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New charges for Irish searches

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BeverleyW Report 26 Mar 2012 22:36

On the rootsireland site:

From 22nd March 2012: The Online Research System is now using a credit system. All user balances have been upgraded to the new credit system automatically. There has been a reduction in the cost of a single record from €5.00 to as low as €2.50, depending on the amount of credits purchased. However, all users will be charged 1 credit for a page of 10 index search results at 00.10 cent (EURO) per page. Every user will be given 10 free searches to familiarize themselves with the system.

To view the results of any single search up to a maximum of 10 results per page will cost 1 credit.

Any single record will cost 25 Credits .


Clover Report 29 Mar 2012 04:54

Hi BeverleyW,

Just had a look, so now even though the index searches are free for the first 10, am i correct in saying that in future we will not be able to do any search unless we pay x amount of euros up front???.
I have used it alot, but if the person that i was looking for had a Baptismal record and a Civil registerion i would not need to go into the data, i used to go to familysearch and get it there cheaper from G.R.O. so this is stopping that now.


BeverleyW Report 29 Mar 2012 11:15

I've only actually bought certificates from this site on one occasion but I have used the 'search' function a lot. It looks like the Advanced Search option has disappeared so searching for a common surname could now be pretty costly.

I haven't been interested enough to do any sums but I have read elsewhere that buying credits in bulk, in large numbers, to get the proportionate discounts, isn't too bad, but for the casual user it will work out very expensive.
They say they want to emulate ScotlandsPeople, you could've fooled me.

Searching for Irish ancestors has always been a headache, I don't think I will be bothering any more, unless like you say, familysearch can come to the rescue.