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London dock strike 1898

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CuriousFish Report 10 Apr 2012 21:30

I am not sure if anyone can help me with this, but it is worth asking as I do not know where else to address my enquiry to.

In a newspaper article dated August 29 1889 it states tthat a

'document was signed by various people representing Stevedores Sailors and Firemen unions and most important London trades addressed to all the workers of London trades in reply to the refusal of the directors to meet the demands of the dock labourers'.

At the head of the list of names is of course Ben Tillet, but further along is the name Geo Pirrett and further down is a G Harvey. Both of these names are associated with my family tree.

I am keen to find out if these were indeed my great grandfathers. The time frame is right and both lived in close proximity to the docks so would have I believe been employed on the docks.

I am waiting to hear from the modern equivialent of that union,. But is there any clever person on Genes who can direct my search?


Rambling Report 10 Apr 2012 22:23

Might be worth a look here if you haven't already that is,


Janet Report 11 Apr 2012 07:55


There is much about Ben Tillet on the British Newspaper Archive, says he was the General Secretary of the Dockers Union.

Full text of "Cattle ships;"
F. J. Falding, D.D., ex-President of the Congregational Union, where, .... of it, but I dare say there is not a poor devil of a seaman who has been before the mast ..... But George Pirrett, the local secretary to the Seamen's Union (and I mention it to ...

could be your George Pirrett?



DazedConfused Report 11 Apr 2012 13:06

You could also contact the Docklands Museum - just google and you should be able to get a contact number and address.

Don't email them, I did about 6 years ago and am still waiting for a reply!!

I have found over the years a phone call will often be the best bet as you can tell what you are hoping to find out and then you can be told what they can or can not do for you. :-)


CuriousFish Report 12 Apr 2012 20:58

Yes I have come back., it is not always easy for me to get back online. Bu ti am so grateful for the answers.
I work fairly near to the Docklands Museum, and visited at lunch time, but didn't learn anything I didn't alredy know. it is an interesting place though.

Thanks Rambling Rose, I didn't know about that parish registers site. i wil check it out.

Janet, thank you so much for that link about hte Cattle Ships in the article it actaully gives an address for eorge Pirrett. at 23 Ford

as always the incredibly helpful fol of GR have worked thier magic. Gold stasr to you all
Street, Canning Town,


CuriousFish Report 13 Apr 2012 13:12

Well that reply was a bit bumble fingerd wasn't it :-(
Never mind. What I mean to say was a big thank youto all the helpful folk at GR and the article mentioned gave that Geo Pirret's address as 23 Ford Street Caningtown :-)


Janet Report 13 Apr 2012 15:41


Does that address match up with what you have on your tree ? was it the correct man ? There's a photo of him too on page 88 ?

This is the 1891 census transcription for the address given

PERRETT, George Head Married M 36 1855 Marine Fireman
Stands Lanarkshire Scotland
PERRETT, Annie Wife Married F 34 1857
Poplar London
PERRETT, David Son M 9 1882 Scholar
Canning Town London
PERRETT, Georgina Daughter F 8 1883 Scholar
Canning Town London
PERRETT, Arthur Son M 5 1886 Scholar
Canning Town London
PERRETT, Jessie Daughter F 4 1887 Scholar
Canning Town London
PERRETT, George Son M 2 1889
Canning Town London
PERRETT, Annie Daughter F 0 1891
Canning Town London
HOLLAND, Caroline Wife Married F 25 1866
West Ham London

RG number:
RG12 Piece:
1319 Folio:
117 Page:

Sub District:
West Ham Enumeration District:
17 Ecclesiastical Parish:
St Lukes

Municipal Borough:
West Ham Address:
23, Ford Street, Canning Town, West Ham County:



Janet Report 13 Apr 2012 16:43

possible marriage?

Surname First name(s) District Vol Page
Marriages Jun 1880 (>99%)
Dwyer Annie W. Ham 4a 98
Perrett George West Ham 4a 98


Janet Report 13 Apr 2012 17:50

1901 George appears to have died, notice Susan Dwyer (re above marriage)

WILLS, Henry G Head Widower M 40 1861 Hairdresser
PooleDorsetshire VIEW
DWYER, Susan Boarder Widow F 68 1833
BristolGloucestershire VIEW
PIRRETT, Annie Boarder Married F 40 1861
Canning Town Essex VIEW
PIRRETT, Georgina Boarder Single F 18 1883
Canning TownEssex VIEW
PIRRETT, Andrew Boarder Single M 15 1886
Canning TownEssex VIEW
PIRRETT, Isabella Boarder Single F 10 1891
Canning TownEssex VIEW
1583 Folio: 66 Page: 4 Registration District: West Ham

Civil Parish:
West Ham Municipal Borough:
93, Forty Acre Lane, West Ham County:


CuriousFish Report 13 Apr 2012 20:35

<3 Thanks janet,yyou have done very well for me. I have a picture of George as an older man and there certaily are similarities between the one on page 88 and the one that I have.
He emigrated to New zealand and died there in about 1921. His wife Annie remained in Engand. Family story had it that he had abandoned Annie and he children and was living with woman in NZ. Another distant cousin put that right for for me. Aparently, as Annie could not read, her sister opened the mailt. pocketed the money he sent and never told Annie that he wanted her and the children to come out to NZ. Siter didn't want Annie to go. And the woman he was livign with,w ell tht was his cousin.


Janet Report 13 Apr 2012 20:41


I would never profess to be an expert but I have my moments

have you found him going out to New Zealand?


CuriousFish Report 13 Apr 2012 20:59

I've just set the two pictures side by side and yes I am now sure that he is the one. How about that for serendipity. Over the long weekend I went through a pile of disks that had come with family tree magazines. I quickly flicked through some of the back issues incuded, and the title of an article about the dock strike caught my eye. Thinking it might give me a bit more insight into the lives of my ancestor I read it and there were the names pirrett and Harvey. And the rest is they say history.
His daughter Georgina is my maternal grandmother
Thakns GR people. i would never have found teh picture without you


Janet Report 13 Apr 2012 21:58

Do you have the 1911 for Georgina ?

this gives not only the places they were born but the addresses too ?

PIRETT, Annie Head Widow F 53 1858 London
14 Guildford Rd Poplar
HALL, Georgina Daughter Married F 27 1884 Essex Brunell St Canning Town
HALL, Herbert Grandson M 5 1906 Essex
31 Cundy Rd Custom House
PIRETT, Isabella Daughter Single F 19 1892
Sorting Confectionery Essex
9 Albany Rd Tidal Basin
WILLS, Harry Lodger Widower M 50 1861
Hair Dresser Baiter Poole Dorset
RG number:
RG14 Piece:
9516 Reference:
RG14PN9516 RG78PN508 RD188 SD4 ED46 SN191

Registration District:
West Ham Sub District:
Canning Town Enumeration District:
46 Parish:
West Ham

67 Denmark St Plaistow County: