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Ancestry Problems

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Vivienne Report 11 Mar 2012 06:23

Everytime I try to log in to it takes me to I live in Australia but until yesterday had no trouble logging into the UK site which I much prefer for searching for records.


brummiejan Report 11 Mar 2012 10:31

Not sure about logging straight in, but you can transfer by using the options to 'visit our other sites'. This is found in the bottom right corner of the homepage.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 11 Mar 2012 10:44

That's a good tip brummiejan - you may have to sign in again once you have changed to another domain, but if you tell your computer to 'remember me', it shouldn't be too much of a hassle.

Switching to a different domain does enable the site to prioritise the record database you want to search. Eg, if, in your case, you want Australian ones, select, or UK ones Similarly, there are sites for the US and Canada. When you switch, it does take you back to the home page, which can be a nuisance at times!