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German Books: Hans Peter Woile

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Andysmum Report 18 Mar 2012 17:17

Also from Google, Fliegende Blatter seems to have been a weekly publication of cartoons, and there is an English description of it in Wikipedia.


Andysmum Report 18 Mar 2012 17:08

If you put Hans Peter Woile into Google, it comes up with a lot of German websites. Against the top one it says "translate this page" and this is the result.

Akademie der Kunste

Literary Archives: Pelle Hedgehog Archives

Pelle hedgehog (di Hans Peter Woile)
Writer, 1905-1982

Archive and library, 0.1 m., 354 vols
Correspondence, including his literary and propaganda activities, the court trials against Communist Party members and a trial of Hans Peter Woile, autobiographical material, print receipts of poems, pamphlets, playbills, invitations and posters.
Library: Primary literature, fiction, poetry, history and fine arts subject areas, with underlinings and marginal notes, journals, documentation.

It sounds as though the book may have been Communist propoganda or something similar, which might explain why it was banned in Germany.


Shazzlou Report 18 Mar 2012 15:18

I hope i have posted on correct board? I have a relative on my tree who was German she had a book by Hans Peter Woile Gouvernment Militaire en allemagne i have heard this book was banned can anyone tell me more about it? Also i have a book of hers Fliegende Blatter (falling leaves) also is there anyone available on here who can translate German?? Thank you any help much appreciated!!