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David Report 22 Apr 2012 11:28

I caught a tail end of Who do you think you are last night.

You've probably seen the one.
It went back to Howard,wife of Henry VIII.
From there it went in stages to William the Conquerer.
Even further back it had JESUS in it.
Much further back it arrived at Caine and Abel sons of Adam and Eve...
And at the head of the tree GOD


DazedConfused Report 22 Apr 2012 11:43

Yes, that was Matthew Pinsent's episode.

The reason is that he comes from a 'well to do family' and their tree has been done a very lond time ago (medieval I think).

It was done at a time when people wanted the tree to go back to God. Quite a common style of tree for the time when it was produced.


Porkie_Pie Report 22 Apr 2012 11:50

Yes proof that Fantasy family trees are not a resent phenomena



JustDinosaurJill Report 22 Apr 2012 17:35

The Medieval genealogists created trees in this fashion because the Monarch wished to display his devine right to rule and this is why all the old trees which were created hundreds of years ago, when they reached a point of not being able to provide the line to a real person then diverted to Adam, Eve, Jesus and God. It was more to support the ego of the Monarch rather than aimed at anything even remotely accurate.

Matthew Pinsent's WDYTYA is one of my favourites.



David Report 22 Apr 2012 21:12

Someone once explained that the two differant geaneologies of Jesus,shewn in Luke and Mathew.
One was through his Fathers line though King David to establish Kingship and the other through his Mother went through the Patriachs to Adam son of GOD