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I.D. Discs - UK Armed Forces
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ChrisofWessex | Report | 31 Mar 2012 13:44 |
Would explain OH in RAF, was in Germany most of time. Brother in Cyprus during Eoka and Borneo 64-65. |
Andysmum | Report | 31 Mar 2012 12:50 |
My OH was in the Royal Navy and he thinks that the sailors wore them but the officers didn't. This was peacetime and during the war everybody wore them in all the Armed Forces. According to Google they were made of aluminium (which doesn't corrode) and were first used during the Boer War. |
DazedConfused | Report | 31 Mar 2012 11:42 |
I have my fathers army dog tags c.1944-1948 |
Researching: |
MargaretM | Report | 30 Mar 2012 21:38 |
I'm fairly sure that they were used in the Air Force also. My daughter in the Canadian Air Force has one. |
Researching: |
Joy | Report | 30 Mar 2012 21:30 |
If no one knows for certain here, you could try posting in here: |
ChrisofWessex | Report | 30 Mar 2012 21:27 |
I may not have expressed myself clearly. I can recall brother's it was made of metal, had name, number, religion, blood group that I can recall, now he was in the Army. On the other hand OH served in RAF and says he never wore one. |
mgnv | Report | 30 Mar 2012 21:18 |
Margee - I think you're right for the Brits. |
MargaretM | Report | 30 Mar 2012 19:55 |
I believe they were used as early as WW1. Think they were made of a type of pressed cardboard at the time. |
Researching: |
ChrisofWessex | Report | 30 Mar 2012 15:44 |
Which branch wore them? Interesting conversation came up today - OH served RAF 1956-1960 never wore one. Sibling in Infantry from 1958-1967 did. |