded the MM during WW1 |
Porkie_Pie | Report | 9 May 2012 00:18 |
My son will have my medals and if when he goes his son does not she due respect they will go to the regimental museum with my sons medals |
Rambling | Report | 8 May 2012 23:58 |
I think it depends really, I have lots of photo's which I certainly wouldn't part with, odds and ends with no great monetary value like my grandmother's sampler which I am very glad to have....but then my sibling and I both have children, who may ( or their children may) be interested to have the items when I kick it. |
Researching: |
WhiffingSiggs | Report | 8 May 2012 22:24 |
Bargain Janet, I found my girlfriends Great Grandfather's Indian Mutiny medal had sold at auction for £1900. None of the family know how it came to be in an auction, they have a lot of memorabilia relating to him and wouldn't get rid of it. |
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WhiffingSiggs | Report | 8 May 2012 22:21 |
Disgusted, sickened, horrified, no soul. |
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Janet | Report | 8 May 2012 18:25 |
My brother and I forked out £120 at auction to buy my paternal grandad's older brother's WW1 medals back for our family ! |
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JustDinosaurJill | Report | 8 May 2012 16:37 |
It's one of the reasons I won't watch that programme the other being the slimy presenting by the various. |
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wisechild | Report | 8 May 2012 13:30 |
The woman with the sampler withdrew it because her daughter said she wanted to keep it for the granddaughter. |
Vera2010 | Report | 8 May 2012 12:33 |
Someone had planned to sell a sampler by her great grandmother to get money to move a caravan around. Fortunately she changed her mind at the last minute (or perhaps never intended to sell in the first place - dramatic licence and all that). |
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brummiejan | Report | 8 May 2012 12:12 |
Most of us would give anything to have these in our possession. Some people just have no soul. What can you do? |
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Porkie_Pie | Report | 8 May 2012 12:10 |
I cannot for the life of me understand why a son would do this with his fathers medals and pictures, |
Slartibartfast | Report | 8 May 2012 12:03 |
Those of you who know me on this forum will know that I like a little rant now and again. |