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A silly question re christenings.

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Harry Report 1 Apr 2012 20:55

It seems to me that my family pre 1837, christen the first child and leave no trace of any subsequent children. Happened in two different generations.

If someone could suggest a religion or whatever that did that my search would be eased. Reasonably sure they stayed put in the same location.

Happy days


**Ann** Report 1 Apr 2012 21:02

Harry................have you searched quite a few years down the line? I have found quite a few "job lots" where the eldest sibling was around 16 at the time..............think it was cheaper by the dozen!!



Harry Report 1 Apr 2012 21:27

Done that thanks Ann. William (for one) was christened in 1803.(Hays). No more from that marriage recorded, but i keep finding other Hays on the 1841 etc, born in cheltenham circa 1803, but no record anywhere of the birth.

That happened again with the son William, 1832. Those born after 1837 have records, of course.

thanks for your interest Happy days


Joy Report 1 Apr 2012 21:39

It's all just to keep you on your toes, Harry ;-)

Good to see you :)


Barry_ Report 1 Apr 2012 22:10

... my wife's Gtgrandfather was Christened in Lincolnshire (he was not born there) when he was in his 30s, after three of his six children were Christened.


Harry Report 1 Apr 2012 22:21

Thank you Barry. As I have said before, I'm old enough to be asking them in person before long.

Best wishes Happy days


ErikaH Report 1 Apr 2012 23:20

Christening occurs only among Christians

Other religions have different ceremonies

Are you 100% certain that the children to whom you refer are actually siblings?

Where have you found the records? On the IGI, which isn't complete?

Or at the Gloucestershire County Records office?


Harry Report 1 Apr 2012 23:47

Joy - lovely to hear from you.

Reggie. Sure the two christened in 1832 and 1803 were siblings. Can't find any others apart from very much might be's..
Ancestry; find my past; IGI; records office; Ancestry ;private research.; over about ten years. Just clutching at straws now.

Happy days


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 2 Apr 2012 00:09

Have you considered that they may have been Catholic or non-conformist?

You could have a look at for the latter?


Kay???? Report 2 Apr 2012 08:07

Hi Happy Harry~~~

Not all parish registeres survived,,,,,some were thrown away ,some got destroyed by water,fire etc,,,,,,the IGI can only transcribe what they have been allowed to, have you tried the Bishop Transcripts entires,BT can be found at most Arcives or RO local to the area, Entires from the PR were sent to the Bishop to be recorded at the time,,,,,,

Chris in Sussex

Chris in Sussex Report 2 Apr 2012 08:14

Certainly worth looking at the Non Conformists.

I have a family happily having children baptised in the local church and then stopped. Discovered two recorded in Dr Williams Library records before 1837 and then the last registered as normal after the start of civil registration in 1837.

The family had joined the 'Peculiars', who did not carry out baptisms, but they obviously still wanted the births recorded...Probably so there was no arguement when they were in front of the Poor Law Officials :-D



WhiffingSiggs Report 2 Apr 2012 09:14

Have you actually viewed the parish records for every year? I couldn't trace my line for a long time then I found the DOB was 3 years wrong and lo and behold there was the man I was looking for along with a clutch of siblings. But it was copies of the parish records that I found them in that haven't been published on a genealogy site.


Harry Report 2 Apr 2012 10:55

Many thanks for the latest replies. Much appreciated. Think i have explored every avenue over time.
Think I have to find a trace of Willm and Mary Hays in Cheltenham circa 1803, which has proven impossible thus far, apart from the brief details above. I've even been to the church where the christening took place.
The children all turned out to be gardeners, which might be a clue. (is that one up from ag lab?).

Happy days


Andysmum Report 2 Apr 2012 15:33

One of my ancestral lines all became converted to Methodism in the mid 1700's, but continued to be baptised etc in the C of E parish church because there was no alternative. Then they built a methodist church in the village and from about 1820 all baptisms took place there. Because the parish church was a three mile walk, virtually the whole village switched to the new methodist church. This caused great consternation in the C of E heirarchy and they promptly set about building a new parish church!!

So my family are all on parish records until about 1820 and then they just "disappear". The methodist records are still held by the church and do not appear to have been transcribed anywhere.


Harry Report 2 Apr 2012 19:17

My last call on this one unless someone has a magic wand. Thanks Andysmum - interesting story. Who knows what's hidden.?

Happy days