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Soldiers Wills

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LollyWithSprinklez Report 22 Apr 2012 01:14

Not sure I fully understand about the order of availability and don't want to rush the year away, but the earlier records will be of great interest and may break down a few brickwalls if i am lucky enough to find my ancestor in the 300,000.

Thanks Elizabeth :-)


ElizabethK Report 21 Apr 2012 12:28

The following is an extract from a recent meeting of the FFHS

" Soldiers Wills
The discovery of 300,000 Soldiers Wills in boxes which have never been entered in the Calenders and will become available on-line by the end of the year is of great interest.

They cover the Crimean War,the 1st WW and the 2nd WW,no mention was made of the Boar War.
They apply to non commissioned officers

The order of which it is thought Wills and Administrations will come on-line is:

Probate 2006 to current
1996 to 2005
1940 to 1995
1858 to 1900
1901 to 1939

There was some discussion as to whether the last two were in the correct order of availability

The using of the Calenders will be the same as looking at a book and turning the pages ."

Assume these will be at the National Archives ?