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Cornish Susie | Report | 29 Mar 2012 20:02 |
I have been given permission to look at someone else's tree to gain info about a common ancestor. I've put in his name and dob, the box with his name has come up and I've then clicked on his name. However then it just goes straight back to the bottom of the tree showing the owner's name and close relatives. I've tried this several times, and with other common ancestors in her tree, but no luck. Can anyone please tell me what I'm doing wrong? |
WhiffingSiggs | Report | 29 Mar 2012 20:05 |
Try going to your 'old tree' and then use the 'view other trees' box in the top right ? |
Researching: |
Cornish Susie | Report | 29 Mar 2012 20:17 |
Thankyou, that works a treat! Wonder why it doen't work on the new tree system tho? I think I'll email Genes Help line to see if there is a problem. |