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Family Photos but you have no idea who they are..?

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Janet Report 28 Mar 2012 10:13

I would think it is always wise to save photos. Through being on this site I eventually made contact with a second cousin through a gr member. He had several photos which he asked me to identify, including one of my mother with her sister. He had wrongly named my mum as another cousin. I was able to identify several people including his own grandmother.

For me to be able to get a photograph of my mum aged about 9 and her sister taken probably about 1916 was wonderful and they are both looking at me from the photo frame as I type this.-jl


Lynn Report 27 Mar 2012 21:59

I had to do some detective work on mine and luckily there was a date on the back. When i looked at the photo of my grandad, i noticed the other photo was taken in the same studio. I was able to work out he was the first born child on another marriage of my grandfather and both my mum and I had never realised after all this time, that it was her half brother that she never knew anything about. He sadly died young, we found out later. So sad.


trafiklitedol Report 27 Mar 2012 21:28

Am in the same position as Ann. Have two albums of my Uncle's family(by Marriage) and they have no interest in their family history. Will keep all photographs just (incase) grand-children show an interest.


Ann Report 27 Mar 2012 19:50

I have been left a lot of old photos too. So frustrating isn't it when you don't know who they are! I can't bring myself to throw them away and have made an album for unidentified relatives!

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 27 Mar 2012 18:24

It would be rather unlikely that someone will recognise the person, but maybe people could help with era or knowing eg. a country house in the background.
Certainly it you have found tree matches and established a link, you could share photos. People might feature in both families collections and so good possibilities for names might be found then.



ThornlessRose Report 27 Mar 2012 17:45

Im sure i can not be alone ive a few photos and dont know who they are, and a few ive been able to find out a first name on..?

I see here they have a photo gallery do you think its worth me putting them on in the hope someone else sees them and may know who they are..?
