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petition notices in the London Gazette

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Elma Report 29 Apr 2012 18:20


Thanks for this information. This is really useful. I am a desendant of John Latham but the John Andrew Dryden, I believe to be an in-law as Johns wife, Mary Alice, surname is Dryden to this will help me. Re the gazette info. This seems to show that John Andrew Dryden may have had the original idea and let it lapse. But interestingly, he was working with a William Perkins - John Lathams mothers maiden name is Emma Perkins. I may be from a family of inventors. lol.

The patent you refer to is January 1877 but the one I have is later October 1977 and I believe there may even be a later one, February 1878.

Cheers for your help. Any more suggestions or finds gratefully recieved.


Gee Report 29 Apr 2012 13:25

Have a look at this


Gee Report 29 Apr 2012 13:23

1881 England Census
about John A. Dryden
Name: John A. Dryden
Age: 37
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1844
Relation: Head
Spouse's Name: Catherine C. Dryden
Gender: Male
Where born: Ashford, Kent, England

Civil parish: Charlton Next Woolwich
County/Island: London
Country: England

Street Address: 3 Champion Ter Blackheath Rd
Condition as to marriage: Married

Occupation: Inspector S Eastern Rly

Registration district: Woolwich
Sub-registration district: Charlton
ED, institution, or vessel: 7
Neighbors: View others on page
Piece: 741
Folio: 17
Page Number: 25
Household Members: Name Age
John A. Dryden 37
Catherine C. Dryden 36
George J. Dryden 14
John H. Dryden 8
Kate Dryden 3

On earlier censuses he is listed as a lamp maker so I guess he and the others mentioned in your post invented some kind of lamp for the railway?


Elma Report 29 Apr 2012 13:00

My ancestor John Latham and his friends, placed a notice in the London Gazette that reads:

the county of Middlesex, Civil Engineer,
and John Latham, of Folkestone, in the county
of Kent, Gentleman, and John Andrews Dryden,
of Elsley-road, in the county of Surrey, have
given the like notice in respect of the invention
of " improvements applicable to railway carriage
As set forth in their petition, recorded in the said
office on the 27th day of August, 1877.

I guess this means that they invented something so my question is where would I go to find more details about this?

Grateful for any help and advice.
