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A much pondered question - which program?

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+++DetEcTive+++ Report 29 Mar 2012 20:43

Family-historian has a users group called FHUG, as it would ;-)

The technical minded hobbiests design and make freely available various plug ins to download. One which is very useful is 'Ancestral Sources' with which you can create sourced attributes and events from cenus, baptisms and marriages. Death certificate and burials are planned.

After many years, I upgraded to V4 in Oct when blow me, if they didn't introduce V5 which has a better 'look' to it. Both v4 & v5 are from the previews, in my opinion, visually bettter than the previous versions.

You are probably correct to say that people prefer the FH progs they are familiar with.


Paula Report 29 Mar 2012 18:02

I use Legacy, tried some of the others when I first started. Legacy gave you the full program if I remember right but you couldn't print all the reports or see some of the views i.e. chronological. I have now used the deluxe (paid) version for a few years and it's only had about 2 major upgrades otherwise the updates for each version are free.

Take a look, see what you think-


InspectorGreenPen Report 29 Mar 2012 14:29

Whilst FTM does come bundled with an Ancestry sub the cheapest upgrade at less than £20 with one months sub is still good value.

However, you have no need to update every year at all. Granted each new issue has some new features but as long as you have FTM 2010 or later (2008 / 2009 had teething problems) you will be fine.

FTM 2006 and earlier is a completely different program and is no longer being updated but nevertheless is still good value for money.


Andysmum Report 29 Mar 2012 10:40

I also use FTM 2005 and find it perfectly OK for what I want to record. There is frequent discussion on the boards on this matter and the general consensus seems to be that people like what they try first and are not so keen on anything different. (OK, I know there will be exceptions!).

I used the free months on Ancestry that came with FTM and didn't bother to renew. Now I use GR, the many free sites and currently The Genealogist , which is good for census returns, although some of the transcriptions are a bit weird. I haven't yet decided whether to renew the subscription.


LadyScozz Report 29 Mar 2012 00:32

Hi Jon

I've been using RootsMagic for years, I have Version 4.

No idea what's in Version 5, if there's anything special I haven't missed it.

I find RM easy to use, I get regular emails from them with updates.

I tried FTM when I was looking for software, didn't like it very much.



KathleenBell Report 29 Mar 2012 00:31

I'm like GlitterBaby - I use FTM 2005 and have never given a thought to updating to a newer version. I don't add much to my tree these days so don't feel the need for all the bells and whistles of new software.

At the moment I use Findmypast for searches.

Kath. x


GlitterBaby Report 28 Mar 2012 22:55

I still use FTM 2005 and do not feel the need to update it

Does most of what I want.

Have you tried the free one from familysearch ?No idea about it as never tried it

Free PAF Family History Software
Personal Ancestral File (PAF) is a free genealogy and family history program. PAF allows you to quickly and easily collect, organize and share your family history and genealogy information.


Jenpen Report 28 Mar 2012 22:20

I use Find my Past for searching records + Family Historian software



DevonJon Report 28 Mar 2012 22:15


I did search to find previous discussion. Not as much as expected or very recent so......

I've used FTM for last few years.

I am starting to fall out of love with it ! For many reasons but primarily the feeling of being bound to it. FTM is being updated every year (cost to 'keep with it' ) and the annual sub is not cheap on top. Its that 'every little helps' approach to locking you in - I'm being Tesco'd and I'm left desiring to try the data sources on Geneologist / find my past etc. I'm left wondering am I to pay Ancestry for every year for life ?

Anyway.... I'm left looking at Family Historian and Roots magic.

Have downloaded the trials , giving them a test run and I just can't make mind up. :-S

Roots looks easier on eye , family historian looks kinda bleak and rough n ready (but I gather its a real fave).

I need the change from FTM but where do I hop ?

Any thoughts gratefully received.