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Mansfields....the plot thickens
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Lesley | Report | 4 May 2012 22:50 |
GF noted on MC 1919 John Henry Mansfield (Aged 23 yrs) born c1896/7 London Marylebone. |
brummiejan | Report | 4 May 2012 22:55 |
So - just to clarify - I take it you know the marriage is correct? Not sure about birthplace being on it, seems a bit unusual! |
Researching: |
Lesley | Report | 4 May 2012 23:29 |
Hi Janet, you have helped me before. Through you I have managed to connect to long lost cousin in England, she wrote that GF had so many names that no one knew what to call him and GM said to everyone just to call him Jack. |
brummiejan | Report | 4 May 2012 23:39 |
Might have been nice to have your mother's birth cert, but as you say how many Mansfield/Edge marriages can there be? And I assume you know your grandmother's name? |
Researching: |
Lesley | Report | 4 May 2012 23:44 |
Hi Jan again, have located only one BC for a Henry.... Henry William born 1896 in Marylebone London. Also fits with the known and assumed info. Definite about where he was born, as family tales confirm. |
Lesley | Report | 4 May 2012 23:47 |
Have mums BC which definitely shows; |
Lesley | Report | 4 May 2012 23:52 |
GF DC shows his Death 8/10/1973 which fits with my mother going to England that year. |
brummiejan | Report | 4 May 2012 23:57 |
I just wonder if he used whatever name he felt like! Maybe he was baptised with several. Thank goodness you have that occupation to sort things out! |
Researching: |
brummiejan | Report | 4 May 2012 23:59 |
The same Henry 1871 - french polisher. Interesting his father was William: |
Researching: |
Lesley | Report | 5 May 2012 00:03 |
I suppose that the legal requirements of the day meant that you didnt have to have BC to get married? Yes it is the French Polisher detail that I have used to find ancestors.... how many french polishers of London married Elizabeths from Scotland and had child, Henry...John, James, William??? So that is what i have based my research around. Also the sister Violet... I am intrigued as to why he used the different ones for each legal document except for the DC of course he could do that one... why the necessity for using aliases... was it just a whim. |
brummiejan | Report | 5 May 2012 00:12 |
Well, I haven't done anything really, but when you weigh it up you really must have the right family. Goodness knows why he used all these name variants, but people just do! My great grandfather used his middle name all his life, including when he married and on children's birth certs. He even said his name was Horace John and everyone called him Jack - but he was born Harris Horace!! I doubt they even knew his real first name.. My husband's grandmother meandered around a few surnames, and various of her 3 forenames - she never married her 2nd 'husband' but happily used his name when she felt like it! |
Researching: |
Lesley | Report | 5 May 2012 00:22 |
Hi Jan, You have found my GGF..thank you thank you thank you. Henry French Polisher at 14 yrs. His son is the John James Henry William of the aliases married to GM. William is indeed a family name. |
Lesley | Report | 5 May 2012 00:31 |
Hi Jan, Your family sounds as fascinating as mine! Thanks again for all you help, takes us another step further on the path to where did I come from. |